Rest, an acronym for Representational State Transfer, is a type of API for web services that have a client-server architecture where clients request for data and servers return data in plain text formats, such as JSON, XML, and YAML. In my software engineering course, designing Rest API requests was the most difficult challenge I faced because I did not understand the parts of a request and their purposes. Because understanding a request’s components is fundamental to designing Rest APIs, the goal of this post is to explore the parts of a request. To help me achieve my goal, I will be using the article, “Rest API: the basics,” which explains the three components of a request: its method, uniform resource locator (URL), and body.
The request method is a procedure a client wants to make. The available methods include GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. Because they are the same methods used by computers to download pages (or hypertext documents) from a web server, they are called Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) methods. The GET method is used to get one or more items from a server; the PUT method is used to update an item in a server; the POST method is used to create and add an item to a server; the DELETE method is used to remove an item from a server. Given the methods, a client can make requests to only create, read, update, or delete data.
The URL is an address to a resource, a unit of an item, in a server. The URL is made up of an endpoint and path. The endpoint is a reference to a web server, whereas the path is the identifier of the resource in the server. Given the URL, “,” the endpoint is “,” and the path is “/justinbieber.” The endpoint is the reference to Twitter’s server and the path is the identifier of Bieber’s Twitter page.
The body is an optional section where a client specifies the data it wants to send to a server. It is only used with POST and PUT methods because the server would need data to update (put) or create (post) items. The format of the body must be in the format of the response. In other words, if the server returns items in JSON format, the client must input data in JSON format.
To bring my understanding full circle, I will be breaking down and interpreting the components of a request I defined and called for a food pantry software in my course. The request is
“GET http://localhost:10001/orders/61b16887ca02e000073ceabc.” I used the GET method because the request is intended to retrieve all orders of a given ID from an Orders database. “http://localhost:10001,” is the reference to my webserver, which I hosted on my local computer. “/orders/61b16887ca02e000073ceabc,” is the identifier for specific type of order in the database. The components make up the request to fetch all orders of a given ID.
From the blog CS@WORCESTER – Andy Truong's Blog by atruong1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.