Author Archives: CS@Worcester

Congratulations to the Class of 2012

Worcester State University
Computer Science
Class of 2012

May 2012

Matthew James Dellomo
Nathaniel Gager Doe (Cum Laude)
Christopher Matthew Embree
Jose Luis Fernandez Segura
Stephen Scott Flynn
James M. Forkey
Trevor Raymond Hodde
Marcos Emilio Knight
Coady LaCroix
Eduart Lekdushi
Eric Joshua Martin
Matthew Lawrence Morrissey (Cum Laude)
Long D. Nguyen
Daniel Wairegi Njoroge
Lee Alan Phillips
Michael John Simmarano (Summa Cum Laude)
Brian C. Strand
David Patrick Thompson (Magna Cum Laude)
Nadia Seher Zahid

December 2011

Jonathan Louis Feal
Erin Eveline McLaughlin
William Robert Meola
Brian Steven Wetherbee
Nicholas John Whalen

WSU Programming Team Takes 4th Place at CCSCNE 2012

The Worcester State University Programming Team took 4th place (out of 27) at the CCSCNE 2012 programming competition at Quinnipiac University in Hamden, CT. The members of the programming team were Chad Day Jr., Dillon Murphy, and David Thompson, coached by Dr. Aparna Mahadev. The team completed 4 out of 6 of the programming problems.

Here is the CCSCNE 2012 Programming Competition Score Sheet.

Graduating CS Students Lunch

Dr. Mahadev hosted a lunch for graduating CS students on Saturday, April 21, 2012.

(L-R) Dr. Hemant Pendharkar, Long Nguyen, James Feal, Matthew Morrisey, Jose Fernandez, Dr. Karl Wurst, Nicholas Whalen, Trevor Hodde, Daniel Njoroge, James Forkey, Coady LaCroix, Eduart Lekdushi (Not Shown: Dr. Aparna Mahadev, Dr. Elena Braynova)

The cake

CS Students and Faculty Attend Talk by Tom “Spot” Callaway from Fedora

CS Students James Forkey, Dillon Murphy, and Dave Thompson, and Professor Karl R. Wurst attended a talk by Fedora Engineering Manager Tom “Spot” Callaway, at Western New England University on Thursday, 1 December 2011. Spot talked about “This is why you fail and how to avoid it” using his Fail Meter, illustrating it with many amusing (and simultaneously frightening) examples from Open Source projects he has interacted with. The talk was hosted by Dr. Heidi Ellis as part of her Software Engineering class. Heidi has blogged about the talk here.

How to Contribute to This Blog

This blog was set up to act as an aggregator, so that faculty and students in the department can contribute posts about their classes, projects, or research. It is our hope that it will serve to build a community within the department, so that we can all learn about the cool and interesting things that the members of the department are doing.

The blog is running as a WordPress instance, with the FeedWordPress plugin doing the aggregation. It can aggregate posts from any blog that provides RSS or Atom feeds.

If you wish to contribute posts from your own blog to the WSU CS Department Blog, see the How to Contribute to This Blog page for instructions.