Author Archives: Alex Gupta

Ultra Code 2016-12-16 16:09:00

Ankit Gupta
Week – 12
Software Technical Reviews   

A review process can be defined as a critical evaluation of an object. It includes techniques such as walkthroughs. The objective of the reviews is to search out design weaknesses, faulty designs, or designs which may be cost drivers. Problems can often be identified early from the data item submissions, and attempts can be made to clarify these problems on a case-by-case basis before the review to avoid major problems and surprises at the meetings. Program includes a functioning requirement Research and Development. Technical reviews would be basic to monitor growth. Program includes a functioning requirement but no Research and Development. The system is mostly commercial off the shelf gear. It could include some non-developmental items and limited trainer unique equipment like brackets or cabinets to mount the COTS equipment or maybe some panels built to simulate to body of weapon. Limited technical reviews held in conjunction with scheduled progress reviews would be necessary. Program includes a performance specification  but no Research and Development. The system is all commercial off the shelf equipment. It could include some non-developmental items but no trainer unique equipment. If the software were complex, then limited technical reviews held in conjunction with scheduled progress reviews would be necessary. If the software is not complex, then only progress reviews might be necessary. Program includes a functioning requirement and no Research and Development. The Government is mostly concerned with schedule in this case as implementation is already determined and the contract type will be fixed price. Scheduled progress reviews would be all that is basic.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-12-16 15:25:00

Ankit Gupta
Week – 11

What is the good test case

Test case help us to discover the information. different types of tests cases are more effective for different classes of information. Tests case can be good in a variety of way.  No test case will be good in all of them. People tend to create test cases according to certain testing styles, such as domain testing or risk-based testing. Good domain tests are different from good risk-based tests. In my view, a test case is a question that you ask of the program. The point of running the test is to gain information, for example whether the program will pass or fail the test. It may or may not be specified in great procedural detail, as long as it is clear what is the idea of the test and how to apply that idea to some specific aspect feature, for example of the product. If the documentation is an essential aspect of a test case, in your vocabulary, please substitute the term “test idea” for “test case” in everything that follows. Find safe scenarios for use of the product find ways to get it to work, in spite of the bugs. Sometimes, all that you’re looking for is one way to do a task that will consistently work–one set of instructions that someone else can follow that will reliably deliver the benefit they are supposed to lead to. 

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-12-16 14:52:00

Ankit Gupta
Week – 10

Functional testing focus on what the system does, rather than how does it work.  Non functional testing is focus on what systen does and how it does. Both function are focus on behavior.  white box tests function system based on how does the system work from inside.
functional test bases on funtional requirements. Funtional tests are different than integration tests. A functional integration test will focus on the functionality of a collection of interfacing modules, usually in terms of the partial or complete user workflows, use cases, operations, or features these modules provide.A functional system test will focus on the functionality of the application as a whole, complete user workflows, use cases, operations, and features. A functional system integration test will focus on end-to-end functionality that spans the entire set of integrated systems.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-12-16 01:12:00

Ankit Gupta
Week -9
Integration Testing

In this phase of testing, individual modules are combined and teste as a group. Data trasfer between the modules is tested thoroughly. Integration testing is carried out by tester.

  • Wait for all modules to be developed.
  • Time consuming
  • Difficult to trace root cause of bugs.

other approach are, would be functional increment & sandwich – which is combination of top to down and bottom to up. The choice of approach chosen depends on the system architecture and location of high rish modules.
Once all the individual units are created and tested we can start doing the integrated testing.


  • Used in top down approach
  • top most modules is tested first 
  • dummy program of lower level components


  • Used in bottom up approach
  • lowest modules are tested first
  • dummy program for higher level component

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-12-16 00:37:00

Ankit Gupta
Software Testing Life Cycle

Contary to poular belief, software testing is not a just a single activity. it consists of series of activities carried out methodologically to help certify your software product. These activities constitute the software testing life cycle.
Requirent Analysis – during this phase, test team studies the requirements from a testing point of view to identify the testable requirements. The QA team may interact with various stakeholders to understand the requirements in detail.
Activities- identify types of tests to be performed.
grater details about testing priorities and focus.
Test Planning- This phase is also called test strategy phase typically, in this stage, a senior QA manager will determine effort and cost estimates for the project and would prepare and finalize the test plan.
Test Case Development- this phase involves creation, verification and rework of test cases & test scripts. test data, is identified / created and is reviewed and then reworked as well.
Test Environment setup- Test environment decides the software and hardware conditions under which a work product is tested. test environment setup is one of the critical aspect of testing process and can be done in parallel with test case development stage test team may not be involved in this activity if the customer team provides the test environment in which case the test team is required to do a readliness check of the given environment.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-11-05 12:37:00


Test Automation Language

Community management filed all the notifications for all the tester for the quater.lately is  seems whenever you turn on the radio, tv or looked at the newspaper flyer, you can’t avoid the back to school sals. I notice you explicitly sidestep this question in your article, but generally, the compiled languages have much more powerful capabilities that the scripted languages do not exception handling, multithreading, synchronization, namespaces to manage complexity, XML support. I struggled with Ruby on a legacy project for months. No, Ruby doesn’t even come close to doing what I needed it to do, but more on that below.
From extensive technical discussions on what is possible with Python, I think it’s close, but not quite there, and it’s definitely a poor choice for a large, complex project.
Generally, scripting languages are widely used for “test automation” but their limited capabilities restrict them to an outmoded understanding of what that automation is all about and where it brings business value – really, the answer to the question “Why are we doing this?”
C or C++ can probably do it, but it’s been a while since I’ve used those languages. Java can do it, too, if you don’t need realtime, but my preference is C# which is more modern, better-designed, much better libraries, and more OO than Java.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-11-05 11:52:00

Week 6

Python will continue to grow in Popularity
Students who is new with first coding language Python is easy to learn. As more manual testers move to automated software testing, and statrt learning programing languagefor the first time, esay to learn language like python.
Mobile app testing will go mainstream
In 2015 we saw a lot of investment in on premise and cloud based device farms, and with the recent entry of Amazon’s AWS device farm and google farm and google’s cloud test lab to increase the resulting in good news for testers
Its nice to see transformation from typical server based application to pragmatic shift towards use of web services. amazon has recognized years ahead and now reaping key benefits of early mover. web service testing is surely going to see new high specially with tool like soap, game has certainly charged.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-10-25 10:51:00

  • Week 3 – 7 October

Cross-browser Web testing tools

At this thime, there is a huge collection of competing browsers. In this situation, there are no common standards for displaying sites: each one of them may display a site in its own way, for example, by distorting the page content. Due to this fact, the “cross-browser” term emerged, that is the feature of a site to be displayed identically in all browsers.Although the cross-browser issue emerged rather recently, there already exist a great number of tools for testing it.All cross-browser testing tools are different  in the number of supported browsers, ease to use, price, and also testing speed. These factors greatly complicate the choice of the suitable tool.This article is devoted to the problem of choosing the right cross-browser testing tool. It lists the popular tools, their advantages and disadvantages.This article would be useful for testers, who haven’t performed this kind of testing yet, or for people, who face the problem of choosing the suitable tool.BrowserShots gives the possibility to test a site not only in five most popular browsers, but also in less known browsers, such as Netscape, Avant, SeaMonkey.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-10-25 10:34:00

Ankit Gupta
  • Week 2 – 30 September

Analysis of Connection of Options and Input/output Data

It is best to analyze all options in sequence for this purpose. We need to determine the following for each option: what input data it is required for, where it is used, and what types of reports it affects. Common options that depend neither on input data, nor on output data;Input and output data options, which include options that depend on input data and affect final result. For example: The Properties of the included data group of options: a user selects the properties of email messages to be included to a report. I.e. these options affect the final result and depend on input data. In theory, to cover these options completely, we would require to generate all types of reports for each type of database with each option separately. We would also require testing of all possible combinations of options. But first, we need to analyze the influence of input data on each option. As we did earlier, we need to study the inner architecture of the system and discuss the specifics of the inner architecture with developers. This would allow us to determine if we need to test each option with all types of email databases or if testing with one type would be enough. The algorithms for reading the properties from databases are the same for all three types of databases in our example. Thanks to this, we can test options only with one type of database. In much the same way, after studying the inner structure of the system, we determine the degree of dependency of each option on the type of report. In our case, the algorithms for writing each property to a report are the same for all formats of reports, i.e. it is enough to generate one type of report for one type of email database for each option.

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Ultra Code 2016-10-21 00:04:00



Due to the success of the Watch an Expert series, I was thinking about possibly setting up a bug battle competition in the future, with the ability for uTesters to watch live. I was envisioning it sort of as an eSport, with anywhere from 2-4 testers competing to see who can find the most valuable bugs in a certain amount of time. Although I think this would be a really exciting event, at the same time I’m struggling with whether software testing naturally lends itself to a tournament format. Does anyone think this would be a good idea? Bad idea? Any suggestions on what the rules/entry requirements/judging criteria would be? Anyone interested in participating (assuming it takes place)?
I really like this idea, and am just going to write out loud for a moment about what I envisioned upon reading your post. Please note that I don’t really watch or follow eSport tournaments, so my thoughts might be slightly ill-informed, unrealistic, or just plain bad.When I looked for more information on uTest’s previous contests I found this. Unfortunately, many of the links I wanted to click on that branch from that article result in 404s. Have the previous bug battles on uTest been popular? If so, what aspects of the competition did the testers/audience find most appealing? 
I wonder how team dynamics would factor into generating interest for the tester audience. Since testing is (more or less) a solitary effort, what would motivate me to watch Tag-Team Testing? What’s the primary value added reason for watching?

From the blog Ultra Code by Alex Gupta and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.