sprint went well. Issue NGPOC-185 was successfully fixed and our pull
request was accepted, tested, and put on the live test build which is
awesome. I learned a good amount by reviewing the code and trying to
figure out the issue, though in the end Dan solved it. I have found
it quite the experience so far. After completion of NGPOC-185 we
decided to split into 2 teams which was for the better because it
seems like a lot of the issues don’t need 6 people working on them,
but for a start it worked out well as we were getting our feet wet.
We chose issue APTS-159 to work on which they wanted the list in a
form to show in order of date, newest to oldest as it was supposedly
backwards. After investigating the issue and implementing a solution
we found out that issue had already been fixed. Brings back memories
of people not closing tickets and wasting time. In this scenario it
was a learning experience, but in the real world time is money and
this would have cost the company a few bucks. It is kind of nice
though to see the process working and having to dig through code to
figure out where an issue lies and then figure out how to implement a
solution. I love troubleshooting.
issues, one as our split group of 3 and the other as a whole team. We
will probably only get one done possibly because time is running
short. The first issue is AA-680 which is “Can’t add child to
parent relationship”. The problem we believe lies in the database
which we do not have access to so we are waiting on an answer from
OpenMRS on this. We have found where the relationship lies in the
code, but cannot do anything until we get an answer. The issue is
that there is only a parent/child relationship and no child/parent
relationship. In other words if a child is seen at the clinic, there
is no way to add a parent to the form in the relationship drop down.
It seems like in this industry, or at least this project there is
more time spent waiting on clarification than anything. I understand
there are different time zones and such but it sometimes seems
counter productive. I guess though you can have multiple issues
signed out and at least there is communication. I feel like I am
learning more about how the process works than actually learning
Angular, not that I am not learning Angular I just guess I thought it
wold be different. That is the beauty of it though I guess.
are now working on as a team is APTS-254 and they want a reminder to
pop up 6 months after switching to a new ART line. This is another
issue we are currently waiting on answers for . We have nailed down
the area it is in and it seems like we need to just implement a
reminder function possibly, but once again we are waiting on
clarification, so it’s the hurry up and wait game I guess. It isn’t
anyone’s fault it just gets frustrating because we all want stuff
now and that isn’t how the world works. I feel confident that I can
look at a project now and understand how things work and figure out
the routing and logistics of it and that feels good. I am glad I have
been able to have this experience and hop that we can get one more
issue pulled up before the end of the semester which is soon.
From the blog format c: /s by c-braley and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.