Author Archives: cboylecsblog

Practice, Practice, Practice

While it is a likely contender for the most self-evident of the Apprenticeship patterns, I have found “Practice, Practice, Practice” to be the most inspiring thus far. The context that the particular pattern describes is a situation I found myself in quite frequently in my previous undergrad; there is a need to get better at your craft, develop your skills but it feels as though you’re constantly in performance mode. While there may be some merit to having a mirror by my side checking my posture and a metronome in my ears pushing me to increase my words per minute, it’s far more likely that the deliberate practice the authors allude to has more to do with firing the synapses dedicated to problem solving rather than strengthening the myelin sheathes governing my ability to put a stick to the head of a drum.

I enjoyed the reference to K. Anders Ericsson’s research on the matter but was predictably bummed out when the authors pointed out that reality is not in fact perfect and that we, as apprentices, do not have a readily available pool of benevolent masters who will take us under their wing. As someone who was raised primarily to throw a baseball and complete schoolwork assignments put in front of me, the idea of mastery never crossed my mind; talent was something I was born without and that my success in life would largely have more to do with my ability to follow orders and do necessary tasks linearly than anything else. As a latecomer to this world of musical craftsmanship I lacked not only the pedigree but also the prior mentorships that allowed my peers to sail through and seek out additional opportunities. I recognize in hindsight the benefits of a mentorship but also know that with mindful practice I was able to catch up to my peers and even succeed where some of them failed.

My ability to successfully achieve competency happened not because of strong mentorships (which I never received) but rather because of slow, concentrated practice much like the katas of the dojos mentioned. My favorite prescription presented by this article is at the “Action” section, to carve out some additional time to do mindful practice, as practice makes permanent.  I have several exercises in mind and once I finish a few more homework assignments I look forward to practicing!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 1, a Retrospective

Mired by a litany of confusion and growing pains our group managed to come out on top. Actually, that is a boldfaced lie; our group disbanded but I assure you these two things have little to do with each other! All joking aside, our plan at the outset was to learn about utilizing the information access management software known as Keycloak. As it was our first sprint working with completely unfamiliar technologies, the sensible thing seemed to be to read the darn manual and document our findings. While this worked for reinforcing our individual assigned topic from the official documentation, I have to wonder if it really helped us deliver a tangible product or just slowed us down. To elaborate, it seems as though we read a lot about the technical aspects of Keycloak but at the end of the day there was little to analyze and report other than that the documentation seemed to be thorough. In hindsight, I believe the better approach would have been to work together as a group and walk through the configuration process, documenting the whole thing. Moreover, we should have raised questions about the size and scope of user volume and based on those factors decided on a configuration (cluster versus standalone comes to mind) to attempt. While configuring Keycloak and WildFly on our local machines certainly gave us insight, we would have discovered that learning about WildFly and its subsequent installation may have been completely pointless depending on which configuration we decide on going forward.

Given our approach I found that the best work was done when we were collaborating together. I touched on this concept earlier when I was describing how – with the benefit of hindsight – our group ought to have approached the assignment, but synchronous communication and action taken towards configuration yielded drastically better results. It was during these sessions where the team was able to best overcome technical hurdles (such as versions of Docker mismatching) or discover some steps might be superfluous (such as installing and configuring WildFly when not using a local instance of Keycloak). It pains me to say it but it seems as though, of the work we got done, a very small portion of it ended up being useful and that our approach seemed to be driven more by how we could fit our work into the agile framework and not how the agile framework could best help us implement our work. This isn’t to say the framework is of no value or inherently a hindrance, nor is it an indictment of any particular person, but it seems as though our group was not able to mesh well with the framework to get results.

Individual improvements can mostly be derived from the same tired critiques in the vein of rugged individualism whereby things such as losing power, health problems, email harassment must not dampen one’s spirit and certainly, above all else, not their work ethic. Perhaps if I had instead made a measured effort to calculate how many hours of autodidacticism I could throw out so that I may stay in the low C range (as opposed to the upper range) of a non-major class, I may have been able to find more time to commit to exploring Keycloak. Is it unprofessional for a student like me to complain on an assignment for my personal blog? Perhaps. I would argue it’s at least as unprofessional for a teacher to underperform in their profession and that students should have to internalize that as an individual failing.

Links to work done on our team’s wiki:

This wiki entry is the reference page I accidentally wrote on the Authorization Services.

This wiki entry is the reference page I created for WildFly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Concrete Skills

The “Concrete Skills” pattern in Apprenticeship Patterns can be understood, at a baseline level, to be the process of obtaining skills to achieve acceptance into a group of software professionals. This pattern elaborates on how the acquisition of skills has both intrinsic and extrinsic value in differentiating you as a potential candidate for the position in question.

Upon reading the Context and Problem section of this pattern, my brain immediately conjured up a preconceived notion as to what I should expect from the rest of the article to follow. In many respects that notion was correct; I was anticipating a description of the courting ritual between the gatekeeper(s) and the applicant. In the previously mentioned ritual, the applicant admits to humility but shows sufficient competence and desire to improve to the gatekeepers who either make an affirmative judgment leading to the conditional induction of the neophyte, or a rejection leading to the applicant walking away with redoubled determination to step back into the fiery crucible of honing their craft so that they may be better prepared the next time for the acceptance ritual. I embraced this struggle personally in my desire to create music; having been composed of solely aspiration and perspiration, I fell below the musical competency threshold during the audition process several times but I came back with a vengeance and was able to squeak out acceptance.

In the context of software development, Hoover and Oshineye are designating the in-group as a software development team who has a hiring manger that will be vetting your technical skills rather than several bandmates vetting your musical chops. The authors make mention of the concept they borrow from someone else called “day care”, and this is to illustrate the mentality of the gatekeeper who will ultimately be held responsible for the hiring and subsequent failings of the neophyte in an environment where time is software and software is money. I also appreciated that, aside from the intrinsic nature of possessing the technical skills, the authors made sure to mention that the need to develop these skills is also for the extrinsic value of passing human resource applicant filters and “managers who construct teams by playing buzzword bingo”.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

RefinementCodeReview: A Review

Go check out the original article here! It’s great!

In Martin Fowler’s blog post titled, “RefinementCodeReview” he emphasizes the need to rethink the frequency with which developers review code. He points out that pre-integration reviews and pull requests, while important, should not be vital to the development process in the literal sense of the word. Fowler highlights the etymological reason we have collectively acknowledged that software is accurately named; it is soft, and like all malleable mediums, should be worked through from end to end. Fowler seems to suggest that a shift in lexicon from architectural comparison to Erik Dörnenburg’s town planning one would pay dividends in inspiring more frequent refactoring of older code. While this seems obvious, it’s a powerful distinction; if we approach old code like a large stone monolith carved with divine intentionality rather than a living, revisable set of rules used to build and expand, then we are certainly adding unnecessary apprehension around the development process.

“As soon as I have an understanding about the code that wasn’t immediately apparent from reading it, I have the responsibility to (as Ward Cunningham so wonderfully said) take that understanding out of my head and put it into the code. That way the next reader won’t have to work so hard.”

Martin Fowler, 1/28/2021 @

I found this quote personally compelling but also particularly salient when Mr. Fowler addresses the dreaded, yet somehow inevitable, scenario where a high-threat vulnerability in the code is exploited. He calls these rare-high-impact concerns and yields that truly no amount of testing will ever eliminate their existence but the process of running continuous and vigorous testing can make accepting a certain amount of risk from older or inherited code much more palatable. While the author doesn’t mention this pattern by name, he implies that these good practitioners of efficacious refactoring, who are more knowledgeable of a code base, who are better still at creating self-testing code, who are better even yet at continuous integration would create a virtuous cycle of software development.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Breaking Out the White Belt (Disambiguation)

As someone who has been a caddy, industrial mechanic, butcher’s assistant, retail manager, letter carrier, web development intern, substitute teacher, and referee over the course of my life, it’s safe to say that I’m no stranger to breaking out the white belt. The chapter sets up the scenario wherein you’re a competent programmer with a narrower-than-desired field of knowledge and although your competency allows you to feel confident in your day-to-day operations, this coziness with your language or technology stack has limited your ability to wrestle with the novel in a meaningful way. The suggested solution is to embrace the unknown and throw away your preconceived notions about what it means to program or write software, actively avoiding the temptation to relate your previous world to the task at hand. The authors call this mindful approach to limiting context “maintaining a not knowing stance”, an ethos that I would argue is truly the heart of science and fundamental for discovering something new. The case here is that we (the readers) are software developers and the personal discovery is the new world of idioms, approaches, and paradigms that we will hopefully be able to synthesize and, upon achieving contextual competence, apply.

The pattern certainly confirms to me what I already know; being humble is an evergreen approach to learning, however the authors chart territory that I do not know in the chapter and that is the premise given at the outset where one hits a level of competence and plateaus there. I’ve not really been able to wrestle with any technology stack or programming language long enough where I feel competent or fluent to meaningfully contribute, let alone act as a guiding beacon for peers. While I may not be ready now to apply what I’ve learned in the pattern, if I imagined myself a competent C++ developer accustomed to the object-oriented programming paradigm, I would then make an attempt to learn a declarative paradigm, perhaps functional programming. Ultimately one’s next foray in software development will tend towards whatever is productive for their endeavors, occupational or personal and should likely reflect the adage of “picking the right tool for the job”.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

While there were certainly many important concepts presented in the first chapter of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman and the subsequent chapter introductions, I felt that the increasing level of conceptual involvement made the earliest sections far more fruitful in regards to spurring introspection. It cannot be overstated how well the logical flow of concept presentation is and how the breakdown into sections (Context, Problem, Solution, and Action) allows the reader to take the somewhat abstract elegant concepts and ground them in personal and actionable terms.

An example of how this played out: as I read the introduction to Chapter 2 – Emptying the Cup – I found myself having just digested a well-crafted opening but somewhat hazy about how the previous material would be of substantial use to me. To my pleasant surprise the authors had anticipated this and conveniently delivered me a whole section titled, “Context”. The section read:

“You are just starting out and have only a shallow understanding of how one or two programming languages.”

Indeed, it was so! The “Problem” section then provided what occupational or educational stumbling block I may be facing, followed by a tremendous helping of sagely advice to overcome the aforementioned problem, peppered with technical examples and some relatable anecdotes from the authors themselves. It concluded with a section appropriately titled. “Action,” which provided the hard-hitting actionable steps that, deep down, every person facing a self-improvement regimen knows will create an amount of existential friction surpassed only by its constructive value. Due to all of the above I found myself absolutely loving this book and can imagine it becoming a staple source of wisdom and motivation to come.

Speaking of existential friction, my favorite quote from the assigned reading was actually not in the assigned content but rather the “Audience” section before it. The quote reads, “[E]ven people with a decade or more of experience—particularly those who may be struggling to navigate their careers—will find inspiration and perspective to counter the siren call of promotion to management,” spoke to me because at my last job I spent many a night fighting with inept management only to open my phone on my lunch break and gaze in despair at my Quora feed littered with horror stories of talented principal engineers being given the axe because they had become too expensive to employ, wondering if they should have relinquished their craft and made the jump to management instead. For full disclosure this not some Marxist indictment of the labor aristocracy; I have been both the employee and the manager in my life and may one day find myself on the managerial side of the coin because I genuinely do believe that I am a strong mediator and leader. But the introverted tinkerer within me grasps firmly at any notion that it is possible to succeed largely based on the merit of my toiling and not the bureaucracy of corporate telephone; if this book is to be believed then it seems the inner tinkerer may have a leg to stand on.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What is the LibreFoodPantry?

After reading about the LibreFoodPantry I am thoroughly impressed by the ambitions it has and its aims to provide a much needed to service to food pantries in northeastern America. As a student at WSU, I think the project is not only an intrinsically positive venture but am grateful that it doubles as a practical opportunity to get hands-on programming experience as an undergraduate student.

An ability to participate in a multistate collaborative software project is a substantial driver of my interest but certainly it cannot be discounted that the humanitarian aims are just as enticing. The new site looks hip and modern and I can’t wait to see the entire project come to fruition!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Hello World!

Welcome to my blog where I will be detailing my various Computer Science endeavors.

This semester I am taking both the CS-443 Software Quality Assurance & Testing and CS-448 Software Development Capstone courses and will post updates regarding those courses here!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Cameron Boyle's Computer Science Blog by cboylecsblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.