Author Archives: alexmle1999

JavaScript Testing

Because we are using JavaScript in the capstone course, I wanted to look as the tools used for testing in JavaScript, especially since I only have experience with testing in Java.

Because JavaScript is for web development, tests usually have to be run in a browser. This can be in a regular browser in an HTML page with JS scripts, or in a headless browser from the command line which is faster as there is nothing rendering onscreen. You can also run tests in Node.js. jsdom is commonly used with this to simulate a browser with pure JavaScript.

There are also many testing tools with different functions. Some tools have multiple functions and some have only one.

  1. Test launchers are used to launch your tests in the browser or Node.js with user config. (Karma, Jasmine, Jest, TestCafe, Cypress, webdriverio)
  2. Testing structure providers help you arrange your tests in a readable and scalable way. (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Cucumber, TestCafe, Cypress)
  3. Assertion functions are used to check if a test returns what you expect it to return and if its’t it throws a clear exception. (Chai, Jasmine, Jest, Unexpected, TestCafe, Cypress)
  4. Generate and display test progress and summary. (Mocha, Jasmine, Jest, Karma, TestCafe, Cypress)
  5. Mocks, spies, and stubs to simulate tests scenarios, isolate the tested part of the software from other parts, and attach to processes to see they work as expected. (Sinon, Jasmine, enzyme, Jest, testdouble)
  6. Generate and compare snapshots to make sure changes to data structures from previous test runs are intended by the user’s code changes. (Jest, Ava)
  7. Generate code coverage reports of how much of your code is covered by tests. (Istanbul, Jest, Blanket)
  8. Browser Controllers simulate user actions for Functional Tests. (Nightwatch, Nightmare, Phantom, Puppeteer, TestCafe, Cypress)
  9. Visual Regression Tools are used to compare your site to its previous versions visually by using image comparison techniques. (Applitools, Percy, Wraith, WebdriverCSS)

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Craft over Art

This week I took a look at the pattern “Craft over Art”. According to this pattern, programming is a craft not an art. As software developers, we are being hired to build some piece of software to solve a customer’s problem. We should not be trying to indulge our own interests by creating something we think is beautiful. While our software can be beautiful, it must primarily be functional.

This pattern made me think about how easy it is to get drawn into the program you are writing, especially if it is a project you are passionate about. You can quickly get sucked in and start trying to put every bell and whistle you can in, especially with projects that include a visual aspect. As students it is especially important to not go overboard. While extra effort is appreciated by instructors, you cannot get over an A grade anyway. That time should be spent on other things.

An important point here is also that as software developers we are providing a service to customers. Because of this we cannot wait for inspiration to strike before we start working on a project. We should still do satisfactory work even if the project is not something, we are passionate about. This is a profession not a hobby.

Something that was not touched on here is often times the most beautiful solution in programming is also the most functional and the most efficient. Programming is a very function driven field. Unlike painting or sculpting where the greatest pieces can also be the most abstract, programming rewards the code that is the cleanest and the most functional. It is unlikely for a programmer to create something that is more beautiful than useful, especially in a professional setting. I could definitely see it happening though in a personal project or in a field like game development.

The most important part I took away from this pattern is the need for a minimal level of quality. I typically focus on getting the job done as fast as possible. I need to learn to maintain a certain internal standard. Quality takes time and I must work on taking the time to do it right. In the future customers will not be as forgiving or provide as precise instructions as professors. I have to be prepared to solve real problems for real people that do not have solutions already.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Concrete Skills

This week I chose to look at the “Concrete Skills” pattern. This pattern explains that you need concrete skills to be able to get a job and contribute to the team you are joining. Concrete skills mean discrete abilities you can demonstrate using specific technologies. Something like understanding and being able to apply a certain framework or being able to write docker compose files. Things beyond soft skills like being able to learn quickly and having a good attitude. Creating a toy project can help show your concrete skills to employers and comparing your CV to the CVs of people whose skills you respect can help you take stock of where your own abilities stand.

I found this pattern interesting because it is a very helpful thing to think about when writing a resume or CV. Especially in a technical field like software development, you need to have very specific skills to be able to do the job you are hired for. Thinking about what concrete skills you have and making those specifics clear can really help you when looking for a job and it is definitely something I will be thinking about as I enter the workforce.

I also found it interesting when the author wrote about “buzzword bingo”. If you do a quick search for software development jobs, you do see a lot of these buzzwords and that can sometimes be really intimidating. Having ultra-high standards for software developers in kind of a meme now too (10+ years of experience in Swift required!!!). Making a list of these concrete skills helps make that a little less intimidating as you realize how capable you really are. That or it can help you see how far you need to go. Taking stock of your abilities is a good thing.

I know I am lacking a bit in the concrete skill area. A lot of the work we are doing with the project this semester will help fix that deficiency. We are working with so many new tools and I feel like I am learning more about software development than ever before. Putting myself in the uncomfortable position of creating something complex using brand new languages and technologies is pushing me towards becoming a better programmer.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS448 Retrospective Blog #1

Here I put links for tutorials and relevant articles for learning MongoDB.

This card shows I was allocated to the event system cross-cutting team.

This is a card I created for learning how to connect the backend to mongoDB.

This card is for an example mongoDB project.

Our first sprint was filled with learning, both about the tools we need and about the sprint process. I think there are many things that worked well. First, I think our team composition right now is good. We all know each other from previous classes, and we are comfortable with talking casually to each other. This is good because there was no initial awkward phase – we were able to get straight to working with each other. Another thing that worked well was asking important questions for each other on gitlab. While we did not use the cards to their fullest potential, having email notifications for gitlab really forced me to pay attention to the cards. My discord does not have notifications turned on, so I must actively check for new messages. On gitlab the email notifications made me extra aware of new comments on cards and any changes to the cards.

There were of course many things that did not go so well. Somethings I failed to realize is that gitlab should be the place where I keep all my work. I followed quite a few tutorials, so I have a few mongodb projects on my own computer. I should have been actively adding them to gitlab as well. My issue was that I did not feel like I had a finished product worth sharing. I should have realized that was okay and posted that anyway.  Another thing that did work so well was communicating mostly on discord. We did a lot of brainstorming and communicating in class through voice chat. Because we did not write down every single thing we spoke about, some things were forgotten or missed. We should definitely be trying to use text chat more, but most of our communication should probably be through gitlab to maintain a permanent record of what is being discussed.

As a team we should definitely work on mostly using gitlab cards for communication. As a team we should also try to contribute more evenly in discussions and with product owner meetings. I know I am not contributing enough and we should all be taking responsibility for our team instead of just letting one or two people do all the talking for us. Overall though I feel like my team is very solid and we work well together.

As an individual I should work firstly on time management. Having sprints like this is almost deceptive in a way. This isn’t the kind of thing you can do all the work right at the end of the sprint. It really isn’t possible to complete most of the cards like that. The work should be spread out, especially since it is cumulative. Some cards need to be completed so you know how to complete other cards. I also have to work on communicating with my group more. As the system is more fleshed out, we are going to have to work together more to combine the parts we have created. Right now we are sort of working independently and just checking in with each other. I will have to share the work I am doing with he rest of my team very frequently by pushing it to gitlab instead of just waiting to show them during class.

I went into this sprint very intimidated by the size of this project. After finishing it I feel a bit better because I know how sprints work now and we have a clearer vision of what we are going to do for this project. The next sprint will definitely be an improvement over our first.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Post #1

Coming into my final semester of college I was filled with an impending sense of doom. At the end of high school, I knew where I was going. Now I suddenly am thrust into the world of working adults; four years squandered trying to meet deadlines and maintain a GPA instead of earnestly absorbing my professors’ efforts. A four-year hiatus from asking myself the real questions: Do I really want to be a software developer and if so, what am I doing to get there?

Amid this crisis of self-realization, I was presented with a reading and blog assignment. I regretfully confess that it’s been years since I’ve read an actual book – a byproduct of instant information (thanks Google!). For some reason I thought it best to not just skim Chapter 1, but to read it actively, and as I did so I felt validated. As the author referenced a student with a college degree from a prestigious program and a self-taught developer, I recognized that I too am a software apprentice, and this is one I should probably read fully, regardless of it being assigned.

While I can see all the chapters applying to me, the most relevant are Chapter 3 – Walking the Long Road, and Chapter 4 – Accurate Self-Assessment. Reading the introduction of chapter 3, I could see a lot of myself in the author as he described feeling discouraged by the skill of others; the same often happens to me. I must recognize that no one got to where they are from day 1, especially in the field of software development. It takes time and I have definitely not put in enough yet.  

The relevance of Chapter 4 is probably apparent throughout this blog post, though it’s not quite in the way the author describes. Instead of being satisfied with my level of ability, it’s clear I am hard on myself, much more than is necessary. There’s a difference between humility and beating yourself down. I must learn the difference if I ever want to get to somewhere where I am happy with my ability.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-448 Intro

Hi everyone. Alex here again with another intro, this time for CS-448 Spring 2021.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Principle of Least Knowledge

As I was reading about coupling and cohesion, I also came across the Principle of Least Knowledge, which just so happened to be on our list of topics in the syllabus.

The Principle of Least Knowledge (or Law of Demeter) was first discussed in 1987 at Northeastern University. It states that an object should never now the internal details of other objects, which makes sense given the name. It is used to promote loose coupling in software designs.

The article also gives an example using 3 classes – A, B, and C. Each class has objects objA, objB, and objC. objA is dependent on objB, which in turn composes objC. In this scenerio, objA can invoke methods and properties of objB but not objC. Say C has a method M. If you make a objC called O, the Principle of Least Knowledge says O can access

  • The same object, i.e., the object “O” itself
  • Objects that have been passed as an argument to the method “M”
  • Local objects, i.e., objects that have been created inside the method “M”
  • Global objects that are accessible by the object “O”
  • Direct component objects of the object “O”

A code example is also given to illustrate the concept.

public class LawOfDemeterExample


        //This is an instance in the class scope

        //and hence this instance can be accessed by any members of this class

        AnotherClass instance = new AnotherClass();

       public void SampleMethodFollowingLoD(Test obj)


            DoNothing(); //This is a valid call as you are calling a method of the same class

             object data = obj.GetData(); //This is also valid since you are calling a method

            //on an instance that has been passed as a parameter           

             int result = instance.GetResult();  //This is also a valid call as you are calling

            //a method on an instance locally created


        private void DoNothing()


            // Write some code here



After, an second example is given to illustrate what not to do.

var data = new A().GetObjectB().GetObjectC().GetData();\

In this example the client depends on all three classes A, B, and C. If any of the three change you will run into issues.

This principle will definitely be important as I continue my career in software development. As the ode I write gets more complex, I have to be wary of violating principles like this to maintain low coupling. The author also mentions testability being improved with this principle and the loosely coupled code it encourages. Next semester I am taking the software testing course; right now I have next to no knowledge about software testing. I only know how to just test units made for me in java. Hopefully I will see how loosely coupled code compared to tightly coupled code in testability.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Coupling and Cohesion

This week I wanted to learn more about coupling. The article I found happened to be about both coupling and cohesion.

Coupling and cohesion are both terms that refer to the modularity in a system. They help measure how complex the design of an object-oriented system is. Good knowledge of both is needed to build scalable systems that can be extended and maintained over time.

Coupling is how interdependent software modules are. With high coupling, software modules are very independent, and they need each other to run. There are several types of coupling:

  • Content coupling — this is a type of coupling in which a module can access or modify the content of any other module. When a component passes parameters to control the activity of some other component, there is a control coupling amongst the two components.
  • Common coupling — this is a type of coupling in which you have multiple modules having access to a shared global data
  • Stamp coupling — this is a type of coupling in which data structure is used to pass information from one component in the system to another
  • Control coupling — this is a type of coupling in which one module can change the flow of execution of another module
  • Data coupling — in this type of coupling, two modules interact by exchanging or passing data as a parameter

Cohesion is how intra-dependent a software module is. High cohesion is a software module that forms its own meaningful unit. There are also different types of cohesion:

  • Co-incidental cohesion — this is an unplanned random cohesion that might be a result of breaking a module into smaller modules.
  • Logical cohesion — this is a type of cohesion in which multiple logically related functions or data elements are placed in the same component
  • Temporal cohesion — this is a type of cohesion in which elements of a module are grouped in a manner in which they are processed at the same point of time. An example could be a component that is used to initialize a set of objects.
  • Procedural cohesion — this is a type of cohesion in which the functions in a component are grouped in a way to enable them to be executed sequentially and make them procedurally cohesive
  • Communicational cohesion — in this type of cohesion the elements of a module are logically grouped together in a way that they execute sequentially and they work on the same data
  • Sequential cohesion — in this type of cohesion the elements of a module are grouped in such a manner that the output of one of them becomes the input of the next — they all execute sequentially. In essence, if the output of one part of a component is the input of another, we say that the component has sequential cohesion.
  • Functional cohesion — this is the best and the most preferred type of cohesion in which the degree of cohesion is the highest. In this type of cohesion, the elements of a module are functionally grouped into a logical unit and they work together as a logical unit — this also promotes flexibility and reusability.

Tight coupling makes maintenance difficult as all the components depend on each other.

This article was helpful in explaining these two concepts. As we develop increasingly complicated software in our courses and careers it is important to learn more abstract concepts. These were things I have never really thought about before. Usually I write code just so that it works. If I am going a step further I might try to make it “look good” and be neatly indented with as few lines as possible. Especially going into the capstone course, I will have to evaluate my code for things like low coupling and high cohesion.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

MongoDB in Five Minutes

This week I wanted to look more into MongoDB. I found an introduction video titled “MongoDB in 5 Minutes with Eliot Horowitz” from MongoDB’s YouTube channel to do so. I wanted to learn more about MongoDB because we have been using it a lot in class, but I do not yet have a clear idea of what it is and how it works. I have already taken a relational database course, so I have a clear mental image of what an SQL database is and how it is organized. I know MongoDB is not a relational database but that is the extent of my knowledge.

They start by describing relational databases as excel sheets on steroids, which is a pretty close comparison. They then use an example of a patient record keeping system for a doctor’s office. A patient information table might need multiple phone numbers and addresses, and these columns would end up being mostly empty in a relational database. We might also have the patient’s information spread over many tables, adding complexity. When this database is used in in application it makes the application inefficient and hard to maintain.

MongoDB uses documents and each document can be different. Not all the documents in this case would have to have the same number of phone numbers or addresses. They don’t need the same number of columns like records in a relational database table.

This video is very short and was also created by MongoDB. It is not surprising that they only show one use case where MongoDB is better than relational databases. If relational databases are Excel then MongoDB is kind of like Microsoft Word. It is important to remember that relational databases enforce things like integrity that MongoDB doesn’t, making it better in certain situations. Using multiple tables also isn’t too much of a problem; that is what joins are for. I can definitely see the advantages of using MongoDB now though. The idea of documents is so simple and it is easy to grasp compared to relational databases. This provides a good start to look more into MongoDB. I may have needed this knowledge for the final project, though we won’t have one anymore. I will definitely be using MongoDB in the future though as it is just becoming more and more popular.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Single Responsibility Principle

One of the topics of this class that I don’t know much about is SOLID. Most of the programming I have done has been very small projects that do not necessitate the use of very many design principles. This is not to say they should be applied but they add quite a bit of extra work to something that doesn’t require very many lines otherwise.

Because of my lack of experience with it, I chose to learn a little more about SOLID starting with the “S” – Single Responsibility Principle. I found an article from to explain it further.

The principle is self-explanatory. Uncle Bob describes it as “A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.” This is important because it makes your software easier to implement and prevents unexpected side-effects of future changes.

When a class has multiple responsibilities, these responsibilities are no longer independent of each other. If one responsibility needs to change, the more often the class needs to be changed. This may not seem like a big deal but if some things depend on the changed class you may need to update dependencies of recompile dependent classes. To avoid having to change many components to make a single change, give each class only one responsibility.

It also makes your code easier to understand. If there is a problem somewhere it is easier to isolate the problem.

While each class should have one responsibility, this shouldn’t be taken too far by, for example, making each class have only one function.

The article also provides some real-world examples showing the Single Responsibility Principle in action.

I am often guilty of violating this principle. For a project I once made a Pokémon battle simulator. Looking back now I really broke this principle with that one. I had a class to make Pokemon objects and another to do everything else. Because it was for a database course, I connected to the database and had a battle method all in that class.

For the final project I will have to make sure I do my best to stick to the SOLID principles and not get caught in just making the code work. Because it is a group project, I need to be sure the code is easy to understand to others and not just myself. The Single Responsibility Principle is a big part of that.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Half-Cooked Coding by alexmle1999 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.