REST stands for Representational State Transfer and API is application programing interface. Simply put, when there are multiple systems working together, a RESTful API allows a person to query or edit information in the system. I recently read a javaguides post on how to set up properly scalable API’s and wanted to share a short summary.
Tip 1: Domain Model-Driven Design
This means you should have the structure mirror the real-life pieces. So if, for example, you want the items of an order, the endpoint should look like “/orders/{id}/items”. Also, don’t nest it too deep, it will add needless complexity.
Tip 2: Choose HTTP methods appropriately
The 4 main methods and their use cases are; GET for getting data, POST for posting a new object to the database, PUT for putting a new object in place of an existing object, DELETE for deleting objects in the database. There is also PATCH which can be used patch an existing object. If you are using GET to modify an object you are adding unnecessary complexity. I personally will be adapting my use case of PUT after understanding the difference with PATCH
Tip 3: Implement Impotence Properly
A method is idempotent if no matter how many times it is called after the first, there is no behavior change from the first call. If you call DELETE multiple times on the same object then only that object should be deleted. GET is already idempotent, it will always get the object’s data regardless of whether you already called GET. PUT and PATCH should be implemented similarly to DELETE. The hiccup is with POST, because simultaneous calls are possible (two people can create new objects with the same identifier) logic to handle these calls needs to be made.
Tip 4: Chose the correct HTTP status calls
When a call is made, there are codes for the result. They are; 200 for a valid request, 201 for an object being created, 400 for an incorrectly formatted request, 401 if requester is unauthorized, 403 for a forbidden request, 404 if the object request is not found, and 500 for a server-side error. I am going to research more about how the permissions are set up when someone makes request and the logic behind blocking certain requests.
Tip 5: Versioning
Include which version of the API the request is using, maybe put it in the path “/v1/users”. They also list alternatives such as having a query parameter “/users?=v1” or adding a HEADER to the request that includes the version number. I never thought about adding versioning to the request but it makes sense to allow for previous versions to still request.
Tip 6: Use Semantic Paths
Singular resources use singular nouns and the path should be using the resources.
DON’T: POST /v1/loginUser
DO: POST /v1/users/login
Tip 7: Support Batch Processing
Something like:
POST /v1/users/batch
to allow for multiple users to be made in one POST.
Tip 8: Use query parameters for flexibility
You can add the ability to sort the data requested, or filter it, using queries. So:
This is some awesome functionality and I cannot wait to implement it in my own system.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Coder's First Steps by amoulton2 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.