Ankit Gupta
Week -9
Integration Testing
In this phase of testing, individual modules are combined and teste as a group. Data trasfer between the modules is tested thoroughly. Integration testing is carried out by tester.
- Wait for all modules to be developed.
- Time consuming
- Difficult to trace root cause of bugs.
other approach are, would be functional increment & sandwich – which is combination of top to down and bottom to up. The choice of approach chosen depends on the system architecture and location of high rish modules.
Once all the individual units are created and tested we can start doing the integrated testing.
- Used in top down approach
- top most modules is tested first
- dummy program of lower level components
- Used in bottom up approach
- lowest modules are tested first
- dummy program for higher level component
From the blog Ultra Code by Anonymous and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.