Saying Yes:
Even though it might be important for you to know when to say “no,” it is just as, if not more important to say “yes.” You will need to learn the language of commitment. The three parts to making a commitment are to “say that you’ll do it,” “mean it,” and “actually doing it.” This chapter helped me learn that using this language of commitment, you can figure out what someone is saying by noticing the words they use. It is rare when people say something, that they actually mean it. and will get it done. Some other people will mean the things that they say, but will still never get them done. And last but not least, there are those people that will commit to big promises and will never even mean to get them done. Specifically, if you want to know signs of non commitment, they can include, using the words “need/should,” “hope/wish,” and “lets.” Chances are that if these words are being used, that the person doesn’t feel that it is feasible to do these tasks or even if they just don’t mean it. Starting to use these language tricks instead of following your gut can help you tremendously in your professional career and help you understand if people really mean what they say or not. This helped me realize that subconsciously sometimes I will have a task at hand that I will want to have done by a certain time, but sometimes might not be able to, and that it might be because of non-commitment to myself, by either not believing that I will be able to finish certain parts or even have it straight undone. I need to understand and not overestimate how much overtime I can put into a certain project.
We also learned about when to and when not to code. It talks about how it is either good or bad thing depending on the level of focus or concentration you have on the topic. Since coding can be a strenuous activity, it can require you to juggle a couple different factors together at once. These factors could include things like having your code actually work. Secondly, your code must solve the problem, given to you by the customer. Your code your fit well into the system that you already have, and most importantly, your code must be readable and understandable by others. Not concentrating o these factors can have you exposed to distractions that otherwise would not be present in your team of developers if you were organized. Even if you try to ignore these things and code your way anyway, the code you come up with will be wrong. It will be convoluted and filled with bugs and it wouldn’t really solve the customer’s problem so it will have to be redone. Much like being tired or distracted, or even having the time be really late like 3 am, do not code, it will not come out as well as you plan it to. Professionalism can be related to the amount of hours and dedication you put into it. It can be seen i your work. But also we are warned about coding in “the zone.” It will have you lose sight of your big picture and have you seeing tunnel vision. This chapter helped me realize, that no matter what, and no matter how good you are, your life will always involve throwing your curve balls and challenges as you code, you will just need to find fixes and ways around it to come up with good code but it can always be done and distractions can be put to the minimum.
From the blog CS@worcester – CS Blog by Gautam by csblogbyg and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.