Author Archives: Chad Wade Day, Jr.

Five mvs of Doom 2013-02-04 13:57:00

Last Monday  we held class at the Worcester Art Museum so we could meet with the clients and have the project explained to us. It’s pretty cool to know that we’re working on an experimental exhibit that makes use of technology, with us developing the software they intend to use. The history behind the pieces they want to display is pretty interesting do, not only covering the historical significance of the pieces, but also how the museum had acquired them and forgotten about them until relatively recently and begun working with them.

Unfortunately I haven’t made much progress in learning HTML5 and JavaScript. I’m already pretty much an expert on CSS and pretty good with standard HTML4 and XHTML, so I don’t think HTML5 will be too much of a leap, but I really need to sit down and focus and learn JavaScript. I don’t really have too much to blog about this week, but hopefully I’ll have a good amount for next week.

From the blog Five mvs of Doom by Chad Wade Day, Jr. and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

First Post

Hi, I’m Chad and this is my blog for CS-401.

I’ve never developed a mobile app before, and only recently had access to a smartphone to play around with, so that’s going to be something new for me. However, since we’re more-or-less converting web pages, that’s a bit more up my alley. I’ve played around with a lot of HTML and CSS for years, with little bits of JavaScript here and there. I’m hoping this course can help me learn some real JavaScript and get me involved with HTML5, which I’ve never really worked with before. Hopefully what I already know will be able to help a lot too.

The process of signing up and starting a blog is pretty easy. I was going to set up my own server with WordPress, but I didn’t get the chance to. I was then going to sign up for a WordPress free blog, but they don’t let you use domains with that, and I wanted to make use of this domain I bought a while ago, so I checked out Blogger. Blogger can use the Worcester State Google account I already have, so that worked pretty well for me.

The hard part of blogging is always coming up with content. I couldn’t even think of a title really, so I asked my friend for a suggestion and he gave me “Five mvs of Doom” which is a pun on a professional wrestling term and the mv command used to move files. I don’t know too much about wrestling but I thought it was pretty funny.

Hopefully I’ll be able to run an interesting blog.

From the blog Five mvs of Doom by Chad Wade Day, Jr. and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.