Author Archives: andicuni

Sharing Strategies for Effective Exploration!

As a student studying computer science and software testing, I found the blog post “Mushroom Picking and Testing” to be a fascinating and insightful exploration of the parallels between the art of mushroom foraging and the practice of software testing. The author, a seasoned mushroom picker from Estonia, skillfully draws connections between the two various activities, highlighting the similarities in the decision-making processes, risk assessment, and the development of observational skills.
The blog post begins by describing the author’s love for mushroom picking, a tradition rooted in their Estonian heritage. Interestingly, the author finds this activity to be a meditative and reflective experience, where one part of the mind focuses on the task at hand while the other have multiple thoughts and ideas. It is within this state that the author discovers the similarities between mushroom picking and software testing.
One of the key parallels drawn is the concept of “choice of location vs. product coverage.” Just as the author visits familiar forests to efficiently collect a good amount of mushrooms, software testers may focus on keep on testing the same areas of a product, limiting their vision and potentially missing new or exciting discoveries. The blog post encourages readers to pinpoint a balance between depth and breadth, considering the mission and objectives when deciding how to grant their time and resources.
Another comparison I found is the importance of making preparations before starting on either attempt. The author discusses the need to gather the necessary tools and equipment, as well as staying informed about environmental factors and recent changes that could impact the success of the task. Similarly, in software testing, it is crucial to have the right tools and knowledge about the product and its recent updates to make informed decisions and effectively approach the testing process.
I would say the most eye opening aspect of the blog post is the discussion around “knowing your oracles.” The author explains the importance of recognizing poisonous mushrooms, a skill passed down through generations. This concept directly translates to software testing, where testers must develop a deep understanding of the product’s characteristics and potential issues, rather than relying on a more questioning or searching.
As a software testing student, I found this blog post to be a refreshing and wise point of view on the craft of testing. The author’s ability to draw parallels between these two seemingly unrelated activities has provided me with a new lens through which to approach my studies and future practice. The emphasis on searching for more, risk-taking, and the development of observational skills are all elements that I will strive to plug into my testing methodology. This blog post has not only expanded my understanding of software testing but has also inspired me to continue the unexpected connections between the physical world and the digital realm.

April 14, 2024

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

In our second sprint, the team made important progress on a variety of tasks related to the reporting backend, integration, and documentation. The specific work items we addressed included updating npm packages, improving documentation in the reporting backend, setting up Gitpod permissions, implementing hot-reload functionality with Nodemon, composing Docker files, verifying the testing suite, configuring linters and the pipeline, and fixing a build script. Overall, I feel our team had better communication and a more fair approach to splitting the work this sprint.

Reflection on What Worked Well
One of the key strengths of this sprint was the increased level of communication within the team. We made a better effort to stay in sync, share updates regularly, and support each other when needed. This led to a more collaborative and efficient workflow, as we were able to identify blockers early and provide assistance to unblock each other’s progress. I’d say that a fair distribution of work was also a positive aspect, as we made a combined effort to split the tasks more evenly and ensure that everyone had a manageable workload. This allowed us to make steady progress throughout the sprint, rather than having a last-minute crunch.

Reflection on What Didn’t Work Well
While we did see improvements in our progress flow compared to the previous sprint, there were still periods where a significant amount of work was left until the final week. It gave a bit of pressure and gave an increase in the risk of missing deadlines or compromising on quality. Additionally, the team decided not to go forward the Kubernetes with Docker Compose YAML approach, as we don’t currently have Kubernetes set up. Instead, we focused on consolidating all the API Docker files into a single root deployment. The linter and extension setup was also split across multiple issues, which could have been better organized.

Reflection on Changes to Improve as a Team
Moving forward, we should aim to distribute the work more evenly across the entire sprint duration to maintain a more consistent flow of progress. This may involve better planning and task estimation at the start of the sprint, as well as more frequent check-ins and adjustments throughout. Additionally, we should continue to keep our commit messages as clear as possible, especially for merge commits, to ensure the project history remains easy to follow.

Reflection on Changes to Improve as an Individual
As an individual, I could have been more proactive in checking in with my teammates and offering assistance, even if it’s not directly related to my assigned tasks. I want to make sure I’m staying aware of the overall progress and roadblocks faced by the team, and I can provide support where needed. Additionally, I will learn and do what it takes to be better to complete my individual tasks as early as possible to avoid last-minute stress and make sure we meet our sprint goals.

Work and Work Products
One of the key work products I contributed to this sprint was the update to the npm packages in the reporting backend, as well as the improvements to the documentation for recent changes. I also collaborated with Issac on writing documentation for the reporting backend and composing the Docker files. While I was involved in the initial stages of configuring the linters and pipeline in the reporting integration, Victor and Hieu took the lead on those tasks as they were more closely related to their other assigned issues.

To speak upon the work and work products we are producing, we faced an issue with the guest info frontend not working due to a local host problem, and we worked to set up a solution where the application can check if it’s running in Gitpod and query the URL accordingly. We also identified the need to have a more stronger approach to setting up environment variables, rather than hardcoding them.

Overall, this sprint saw improvements in team communication and task distribution, but there is still room for us to refine our process and ensure a more consistent flow of progress. As we move forward, I am committed to playing an active role in supporting my teammates, completing my work efficiently, and contributing to the improvement of our team goals.

April 9, 2024


From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Apprentice’s Superpower!

Hey Everyone ! As a computer science student embarking on my journey towards becoming a software development professional, the pattern “Unleash Your Enthusiasm” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book has matched deeply with me. This pattern emphasizes the importance of embracing and expressing the excitement and curiosity that often characterize the early stages of one’s career.
The pattern highlights the interesting attributes that apprentices bring to their teams, such as a fresh perspective, diverse ideas, and an exciting drive for learning. It acknowledges that while this level of enthusiasm may be seen as rare or even risky by more experienced team members.
What I found particularly thought-provoking about this pattern is the way it challenges the common tendency to conform to the norms of a team or organization. The pattern encourages apprentices to resist the urge to suppress their enthusiasm and instead to embrace it as a valuable contribution to the collective intelligence of the group.
Moreover, the pattern’s weight on the diversity of thought that enthusiastic apprentices can bring to a team resonates with my understanding of the importance of diverse perspectives in problem-solving and innovation. As I progress in my studies and eventually enter the workforce, I am eager to leverage my background and mindset to offer new upcoming solutions and challenge the current state.
In my own context, as a computer science student, I can see the value of this pattern in the classroom, where I can actively engage with my peers and professors, offering new ideas and questioning established practices. I am also excited to bring this mindset to any internships or entry-level positions I may pursue, with the goal of not only accelerating my own learning but also contributing to the growth and success of the teams I work with.
Overall, the “Unleash Your Enthusiasm” pattern has inspired me to embrace my natural curiosity and excitement for the field of software development, while also modifying that enthusiasm with an understanding of the importance of navigating team dynamics and building strong relationships with my colleagues. As I continue on my apprenticeship journey, I am committed to maintaining this balance, using my enthusiasm as a catalyst for learning and growth, and ultimately, becoming a valued contributor to the software development community.

April 7, 2024


From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Software QA Student’s Guide to Impactful Code Documentation

Hey everyone! I found the article “Elevating Your Test Automation Projects With Meaningful Code Documentation” to be a valuable resource that directly relates to the course material. The article begins by highlighting the common challenges faced when trying to understand existing automated test code, such as unclear naming conventions and a lack of explanatory comments or documentation. Dickson emphasizes the importance of documenting code to ensure that both new and experienced team members can easily comprehend the purpose and functionality of the automated tests.
One of the key points discussed in the article is the effective use of comments. Dickson outlines two simple rules for writing meaningful comments: avoiding redundancy and being informative and concise. She provides an example of a Cypress test where the description of the test case made the additional comments unnecessary, as the test was already self-explanatory. On the other hand, Dickson suggests adding comments to explain the purpose and implementation of more complex code.
Another valuable documentation technique covered in the article is the use of docstrings. Dickson explains how docstrings, which are associated with specific code blocks, can greatly improve the reusability of the code. She demonstrates the power of docstrings by showing how they can provide information about function parameters, return values, and usage examples, making it easier for collaborators to understand and effectively utilize the code.
Dickson outlines several popular naming conventions and explains the benefits of using descriptive and consistent names for variables, functions, classes, and files. She highlights how these naming conventions can enhance the readability and organization of the codebase, ultimately making it more maintainable and collaborative.
As a software quality assurance student, I found this article to be particularly relevant and helpful. The author’s clear explanations and examples have assisted my understanding of the role that code documentation plays in the success of test automation projects. I can already can imagine applying these practices in my own future work, where I will continue to create well-documented and easily understandable test automation code.
Furthermore, the article’s emphasis on collaboration and code reusability stays with me, as I recognize the importance of working effectively with cross-functional teams in the software development process. By prioritizing meaningful code documentation, I can make sure that my fellow team members can understand and build upon the automated tests I create.
In conclusion, “Elevating Your Test Automation Projects With Meaningful Code Documentation” is a vital resource that has pushed my thinking for the role of code documentation in software quality assurance. The author’s practical advice has provided me with the knowledge and tools to enhance the readability, maintainability, and collaboration within my own test automation projects. I am confident that applying these principles will lead to more efficient and effective test automation, ultimately contributing to the overall quality and success of the software I help develop.

April 7, 2024

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Kicking Off My Software Quality Assurance Course

Hello! My name is Andi as you may know if you’re familiar with the blog, and I’m excited to be starting this software quality assurance and testing course. This blog will document my journey through the course as I learn concepts and skills related to ensuring software quality.

I’m eager to gain knowledge in this important field. Proper testing helps ensure software works as intended before release, preventing issues for users down the line.

I created this blog to share what I learn through each module of the course. There are many critical topics to cover, from QA processes and methodologies to actual hands-on practice with testing tools and writing test automation scripts. I hope to document helpful resources, interesting insights, and key takeaways from assignments and readings.

Let me wrap up this introductory post by saying I’m excited to jump into the content this week and start acquiring skills for a career in the software quality assurance field! I welcome you to follow along with my learning journey this term.

January 22, 2024
CS@Worcester CS-443

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Technology for Social Good: Software to Support Local Food Pantries

Hey everyone!

LibreFoodPantry’s mission is to expand a community of students and faculty who believe software can be used to help society. Specifically, they strive to support local food pantries with free and open source software to help serve their guests. This provides students with the perspective that computing can be used for social good. I found LibreFoodPantry’s goal of using technology for humanitarian aid to be an admirable and useful cause.

The user stories for Thea’s Pantry illustrate some of the key functions the software needs to provide. This includes guest check-in, tracking visits across calendar weeks, recording new inventory donations, looking up current inventory levels, and generating reports. An example is allowing staff to log in and enter guest’s university ID numbers to pull up their registration details. If it’s their first visit, they can fill out a new form which gets saved. For returning guests, staff can review and update details. The system also tracks how much food guests take across multiple visits within the same week. Other stories cover administrators verifying inventory levels and creating monthly reports for partners like the Worcester County Food Bank. I chose to highlight the user stories as they outline valuable features to aid Thea Pantry’s operations through customized software.

The LibreFoodPantry mission and Thea’s Pantry user stories provide insight into the principles and functionality behind developing customized software for food assistance organizations.

January 21, 2024




Set-up Task #3

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Architecting for Agility

Hey everyone, it’s Andi and I presented an article on decoupled software architectures. Essentially, decoupled architecture aims to break down monolithic applications into modular, isolated components that can operate and evolve independently. I wanted to talk about this concept because decoupling enables more agile, resilient systems that can better adapt to changing customer needs and scale more consistently clean . Article written by Arunkumar Ganapathy, a solutions architect focusing on the design and development of software systems with over 17 years of hands-on experience and is highly skilled in Java, Node JS, and AWS technical stack. So to start off, what is decoupled architecture? It’s a system design approach that tries to cancel as many dependencies between application components by enabling them to operate autonomously. This provides advantages like independent scalability, avoiding regression issues typical of tight architectures. As organizations move toward rapid digital transformation, a separate architecture of focused, isolated services becomes critical for adaptability and resilience. With users all over with interfaces and microservice designs, building modular applications where components can be maintained and updated independently is essential to handle change. By allowing developers to construct and use discrete, self-contained services, architecture transforms how modern agile software is envisioned and created.

Decoupled software architecture presents an important pattern shift that computer science students should understand as they prepare to design and build the systems of the future. More modular system designs will be critical as applications scale up to handle massive data and traffic volumes driven by AI, IoT, and cloud adoption. Understanding loose coupling principles provides valuable insight into creating codebases that avoid failures and unintended side effects when changes are introduced. Exposure to concepts like event streaming and publish-subscribe architectures gives examples of techniques students may employ in decoupled designs. As tightly integrated monoliths become very hard to define, transitioning to more flexible and advanced microservices-based ways will be a reality for many computer science graduates. Getting early experience reasoning through decoupled architectures as students will pay profits in building adaptable and maintainable production systems down the road. The skills used to remove complex processes into cooperative but small components have broad applicability across software domains and will serve CS students well as the landscape continues to move in this direction.

As a student exploring different architectural patterns for connecting user-facing experiences to back-end logic, this article on decoupled architectures opened my eyes to the immense benefits of modular system design. I gained new knowledge into concepts like architectures that enable present / faster responsiveness by finding changes across isolated services. The examples of decoupled architectures powering complex platforms like Uber showed real use cases I could relate to from a front-end perspective.
Seeing how divided application components can evolve discreetly, avoiding regression issues affecting legacy systems, showed me a different perspective on the importance of loose coupling and principles in sustainable software development. My biggest takeaway was understanding how standardized APIs serve as a stronghold facilitating coordination between discrete front-end and back-end elements – while still allowing for independent scaling, troubleshooting and innovation.
As I progress to construct my own full-stack applications, I will apply learnings around planning sturdy interfaces between autonomous services and handling new versions when dependencies change. The reflection overall shows the specific learnings around technical concepts and design principles as well as expected impacts on the student’s future architectural thinking and implementation priorities. It includes both big takeaways as well as practical development relevant to front-end and back-end coherence in decoupled systems.

December 20, 2023
cs-343, CS@Worcester
cs-343, CS@Worcester

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Building Trust in Open Source Software

Hey Everybody! I chose the article “Boosting faith in the authenticity of open source software” to talk about how it affects present day software and how we can build off it. The article starts off presenting, Speranza is a new system that allows users to verify the authenticity of open source software packages while preserving the identity of developers. It builds on an existing signing system called Sigstore but uses a novel “identity co-commitments” cryptographic technique to prove a trusted developer signed the software without revealing their identity. This approach addresses vulnerabilities in the software supply chain by ensuring the origin of downloaded packages while improving usability and privacy compared to traditional signing keys. The article shows how Speranza enables trust in open source software through automatic verification of authenticity from maintainers.

Speranza presents an interesting case study for computer science students because it sits at the field of cryptography, real-world security issues, core computer science challenges, and the open source ecosystem so ubiquitous in the field. Specifically, the novel “identity co-commitments” technique aims to address the practical threat of vulnerabilities being introduced into software supply chains, whether through some type of malice. In order to take care of the identity, it aligns with both usability and privacy goals in computer science. The cryptographic research here goes as far as verifying authenticity, speaking also to the broader challenge of establishing trust between producers and consumers of open source software. Comments highlight the potential for Speranza’s automated integrity checks to transform that trust relationship. For CS students deeply embedded in open source as users and future contributors, understanding the latest developments working to up security and privacy could deeply inform both perspectives. More broadly, this research borders computer science trade-offs around security, privacy, and useability that come across domains.

As a student learning about building both front-end and back-end software systems, I found this article on the Speranza software authentication project a good addition to know about. I relied heavily on open source code in assignments, often importing libraries without much thought into their integrity. This resource impressed upon me that you can never fully trust third party code, even from regular or normal open source developers. Without an assurance like Speranza’s cryptographic identity commitments, any component in my software supply chain could be compromised.
I now understand the privacy-preservation behind Speranza’s design. By avoiding revealing developer identities in the authentication process, the system overcomes adoption barriers and aligns motives between creators and users of open source work. The commitment to privacy likely occurs from an open source mindset resisting that overcome.

Reading about Speranza’s novel technical approach using zero-knowledge proofs was clarifying as well from a software architecture perspective. Thinking through how I may include third party open source functionality in future applications, I need to consider adding checks on the integrity and origin of imported code. Though Speranza itself deals with authentication before download, it inspired me to reflect on similar proofs-of-authenticity within a completed software project. If I can confirm signed identities of any imported dependencies, it would make me more confident my project doesn’t have vulnerabilities introduced through my software supply chain. I still have much more to learn, but Speranza made me realize the trustworthy software development I had never considered.

December 20, 2023


cs-343, CS@Worcester

cs-343, CS@Worcester

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Welcome to my first blog post! My name is Andi Cuni and I am a senior completing my undergraduate CS degree. Starting my journey blogging with a background in computer science and software development, I am excited for this transition, and I plan to share everything that comes along my experiences to see if others relate as well!

September 12, 2023

From the blog CS@Worcester – A Day in the Life as a CS Blogger by andicuni and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.