development project that I am doing in coordination with another classmate. I
have to say that I was very excited about this because up until now, aside from
a few projects of my own (small to say the least), I have never been involved
in really working with someone to create something from idea to release. The
finished product will not be complete by the time it is due but we will
continue after classes end to complete it. We are using the agile development
process for the project which is nice because we don’t necessarily have to have
the whole project complete all at once, but instead base it upon what is
important based upon the client’s need and timeframe.
Web Hall Pass which is based on a program a teacher at Leicester high school
developed in Visual basic, but wanted it redone in a different language so it
could be used on a server. What the program does is allow students to check out
to the bathroom, principal, gym, nurse, etc. and generate a hall pass either by
printing it or the student can take a picture with their phone via the program
which is running on a computer in the classroom. This is good in that the
student can get up and check out when he/she needs to go somewhere without
interrupting the teacher mid class.
that uses the Model View Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. There are some
challenges because neither of us have ever used this before so a lot of reading
and doing tutorials was a necessity. Once we got the basics down, working with
the framework didn’t seem as intimidating. The great thing about Laravel is the
ease of creating tables, and html pages(blades) and how seamless the
integration is between the framework and the database. You run commands using
PHP artisan to create models, controllers, migrations and too much to discuss
here. That being said we have barely scratched the surface of what is capable.
The nice thing about it is that it takes away the daunting tasks that you face
in just using PHP alone. Validation, security, authorization and more is already
taken into account with Laravel, where as in PHP you have to write all of that.
that they allow you to go from idea to release faster than ever, and as we all
know time is of the essence.
From the blog format c: /s by c-braley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.