Author Archives: amontesdeoca

Sprint 3 Retrospective


In Sprint 3 I worked on finishing the checkinventoryfrontend. With the
shorter time of the sprint, I went to work on fixing an issue I encountered
in the previous sprint where the frontend would only display an error
message saying that there was some problem in the html. At the same time I
was trying to figure out how to get npm to work in the new file structure,
since when I try calling npm in the terminal it kept failing. For the
longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get the frontend to display
correctly, trying all sorts of solutions from moving the package.json file
around to deleting the deprecated yarnlock file. Eventually, I settled on
figuring out how to change the npm files to allow npm to reach the new
frontend folder I made. At some point, Jason asked if there was anything the
rest of the team could work on in checkinventoryfrontend, and I said the
documentation needed to be updated and that nodemon needed to be
implemented. Jason then created a separate branch based on mine called
implementing-nodemon, where he changed the package.json and gitpod.yaml files to have nodemon
and other dependencies.

Somehow, over the course of these dependencies being added, the frontend
started working again. The error must have been rooted in one of the
dependencies not working properly, or something to that effect. I looked int
o the changes Jason made, and he added a section to the gitpod.yaml that
would of implemented certain npm dependencies.

 Either way I’m just happy to be able to finish up the work in the
frontend. I went into Jason’s branch and cleaned up some of the shell files
so that they work as intended. The file needed to use
frontend-dev instead of dev since that is what npm recognises in this repo.
Also, frontend restart needed to use the proper name of frontend-prod-down
and up.

Then I started on cleaning up my own work for the next semester. I removed
the branches I had created since they either were redundant or straight up
didn’t work. Then I cleaned some deprecated files out of the implementing
nodemon branch while I was fixing the shell files, like an extra package
json file that was created in the base repo. 

I learned a lot about working with the frontend throughout this sprint, and
the entirety of the semester for that matter. I definitely want to brush up
on how npm works and functions, because I feel like most of my problems stem
from a lack of understanding. I also want to give credit to my team, who
have helped me out more than they realize, especially since I have been
balancing my work and school life. Hopefully the final presentation
represents all of our efforts over the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective


In Sprint 3 I worked on finishing the checkinventoryfrontend. With the
shorter time of the sprint, I went to work on fixing an issue I encountered
in the previous sprint where the frontend would only display an error
message saying that there was some problem in the html. At the same time I
was trying to figure out how to get npm to work in the new file structure,
since when I try calling npm in the terminal it kept failing. For the
longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get the frontend to display
correctly, trying all sorts of solutions from moving the package.json file
around to deleting the deprecated yarnlock file. Eventually, I settled on
figuring out how to change the npm files to allow npm to reach the new
frontend folder I made. At some point, Jason asked if there was anything the
rest of the team could work on in checkinventoryfrontend, and I said the
documentation needed to be updated and that nodemon needed to be
implemented. Jason then created a separate branch based on mine called
implementing-nodemon, where he changed the package.json and gitpod.yaml files to have nodemon
and other dependencies.

Somehow, over the course of these dependencies being added, the frontend
started working again. The error must have been rooted in one of the
dependencies not working properly, or something to that effect. I looked int
o the changes Jason made, and he added a section to the gitpod.yaml that
would of implemented certain npm dependencies.

 Either way I’m just happy to be able to finish up the work in the
frontend. I went into Jason’s branch and cleaned up some of the shell files
so that they work as intended. The file needed to use
frontend-dev instead of dev since that is what npm recognises in this repo.
Also, frontend restart needed to use the proper name of frontend-prod-down
and up.

Then I started on cleaning up my own work for the next semester. I removed
the branches I had created since they either were redundant or straight up
didn’t work. Then I cleaned some deprecated files out of the implementing
nodemon branch while I was fixing the shell files, like an extra package
json file that was created in the base repo. 

I learned a lot about working with the frontend throughout this sprint, and
the entirety of the semester for that matter. I definitely want to brush up
on how npm works and functions, because I feel like most of my problems stem
from a lack of understanding. I also want to give credit to my team, who
have helped me out more than they realize, especially since I have been
balancing my work and school life. Hopefully the final presentation
represents all of our efforts over the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective


In Sprint 3 I worked on finishing the checkinventoryfrontend. With the
shorter time of the sprint, I went to work on fixing an issue I encountered
in the previous sprint where the frontend would only display an error
message saying that there was some problem in the html. At the same time I
was trying to figure out how to get npm to work in the new file structure,
since when I try calling npm in the terminal it kept failing. For the
longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get the frontend to display
correctly, trying all sorts of solutions from moving the package.json file
around to deleting the deprecated yarnlock file. Eventually, I settled on
figuring out how to change the npm files to allow npm to reach the new
frontend folder I made. At some point, Jason asked if there was anything the
rest of the team could work on in checkinventoryfrontend, and I said the
documentation needed to be updated and that nodemon needed to be
implemented. Jason then created a separate branch based on mine called
implementing-nodemon, where he changed the package.json and gitpod.yaml files to have nodemon
and other dependencies.

Somehow, over the course of these dependencies being added, the frontend
started working again. The error must have been rooted in one of the
dependencies not working properly, or something to that effect. I looked int
o the changes Jason made, and he added a section to the gitpod.yaml that
would of implemented certain npm dependencies.

 Either way I’m just happy to be able to finish up the work in the
frontend. I went into Jason’s branch and cleaned up some of the shell files
so that they work as intended. The file needed to use
frontend-dev instead of dev since that is what npm recognises in this repo.
Also, frontend restart needed to use the proper name of frontend-prod-down
and up.

Then I started on cleaning up my own work for the next semester. I removed
the branches I had created since they either were redundant or straight up
didn’t work. Then I cleaned some deprecated files out of the implementing
nodemon branch while I was fixing the shell files, like an extra package
json file that was created in the base repo. 

I learned a lot about working with the frontend throughout this sprint, and
the entirety of the semester for that matter. I definitely want to brush up
on how npm works and functions, because I feel like most of my problems stem
from a lack of understanding. I also want to give credit to my team, who
have helped me out more than they realize, especially since I have been
balancing my work and school life. Hopefully the final presentation
represents all of our efforts over the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 3 Retrospective


In Sprint 3 I worked on finishing the checkinventoryfrontend. With the
shorter time of the sprint, I went to work on fixing an issue I encountered
in the previous sprint where the frontend would only display an error
message saying that there was some problem in the html. At the same time I
was trying to figure out how to get npm to work in the new file structure,
since when I try calling npm in the terminal it kept failing. For the
longest time I couldn’t figure out how to get the frontend to display
correctly, trying all sorts of solutions from moving the package.json file
around to deleting the deprecated yarnlock file. Eventually, I settled on
figuring out how to change the npm files to allow npm to reach the new
frontend folder I made. At some point, Jason asked if there was anything the
rest of the team could work on in checkinventoryfrontend, and I said the
documentation needed to be updated and that nodemon needed to be
implemented. Jason then created a separate branch based on mine called
implementing-nodemon, where he changed the package.json and gitpod.yaml files to have nodemon
and other dependencies.

Somehow, over the course of these dependencies being added, the frontend
started working again. The error must have been rooted in one of the
dependencies not working properly, or something to that effect. I looked int
o the changes Jason made, and he added a section to the gitpod.yaml that
would of implemented certain npm dependencies.

 Either way I’m just happy to be able to finish up the work in the
frontend. I went into Jason’s branch and cleaned up some of the shell files
so that they work as intended. The file needed to use
frontend-dev instead of dev since that is what npm recognises in this repo.
Also, frontend restart needed to use the proper name of frontend-prod-down
and up.

Then I started on cleaning up my own work for the next semester. I removed
the branches I had created since they either were redundant or straight up
didn’t work. Then I cleaned some deprecated files out of the implementing
nodemon branch while I was fixing the shell files, like an extra package
json file that was created in the base repo. 

I learned a lot about working with the frontend throughout this sprint, and
the entirety of the semester for that matter. I definitely want to brush up
on how npm works and functions, because I feel like most of my problems stem
from a lack of understanding. I also want to give credit to my team, who
have helped me out more than they realize, especially since I have been
balancing my work and school life. Hopefully the final presentation
represents all of our efforts over the semester.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quality Assurance Survey Article


This week I decided to look up what was going on in the news for software
quality assurance. I found this article about a survey on the future of
quality assurance and found it interesting. The headline was more
specifically about the adoption of A.I. in software testing. I have already
covered some of the potential benefits of the use of A.I. in software
testing, so consider this to be a follow up to that. Keep in mind this
article was written back in December of 2023, so things could have
potentially changed in that time. 

The title of this article states that over 78% of software testers have
adopted A.I. into their testing. This kind of comes as no surprise since
people have been gushing about the new burgeoning technology for a while
now.  The tech industry has made a big effort to adopt A.I. into as
many different fields as possible. The automation of test cases is not a new
subject, but the use of A.I. is a fairly recent addition to the tools
testers have at their disposal. These tools are being implemented in
different sections of the quality assurance process, with an adoption rate
of 51% for test data creation,45% for test automation, 36% for test result
analysis, and 46% for test case formulation. And like I said before, these
are the numbers the end of 2023, who knows what the current numbers

On a side note, the article says that software testers are being involved
much earlier in the development process. This ties in directly with what I
have been learning in class for the past two semesters about sprint
planning. Having testers be there in the sprint planning phase allows to get
the specifications for the test cases earlier than before, but could lead to
test cases without implemented code.

All of this data comes from a survey into the future of quality assurance
by Lambda Test. Some other interesting figures from the survey include
numbers on quality assurance budget and the ratio of QA testers to
developers. Companies, both big and small, seem to see quality assurance as
a valuable part of the software development process, and invest accordingly.
Interestingly, there is also data on the state of testing itself, with a
particularly interesting note about the benchmark for bug identification
being around 10%.

From the blog CS@Worcester Alejandro Professional Blog by amontesdeoca and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.