Author Archives: aromeo4f978d012d4

The New Methodology – Week 1

This blogpost by Martin Fowler was very interesting! It gave a very thorough and comprehensive look into what makes the agile methodology so different from older methodologies, which were very bureaucratic and abrasive when it came to change. It also showed why the principles of the more flexible, adaptive agile methodology helped to give more freedom to the developers and helped to create a better product for the developer’s clients. Reading all this put it into perspective for me how I will most likely be using this methodology in the future when I eventually go out to begin working and how this would really help to tighten up a team’s workflow and give them a better ability to put out a quality product. I really liked how as the post progressed there was a sort of small history about agile and how this blogpost was originally actually a means of pulling together most of the original ideas for the agile methodology in the past. I also understand now that agile really is just a perspective you need to have while working with a team and for a client that will help you to maintain a positive relationship with customers and maintain an efficient team. In the future I can assuredly see myself being apart of or using this methodology to develop software as it seems to be much more effective than older methods. The only thing I need to really look forward to is actually attempting to use the methodology as I don’t really have an understanding for how it would actually work or flow in practice. In essence, I think I picked this most of all because I still had questions about agile that have thoroughly been answered now, but I overall I hope for a chance to give it a try eventually in the future.

Summary: An in-depth discussion examining the difference in principles between the different methodologies of software process and an essentially original look at how agile developed and its methods, while also giving a sort-of mini history about agile and what it meant and means to developers.

Reason: I wanted a better more all-encompassing understanding of agile as I feel like I had heard this term outside of the course before, so I investigated it and came across this blog-post that seemed like it had a very detailed examination of it.

Blog Link: The New Methodology (

From the blog CS@Worcester – aRomeoDev by aromeo4f978d012d4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

GUI Architectures – Week 1

Looking back at this blog post it is a bit outdated, being posted nearly 2 decades ago but I still feel like it has a lot of quality information within it that can still be used today. I learned about several different architectures and their patterns that I thought were rather interesting. It was still a little over my head with a lot of jargon I didn’t understand, such as “Forms and Controls” and “Model-View-Controller” which is an apparently highly misconstrued architecture, that I had to look up, but I think this gave me a good look into what I can learn more about and where to direct my attention. I think in the future after I’ve learned some more basic architecture and design concepts, I’ll really be able to apply them and understand them more. Also, I’m a lot more interested in seeing more front-end things related to GUI and the process of developing a quality and useful GUI for a user. Now looking back at myself a little bit, reading this has really cemented for me how much I don’t know about the entire software development process. It truthfully shows me how I need to really pay attention and really work harder at developing my knowledge in the field as most of the blog post was entirely new to me and things I had never heard before which gets me excited about learning more! Also, all of the diagrams in the blog post were really neat and had a great effect in helping me understand the points of each pattern, so this has kind of helped me to understand how useful UML diagrams are and would be for designing and putting a program into and understandable and digestible format that makes it really simple to at a glance get what’s happening. I do think for my next blog post I may need to pick something a bit more my speed.

Summary: An interesting exploration of various architectures for GUI design and detailing their features as well as their underlying patterns within the architectures. Also is a sort of “intellectual history” of these varying GUI architectures.

Reason: I wanted to learn a bit more about GUI’s and how they work, this really details an almost historical record of UI development and how they work underneath. It also contains plenty of diagrams and detailed explanations that really helped me to better understand it.

Blog Link: GUI Architectures (

From the blog CS@Worcester – aRomeoDev by aromeo4f978d012d4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Introductory Post

Hello, I’m Antonio and this is my new blog for both CS-343 and CS-348 and anything else computer science related.

From the blog CS@Worcester – aRomeoDev by aromeo4f978d012d4 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.