Author Archives: Andrew Lam



I am doing some class activities and looking over some questions ahead to save time for a thing or two. I came across the word “Behavioral Patterns” in class Act. 4 (Model 8); I got curious and looked it up. I found two articles that helped me understand the purposes, Problems with solutions, Real-World Analogy, Structure, Pseudo-code, Applicability, How to Implement, Pros and Cons, Relations with Other Patterns.

The Behavioral Patterns are concerned with providing solutions. It is about object interaction – how they communicate, how some are dependent on others, how to separate them to be both dependent and independent, and give both flexibility and testing capabilities—also, the assignment of responsibilities between objects.

The Behavioral Patterns cover many small parts to form the full extend of patterns. Like Interpreter, Template Method/Pattern, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy, and Visitor.


The Interpreter pattern: Evaluate any language grammar or expressions. An excellent example; this pattern would be Google Translate, which deciphers the input, and shows us the output in another language. Another example would be the Java compiler. The compiler interprets Java code and translates it into byte-code that the JVM uses to perform operations on the device it runs on. Also, it represents a great way to write simple programs that understand human-like syntax. 

Chain of Responsibility – pass requests along a chain of handlers. Upon receiving a request, each handler processes the requestor gives it to the next handler in the chain. 

Command – Turns a request into a stand-alone object that contains all information about the proposal. This transformation lets pass requests as a method arguments, delay or queue a request’s execution, and support undo-able operations. 

Iterator – traverse elements of a collection without exposing its underlying representation (list, stack, tree, etc.)

Mediator – it reduces chaotic dependencies between objects. The pattern restricts direct communications between the entities and forces them to collaborate only via a mediator object.

Memento – it saves and restores the previous state of an object without revealing the details of its implementation.

Observer – define a subscription mechanism to notify multiple objects about any events to the observed entity.

State – lets an object alter its behavior when its internal state changes. It appears as if the thing changed its class.

Strategy – define a family of algorithms, put them into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.

Template Method – the outline of an algorithm in the super-class but lets sub-classes revoke exact steps of the algorithm without modifying its structure.

Visitor – It separates algorithms from the objects on which they operate.


From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

weekly blog (week one)

Hello, Everyone. How are you guys doing?

This past week, I read some articles or news related to CS (Computer Science). I finally picked a topic that caught my attention; engineers create 3D-printed objects that sense how users interact. My reason for why and seeing how choosing this article is because it looks cool and relatable for Gamers to use any controller made of small rubber pieces. 


Short Summary: The researchers found a way to combine sensing capabilities into 3D printable structures made of constant cells, enabling designers to prototype interactive input devices quickly. Even, Formed a new method to 3D print mechanisms that detect how force applies to an object. Or The structures are made from a single piece of material so that they can be rapidly prototypes. Also, A designer could use this method to 3D print “interactive input devices,” as a joystick or a controller.

For accomplishing the goal, the researchers blended electrodes into structures made from metamaterials (The materials split into a grid of duplicating cells). Also, They designed editing software that benefits users develop these interactive devices.

First, The researchers need embedded electrodes because a grid of cells creates the metamaterial. That benefits from the user implement strength to a metamaterial object; cells can spread or reduce with few adjustable interiors. They also take advantage by creating “conductive shear cells,” adjustable cells with two opposing walls made from the conductive wire and two walls made from the non-conductive thread. Even, The conductive walls operate as terminals.

When a user implements strength to the metamaterial mechanism, it running a joystick grip or pressing the buttons on a controller. The conductive shear cells expand or decrease. Even, The distance and overlaying area between the opposing terminals changes. While using capacitive sensing, those adjustments can be measured and used to calculate the magnitude and direction of the applied forces and rotation and acceleration.

For demonstration, the researchers built a metamaterial joystick with four conductive shear cells embedded around the base of the handle in each direction. Also, moving around the joystick handle, the distance and area between the opposing conductive walls change to sense each applied force’s direction and magnitude. By learning how joystick users use strength, a designer could test different handles from shapes and sizes for people with faulty grip strength in specific ways.

Second, The researchers created a sensitivity controller designed to adapt to a user’s hand. When the user holds one of the flexible buttons, conductive shear cells within the structure can diminish and send sense input to a digital synthesizer. Also, This method could allow a designer to instantly create and tweak differently adjustable input devices for a computer.

Lastly, MetaSense, the 3D editor the researchers improved, enables this fast prototyping for a software solution. The users can manually combine into a metamaterial device or let the software automatically place the conductive shear cells in optimal locations. The researchers attempted to make MetaSense straightforward, but there are tests for printing such intricate structures.

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Blog Post

Hello, my name is Andrew Lam. I am currently a college student getting a
CS (computer science) bachelor’s degree. Also, looking forward to the
steps and experiences throughout this journey or exciting facts or
opinions that could give some feedback or pointers.
Hoping Meeting interesting or any people for common interest as myself

From the blog Andrew Lam’s little blog by Andrew Lam and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.