I have not been able to dedicate as much time as I would like to this angular web app project, and I have a lot to learn. I was also not able to incorporate the google sheets api to do the things I really wanted to do. However, what I have done I’ve found engaging and interesting.
I made the decision to simulate a data server in angular. This made data manipulation fairly easy. It took the stress off of figuring out the back-end and allowed me to focus on the other aspects of angular: the structure, services / components, and HTML / CSS. Utilizing several tutorials and guides, I am fairly confident now in creating buttons and forms that accept user input and pass that input into a list. The list is clickable and displays details. It also routes to another page complete with its own URL.
I learned a lot about ngif and ngfor, which work in a pretty familiar fashion. I also learned about the “Slice” function, where you can iterate through a specific part of an array. I am hoping to add a function that will display my win / loss record, which can be done by just adding the values in the “Win” portion of the data, as it is represented by a 1. This is a work in progress but I think it will be doable.
I still think Tour of Heroes should be included in this class. It was such an eye-opening tutorial, and really let me dig deep into learning about services, components, routing, HTML, CSS, and more. While it’s a long tutorial, I think it would be better than Activity 12 for a teaching tool.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Alan Birdgulch's Blog by cjsteinbrecher and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.