Test Automation Language
Community management filed all the notifications for all the tester for the quater.lately is seems whenever you turn on the radio, tv or looked at the newspaper flyer, you can’t avoid the back to school sals. I notice you explicitly sidestep this question in your article, but generally, the compiled languages have much more powerful capabilities that the scripted languages do not exception handling, multithreading, synchronization, namespaces to manage complexity, XML support. I struggled with Ruby on a legacy project for months. No, Ruby doesn’t even come close to doing what I needed it to do, but more on that below.
From extensive technical discussions on what is possible with Python, I think it’s close, but not quite there, and it’s definitely a poor choice for a large, complex project.
Generally, scripting languages are widely used for “test automation” but their limited capabilities restrict them to an outmoded understanding of what that automation is all about and where it brings business value – really, the answer to the question “Why are we doing this?”
C or C++ can probably do it, but it’s been a while since I’ve used those languages. Java can do it, too, if you don’t need realtime, but my preference is C# which is more modern, better-designed, much better libraries, and more OO than Java.
From the blog Ultra Code by Anonymous and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.