In our last chapter we focused on the importance of saying No as well as when and how to say no. Well, this chapter shows that knowing how to say yes in certain situation can also solidify our title as professionals. Saying “yes” is a verbal commitment and Roy Osherove splits it into three parts: saying you’ll do it, meaning it, and actually do it. The first part is easy for an individual to say. Saying you will do a certain task doesn’t not always signify that you mean it and it doesn’t always lead to completion. So how do we know who is actually committed? Well, we can confirm whether an individual is actually committed by identifying their choice of words. Using phrase like “We need to get this done”, “I hope to get this done”, or “I Wish i had time for that” are all phrases that shows signs of non-commitment. A person who is actually committed and takes responsibility for things would avoid using words like need, should, and wish. Instead, they will start their sentences with “I will” to express their commitment. Thus, putting them in a situation where they are obligated to getting the task done.
When saying “yes” we must consider all the possibilities such as deadlines, estimations, and our well-being. As a professional we can’t just simply say “yes” when we have to sacrifice discipline. Breaking discipline will only make things harder. The book gave an example of an employee named peter who was in a situation where he was considering sacrificing discipline to meet a deadline. It states that:
as a professional he has a responsibility to maintain certain standards. His code needs to be tested, and needs to have tests. His code needs to be clean. And he has to be sure he hasn’t broken anything else in the system.
We have responsibilities as developers to make sure under any circumstance, that our code is near perfection before release.
This leads to chapter 4 of the book which talks about coding and rules that can be followed. I can agree that working working when you are tired will not lead to a clean and applicable code. The best time to code is when your head is clear, when you’re well-rested, and in a decent mood. I listen to music all the time while coding. It was a surprise to see that the book mentions that it is actually not productive to listen to music while coding. I find it funny that the author accident wrote the lyrics of a song in the comments of his code. Even though that hasn’t happen to me, I’m sure it can happen in the future.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Adestin by adestinyblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.