This week I was listening to a few podcasts and one in particular sprung out to me. It was from Software Engineering Radio and it pertained to Software Quality(SE Radio Episode 262: Software Quality with Bill Curtis). In this podcast Bill Curtis began by discussing what could potentially go wrong if systems are in place for good software quality. One of the companies he talked about what Knight Capital Group.If you’ve never heard of Knight Capital Group then let me give you some background.
Who is Knight Capital Group?
Knight Capital Group was one of the largest stock market trading companies in 2012. It had a U.S. market share of approximately 17% on the NYSE and NASDAQ. Well one day Knight Capital Group was gearing up to upgrade a piece of their software to integrate with the NYSE’s Retail Liquidity Program. In the process of doing the updates with the new code on all of their servers, one of their technicians forgot about a server. Due to that server not having the old code removed and the new code added, the company lost over 400 billion dollars in a approximately 45 minutes. Because they did not have a simple procedure in place to double and triple check all of their systems, Knight Capital Group is no longer one of the top trading companies in the U.S.. Instead they are the subject for many articles/blogs/podcasts on the internet. This event was investigated by the SEC and they have an SEC Filling on public record. This was the most relevant part out of it.
15. Beginning on July 27, 2012, Knight deployed the new RLP code in SMARS in stages by placing it on a limited number of servers in SMARS on successive days. During the deployment of the new code, however, one of Knight’s technicians did not copy the new code to one of the eight SMARS computer servers. Knight did not have a second technician review this deployment and no one at Knight realized that the Power Peg code had not been removed from the eighth server, nor the new RLP code added. Knight had no written procedures that required such a review.
Where to Go from Here?
The conversation on the podcast went from what happens to when you don’t have controls in place to assure software quality to how to obtain it. I was listening to Bill Curtis speak and he kept bringing up the subject of CMM. While listening to the podcast, I had no idea what CMM was and I was driving so I wouldn’t be able to full grasp the podcast until I did a little digging.
What is CMM? I had no clue.
After a little digging I found out the CMM actually stand for Capability Maturity Model for Software. It’s a development model created by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. It is a required standard for most D.o.D. software/technology contracts due to it’s strict guidelines and allowing for more quality software to come forth.
CMM is a more of a project management model than it is anything else. It certainly helps the engineers because prior to the CMM, the engineers had impossible deadlines and they were unable to write elegant code and test that code. Now, CMM assists management in creating realistic deadlines and still create stable and working software. It consists of 5 levels: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimizing. Each projects gets assigned a level as it begins to meet each of the new requirements. The ideal is to reach level 5. Here’s a brief understanding of each level;
- Initial – Your organization typically isn’t a very stable environment. Typically these organization have a really hard time making dead lines and that usually leads to cutting corners and producing poor products
- Repeatable – At this level organizations are have policies and procedures in place at the engineering level to produce good quality code and maintainable projects.
- Defined – This level is similar to level 2 but you know have policies and procedures in place for both engineering and management.
- Managed – At this level data is constantly being collected to refine policies and procedures that are put into place.
- This is the ideal level and it is when you are at an clean running point but able to “cut off the fat” of unneeded processes.
The take away?
Bill Curtis’s major point in his podcast was how Engineering Managers or Projects managers can be the biggest issue when integrating CMM. Even if the executives put all these policies into place, if the managers do not follow them then no changes will happen. In order to make sure that the managers know how to handle these new policies, a lot of training needs to happen.
I can tell you from experience that having non-compliant managers can make your QA/QC efforts disappear. Earlier this year I was promoted from Technician to Engineer and moved departments. My previous roles included a large bit of QA/QC on all of our equipment. Before I took on this roll the QA/QC plans were very lazy and ineffective. I noticed as I look through records that there were periods when equipment was un-calibrated and being improperly used. In order to counter-act this I implemented and put controls into place for all of our equipment and inventories. When I moved departments, the lead technician I handed my responsibilities off to neglected to continue those policies I put into place. A few months later that individual quit and I was called back to that department. It took me weeks to clean up all of the QA messes that he left and I found out that we had done some work with un-calibrated equipment. That’s no good. Moving forward management has decided they need to make sure they take a bigger role in the QA/QC.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom by CS@Worcester – Tyler Lundstrom and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.