Week 10
Backend testing sounds like a scary word. To be able to take out the intimidation from this idea we need to break it down into its components that usually make up a backend:
- Database(s)
- API’s
- Servers
Honestly that all! Now that we broke it down into terms that we have heard before it become easier to think about how we would go about testing each one of these components.
How would you test a database? Well lets start with what does this component should provide.
- Lists of data
- Quick Responses
- Secure connections
Now there is a lot of room for error if your database is not properly configured. Security relies on both the UI restricting access, and security patches being up to date. Quick responses is something that should not be too hard, yet if you create complex queries without the hardware to handle the transactions in mass quantities, bottlenecking could occur. The same could be in the inverse. If you have a poor query and have multiple collections of data stored and variable you may use more time than thought to manipulate the data. This is why you want Entity relationships to be properly initialized to leverage the Databases design for relational queries that are cached and fast.
So how do we test this? well the answer is pretty simple. SQL! you want to create queries of equal complexity of your application and gather results and statistics on how your database handles the queries. By doing these tests a developer is able to leverage the optimal way of extracting data for their application.
API’s are Application Program Interface’s that allow you to connect to a suite of public functions that are open for use. These are usually decided upon early on. So testing for these can begin early to allow for re-evaluation of the goal/implementation if problems arise. The trouble with many API’s is that they can be depreciated and this is common as many companies improve their software and databases. You can create custom tests and view the logs to see the output of the API call.
Now this is a topic which is hard get specific but say you have a server with a OS and tools that server the purpose needed then the steps you can take to test this just like any part of the database is benchmark softwares. This allows the tester to grade the performance and many other factors of software and other tools.
Working on a backend in a way may sound scary but remember this is not something we have not worked with before, it just could be on a larger scale :).
From the blog CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning by CS443 – Triforce Code| Exploring and Learning and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.