Setting up the environment necessary to run OpenMRS on my system turned out to be quite the process. I think that the major reason that it gave me so much trouble was all of the previous years of “stuff” that had gathered on my laptop. I have a Macbook Pro running OS X El Captain.
The installation procedure was relatively straight forward. You begin the process by downloading the OpenMRS repository from git hub and storing it in your desired location. After downloading is complete you build OpenMRS using Maven, and begin to set up the server. Once at this point, you navigate into the directory with the server and start it up. If this runs for you without complaining about anything, that wala! Your almost done! Mine however had many issues that were preventing it from installing. Many of my issues had to do with things that needed to be updated and properly assigned (i.e. Java). Once the server is going you need to install a GUI that you can use to interact with the OpenMRS system. For the purposes of this class we installed the Legacy UI.
For me the one issue that was continuously surfacing was the Java on my machine not lining up with the Java that the compiler was searching for. After many struggles and much consulting I finally got the Java pointing to the right directory. Once this was corrected everything ran perfectly, and there were no further errors.