Author Archives: Abraham Passmore

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint 3 Retrospective


  • In this sprint, our primary focus was on rigorously testing the frontend developed during sprint 2, applying the insights and frameworks we had discussed with team 2. This sprint appeared significantly shorter than the extensive sprint 2, partly due to the lighter workload with a target of only 16 points. This more manageable workload allowed us some capacity to address and rectify lingering issues from the previous sprint.
  • The brevity of this sprint highlighted the importance of continuous integration and testing, which enabled us to quickly identify and resolve issues. Our collaborative efforts with team 2 proved invaluable, as their feedback directly influenced our troubleshooting and refining processes. Moving forward, maintaining this synergy and applying these practices consistently will be crucial for smoothing out any future bumps in our development process and enhancing the overall quality of our project.

Links to Activity on GitLab

Reflections on the Sprint

What Worked Well:

The standout success of this sprint was our group communication. Facing challenges as a team, rather than individually, significantly eased our problem-solving process. Our review procedures were effective, facilitating a focused approach towards achieving our objectives.

Areas for Improvement:

The primary challenge we encountered was time management, particularly as progress on the front end depended on having a working template. This dependency delayed our efforts, resulting in a hectic sprint conclusion. Better planning or earlier template availability might mitigate similar issues in future sprints.

Improvements for Team Performance

The team’s collaborative communication and problem-solving were key strengths this sprint, continuing a positive trend from the previous sprint. It’s crucial to sustain this momentum into the next sprint, incorporating some strategic improvements:

Improvements for the Next Sprint:

  1. Consistent Scheduling: To avoid the congestion experienced towards the end of the last sprint, establishing a more consistent schedule for meetings could help in better time management and distribute tasks more evenly throughout the sprint.
  2. Balanced Division of Labor: We should continue to monitor and adjust the workload among team members to ensure tasks are evenly distributed, preventing any team member from being overwhelmed while others have less to do.
  3. Streamlined Communication Channels: Building on our previous success, maintaining all critical communications in a centralized, organized, and easily accessible system will enhance clarity and continuity, aiding in more effective decision-making and problem-solving.

Personal Improvements

Reflecting on my personal challenges during this sprint, specifically around managing merge requests correctly, I see valuable opportunities for growth:

  1. Proactive Communication: To prevent and swiftly address any uncertainties or errors in my work, I commit to being more proactive in seeking feedback and clarifications from team members.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


As a student of computer science, encountering different tools that streamline coding processes is a cornerstone of my educational journey. One such tool that has caught my attention this semester is pytest, a testing framework for Python that allows for simple unit tests as well as complex functional testing. After a thorough exploration, here’s why I believe every budding software developer should dive into pytest’s documentation.

Why I Chose This Resource

The reason I chose to delve into the pytest documentation is twofold. Firstly, our course has increasingly emphasized the importance of test-driven development (TDD), a method pytest excels at supporting. Secondly, several industry professionals I look up to have recommended pytest for its simplicity and efficacy, making it an essential skill in a developer’s toolkit.

Summary of the Resource

The pytest documentation provides a comprehensive guide to getting started with pytest, from installation to writing your first test. It covers key features like fixtures for a scalable and modular setup, markers for categorizing tests, and plugins to extend pytest’s capabilities. The documentation is well-organized and rich with examples, making it accessible to newcomers and a valuable reference for experienced developers.

Personal Reflection and Application

Reading through the pytest documentation was an enlightening experience. It not only clarified the mechanics of pytest but also underscored the benefits of using such a tool in real-world programming. One of the standout sections was on ‘parametrized testing’, which illustrated how to execute multiple permutations of a test with different input sets, ensuring broader coverage with fewer lines of code.

This resource has profoundly affected my approach to programming. It has instilled a more disciplined mindset towards testing, making me appreciate how early detection of issues can save time and resources in the development cycle. I now plan to integrate pytest into my upcoming projects, confident that it will enhance the quality and reliability of my code.

Future Practice

The knowledge gained from the pytest documentation is something I intend to apply in all my future software development endeavors. I see it as a step towards adopting best practices in testing, which is vital for any aspiring software engineer dedicated to producing robust and fault-tolerant software.


For any student of computer science, understanding the tools at your disposal is as crucial as mastering programming concepts. The pytest documentation is a goldmine of information that promises to elevate your testing skills. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to embrace test-driven development fully.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Code Review Essentials: A Critical Tool for Development

Blog Entry:

As a student deeply involved in computer science, understanding the significance and methodologies of code review is pivotal. This week, I chose to delve into an article from freeCodeCamp, titled “Code Review: The Ultimate Guide,” which explores the intricacies of code reviews in software development. This resource is particularly relevant to our ongoing discussions in class about software quality and maintenance.

Summary of the Article:

The article comprehensively outlines what code review entails and why it is a critical practice in software development. It discusses the benefits, such as catching bugs early, improving code quality, and fostering team knowledge sharing. Moreover, it provides practical tips on how to conduct effective code reviews, emphasizing the importance of a constructive attitude and specific, actionable feedback.

Reason for Selection:

I selected this resource because, as we learn to code and develop software, understanding the peer review process is essential for professional growth and skill enhancement. This article not only complements our coursework but also offers practical advice that can be immediately applied in any coding environment.

Personal Reflection:

Reading about the detailed processes and benefits of code reviews has been enlightening. I learned that effective code reviewing goes beyond merely finding errors; it is about collaboration, learning, and improving as a team. This has changed my perspective on coding assignments and projects. Instead of viewing them as solitary tasks, I now see them as part of a broader, collaborative process.

I am particularly struck by the emphasis on the mindset and communication skills needed during code reviews. The idea that feedback should be constructive and focused on the code rather than the coder is something I plan to carry forward into my professional life. This approach not only minimizes potential conflicts but also enhances the learning environment, making it more open and conducive to improvement.

Application in Future Practice:

Going forward, I expect to apply the principles from this article in my class projects and eventually in my professional work. Understanding the dynamics of effective communication and feedback within code reviews will be crucial as I work with others on software development projects. This will help in creating more robust, error-free software and in building a supportive team environment.

It is an important skill for everyone regardless of their place in the chain of development. The principles also apply outside of the field of computer science as a successful review is a part of any team process.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective

Sprint 2 Retrospective


  • In this sprint we were focused on scaling up our productivity and getting the UI underway.
  • This sprint lasted longer than sprint 1 but ended up feeling very back heavy because we were delayed on working on the front end until we had access to the new template.

Links to Activity on GitLab

Reflections on the Sprint

What Worked Well?
  • Like the last, In this sprint I found that communication as a group was key to our success. Any problems that we faced were made much easier when we tackled them as a group instead of alone. I think that our review process was good and allowed us to effectively tackle our goals.
What Didn’t Work Well?
  • I think that the main thing that we struggled with was managing the time of this sprint, considering that we were halted in our efforts to make the front end until we had a working template to base ours off of. In the end we got it done after a busy end of sprint.

Improvements for Team Performance

The team’s ability to communicate and tackle problems collectively was a strong point during this sprint. It was an effective carry over from the last sprint and will hopefully be reflected in the next sprint as well with some of the following improvements:

  1. Keep a consistent schedule: In hopes to avoid a repeat of the last sprint where everything was stacked at the back of the sprint, It would be beneficial to manage our time better as a group with a more consistent meeting time.
  2. Division of Labor: we continue to ensure that one person does not get stacked with to much to do while others get left with little to work on.
  3. Streamlined Communication Channels: Same as the last sprint, ensuring that all discussions, especially those related to problem-solving and decision-making, are logged in an accessible and organized manner would help maintain clarity and continuity.

Personal Improvements

Reflecting on my personal challenges during this sprint, specifically around managing merge requests correctly, I see valuable opportunities for growth:

  1. Gitlab Use: I still struggle with some aspects of gitlab and hope to improve that for sprint 3.
  2. Proactive Communication: To prevent and swiftly address any uncertainties or errors in my work, I commit to being more proactive in seeking feedback and clarifications from team members.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Impact of Test-Driven Development: Insights from InfoQ

In my quest to deepen my understanding of effective software development methodologies, I delved into the principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD) through the article “Why Test-Driven Development Works” on InfoQ. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals and benefits of TDD, articulated through the lens of seasoned developers.

Why This Article?

I chose this article because of its practical approach and real-world relevance. InfoQ is known for its high-quality content aimed at software professionals, making it a reliable source for learning about cutting-edge practices like TDD. The article provides a mix of expert opinions and case studies, which helps bridge the gap between theory and practice—a crucial aspect for students and new developers.

Insights and Reflections

The article outlines the core process of TDD which involves writing tests prior to code, ensuring that software development is led by requirements that are continuously tested against. This process is detailed through the cycle commonly known as red-green-refactor:

  1. Red: Write a test that fails.
  2. Green: Write code that makes the test pass.
  3. Refactor: Improve the existing code with confidence.

What resonated with me was the emphasis on how TDD enhances code quality and robustness. By focusing on requirements before implementation, TDD helps prevent future defects and reduces the time spent on debugging and maintenance. Furthermore, the article discusses the psychological benefits of TDD—providing developers with immediate feedback and a sense of accomplishment, which can boost morale and productivity.

Reflecting on these aspects, I recognize the value of TDD not just in preventing bugs but in fostering a disciplined approach to software development. It instills a mindset of accountability and precision, which are invaluable traits for any developer.

Application to Future Practices

Adopting the principles discussed in the article, I plan to incorporate TDD into my academic projects and future professional work. Embracing the red-green-refactor cycle will be crucial, especially in collaborative environments where code quality and consistency are paramount. By practicing TDD, I expect to enhance not only the technical quality of my projects but also the collaborative dynamics within development teams.


The InfoQ article “Why Test-Driven Development Works” is an essential resource for anyone looking to implement TDD effectively. It offers a blend of theoretical underpinnings and practical advice, making it particularly useful for students and new developers. The insights gained from this article will undoubtedly influence my approach to software development, guiding me towards more structured, efficient, and reliable coding practices.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Expose Your Ignorance”: Transforming Vulnerability into Strength

Summary of the Pattern: “Expose Your Ignorance” is a pattern that challenges the common fear of appearing unknowledgeable in professional settings. It encourages individuals to openly acknowledge the areas in which they lack understanding or skill, rather than concealing their ignorance. This approach is presented as a method for accelerating learning and building genuine connections with colleagues who can provide support and knowledge. The pattern emphasizes that admitting ignorance is a step towards expertise, as it directly confronts what one needs to learn.

My Reaction: Encountering “Expose Your Ignorance” was both a relief and a revelation. It addresses a deep-seated fear many of us have: the fear of being judged for what we don’t know. This pattern not only normalizes but celebrates the act of admitting ignorance as a courageous step towards personal and professional growth. It has made me reconsider how I approach learning and collaboration, highlighting the value of vulnerability as a tool for building trust and fostering an environment where knowledge sharing is encouraged.

Insights and Changes in Perspective: This pattern has significantly shifted my perspective on learning and growth within professional contexts. Rather than viewing ignorance as a weakness, I now see it as an opportunity—an invitation to learn and to invite others into my learning journey. This change in mindset has encouraged me to be more proactive in asking questions and seeking out resources, knowing that each act of vulnerability brings me closer to the expertise I aspire to.

Disagreements and Critiques: While the ethos of “Expose Your Ignorance” is powerful, it’s important to acknowledge the varying degrees of safety within different workplace cultures for such vulnerability. In environments where admitting ignorance is not valued or might even be penalized, applying this pattern requires careful navigation. Thus, while I agree with the principle, its application must be adapted to the specific dynamics and culture of one’s workplace.

Conclusion: “Expose Your Ignorance” has profoundly influenced my approach to learning and professional development. It has taught me the strength in vulnerability and the importance of creating a culture that supports growth through openness and curiosity. I think that it is a very strong tool to learn new skills and to master old ones. I have used it many times in the past when feeling overwhelmed about a large task or a new topic. As I continue in my career, I am committed to living this pattern, fostering environments where ignorance is not a stigma but a starting point for collective learning and innovation.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

“Sweep the Floor”: Embracing Humility in Professional Growth

Summary of the Pattern: “Sweep the Floor” addresses the importance of humility and willingness to tackle basic, sometimes menial tasks in professional environments, especially for newcomers. This pattern suggests that by taking on simple, essential tasks that others may overlook or avoid, individuals can demonstrate their dedication, learn the intricacies of their environment, and gradually earn the trust and respect of their colleagues. It emphasizes that such tasks, though seemingly minor, play a crucial role in team dynamics and project success.

My Reaction: The principle of “Sweep the Floor” resonated with me immediately, highlighting an often-underappreciated aspect of professional life: the value of humility. In a culture that frequently celebrates only the most visible successes, this pattern serves as a refreshing reminder of the significance of foundational work. It speaks to the idea that every contribution, no matter how small it may seem, is vital to the collective effort and that recognition and respect are earned through consistent, reliable participation in all aspects of work.

Insights and Changes in Perspective: Reflecting on this pattern prompted me to reconsider my approach to team contributions and the opportunities to demonstrate value and build relationships through seemingly simple tasks. It has encouraged me to actively seek out and embrace these opportunities, recognizing them as stepping stones to deeper understanding and integration within a team. This perspective shift has not only made me more open to various forms of participation but has also deepened my appreciation for the complexities of teamwork and project management.

Disagreements and Critiques: One potential critique of “Sweep the Floor” could be that it risks reinforcing a hierarchical or outdated view of work, where newcomers are expected to prove themselves through less desirable tasks. However, I view this pattern not as a reinforcement of hierarchy but as an acknowledgment of the communal aspect of work, where every task, regardless of its perceived status, contributes to the greater goal. It’s crucial, though, to ensure that this principle is applied with fairness and does not exploit or undervalue anyone’s contributions.

Conclusion: “Sweep the Floor” has profoundly impacted my understanding of teamwork and professional development. It serves as a powerful reminder that humility, eagerness to contribute in any capacity, and recognition of the value in all tasks are essential qualities for personal growth and team cohesion. As I move forward in my career, I am inspired to apply this pattern, understanding that every action, no matter how small, can lead to significant impacts and lasting relationships within any professional setting.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Navigating the Nuances of Mock Testing: A Reflection

In the realm of software engineering, particularly within the course content of CS-401, the concept of mock testing stands out as a pivotal technique in the landscape of software testing methodologies. Recently, I delved into an insightful resource on mock testing , which offered a comprehensive exploration of its applications, benefits, and best practices.

Why This Resource?

Choosing this article stemmed from my quest to understand the intricacies of unit testing, especially how mock objects can simulate the behavior of real dependencies. The clarity and depth of the article provided a solid foundation, aligning perfectly with our coursework on advanced software development practices.

Insights Gained

The article elucidates mock testing as a technique where simulated objects, or “mocks,” replace system dependencies. This isolation allows for the rigorous testing of individual components without the overhead or unpredictability of their real counterparts. Notably, the piece highlighted the distinction between mocks, stubs, and fakes, demystifying their respective roles in a testing environment.

Personal Reflection

Engaging with the material, I was struck by the elegance of mock testing in decoupling code, facilitating a cleaner, more modular design. The practice of defining expectations for mock objects not only enforces a contract between different parts of a system but also embeds a level of documentation within the test itself. Reflecting on past projects, I recognize instances where a lack of isolation complicated both the development and testing phases. Moving forward, I’m keen to apply mock testing more judiciously, ensuring each component can be tested in isolation, thus enhancing test reliability and code quality.

Applying What Was Learned from this Resource

In future software projects, I plan to leverage mock testing to streamline the development process. By isolating external dependencies and focusing on the behavior of the system under test, I anticipate a more efficient debugging and validation process. Furthermore, the insights gained on best practices will be instrumental in avoiding common pitfalls, such as over-mocking, which can obscure the clarity and purpose of tests.


The exploration of mock testing through [Resource Title] has been both enlightening and validating, reinforcing the relevance of mock testing within our CS-401 curriculum. As the software complexity grows, so does the necessity for sophisticated testing methodologies. Mock testing, with its promise of isolation and focused validation, is a technique I look forward to mastering and applying in my journey as a software developer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Finding Your Path with “Craft over Art”: A Balance of Purpose and Passion

Summary of the Pattern:
“Craft over Art” is a pattern that addresses the tension between pursuing personal artistic aspirations and delivering work that serves a practical, often communal purpose. It suggests that while software development allows for creativity and self-expression, the primary goal should be to craft solutions that meet the needs of users, clients, or the community. This pattern encourages developers to find a balance between their artistic ambitions and the craftsmanship required to build reliable, usable, and maintainable software.

My Reaction:
The “Craft over Art” pattern deeply resonated with me. It articulates a dilemma I’ve often encountered: the desire to innovate and create freely versus the responsibility to deliver functional, user-centric solutions. This pattern has helped me appreciate the beauty and satisfaction that come from craftsmanship – the meticulous attention to detail and the joy of solving real-world problems. It underscores the importance of empathy and utility in our work, which I find both humbling and motivating.

Insights and Changes in Perspective:
Reflecting on this pattern prompted me to reevaluate how I approach my projects. I’ve started to see my work not just as a platform for personal expression but as an opportunity to impact others positively. This shift in perspective has made me more conscious of the users’ needs and the broader implications of my work. It’s a reminder that at the heart of technology lies the potential to improve lives, and this purpose should guide our creative and technical decisions.

Disagreements and Critiques:
While I agree with the core message of “Craft over Art,” I believe there’s room for a nuanced view that doesn’t see art and craft as opposing forces but as complementary aspects of creative work. The best solutions often come from a fusion of innovative thinking (art) and practical application (craft). Encouraging a dialogue between these aspects can lead to more holistic and innovative outcomes. Hence, while the pattern is valuable, it’s important not to diminish the role of artistic creativity in problem-solving.

“Craft over Art” has offered me a fresh lens through which to view my role as a developer. It has emphasized the importance of balancing personal creative aspirations with the responsibility to deliver practical, effective solutions. As I continue my journey in software development, I am inspired to embrace this balance, ensuring that my work not only satisfies a technical or aesthetic urge but also serves a greater purpose. This pattern is a powerful reminder of the impact our choices as developers can have on the world around us.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Unlocking the Power of Stubs in Software Testing

In the realm of software development, testing is a critical phase that ensures the quality and reliability of the product. This week, my exploration led me to a compelling resource that sheds light on an integral part of testing methodologies: the use of stubs. Stubs are simplified, replaceable components that mimic the behavior of real software modules, allowing testers to isolate and test individual parts of a program. The resource, an insightful article titled “A Comprehensive Guide to Stub and Mock Testing: Unveiling the Essence of Effective Software Testing” provided a comprehensive overview and practical advice that I found particularly enlightening.

The reason I selected this resource was its direct relevance to our current course material on software testing methodologies. As we delve into the complexities of ensuring software reliability, understanding the role of stubs becomes indispensable. This article not only introduces the concept but also illustrates its application with clarity and precision, making it an invaluable tool for beginners and seasoned developers alike.

Upon reading, I was struck by the depth of information presented. The article begins by defining stubs and differentiating them from other testing techniques such as mocks and drivers. It then delves into practical scenarios where stubs can significantly enhance the testing process, such as in unit testing and integration testing. The step-by-step guide on implementing stubs, complete with examples in popular programming languages, was particularly useful.

Reflecting on the content, I realized the importance of stubs in creating a controlled test environment. By simulating specific components, stubs enable testers to pinpoint errors more efficiently and focus on testing the functionality of individual units without the complexity of the entire system. This not only streamlines the testing process but also improves the accuracy of test results.

The application of what I learned from this article to my future practice is clear. I anticipate using stubs to conduct more effective and efficient testing, particularly in complex software systems where isolating components can be challenging. The hands-on examples provided will serve as a reference guide as I implement stubs in my projects.

For those interested in diving deeper into the subject, I highly recommend reading “A Comprehensive Guide to Stub and Mock Testing: Unveiling the Essence of Effective Software Testing” This resource has significantly enhanced my understanding of stubs in software testing and equipped me with practical skills that I look forward to applying in my future endeavors.

Resource Link:

As we continue to explore the vast landscape of software testing, I am excited to share more discoveries and insights. Stay tuned for more reflections and learning experiences.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Abe's Programming Blog by Abraham Passmore and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.