Author Archives: ctshadis

Final Sprint Retrospective

Christian Shadis

This past week, my development team in my Software Development capstone completed our third and final Scrum sprint for the Spring 2022 semester. We completed our final Sprint Review on April 28th and have officially stopped working on the project. This was my first experience working in an Agile environment, along with my first time working on a Humanitarian Free & Open-Source Software Project.  

There were several areas in which our team excelled. The team did an excellent job of labor division, as through the entire semester, all team members were contributing equally to the advancement of the project. We also worked well together as a group; we were able to concurrently work on code very effectively, combining the knowledge of everyone to solve problems we couldn’t as individuals. Throughout the semester, we improved our workflow, increased efficiency of standup meetings, and improved the organization of our source control and merge processes.

There were some areas to improve for our team. We struggled to create appropriate issues in Gitlab to work on – we often found that we were creating issues that were too vague, too large, or duplicates of another issue. We also could have done a better job of maintaining the Epics board in Gitlab; we focused primarily on the issues and not on the Epics they were attached to.

As an individual, I worked well throughout the semester. I was the Scrum master for my team, a position I had never held and was not confident in. I challenged myself to help the team stay organized and balanced in our Scrum meetings and saw improvement throughout the semester. During the first sprint, we would often get sidetracked during standup meetings talking about problems team members were running into and were using more time than necessary. I was able to help the team keep our focus on the current meeting and save other discussions for after, increasing the efficiency of our utilization of class time.

I believe the semester went well both for the team and for my individual work, but there are areas in which I can improve. First, I found myself feeling disorganized occasionally throughout the semester from making too many changes at once – I would like to get better at treating issues as small, independent tasks that are fixed alone on a branch and then merged, instead of completing several small changes in the same issue and branch. This will make it easier to stay organized with what I am working on and will make the source control system more effective at tracking the work I did on each issue.

I contributed to the project in several ways in the final sprint. The major hurdle we faced was getting the backend and API to connect so HTTP calls can be made to the API. I spent the majority of my time trying to debug the various errors we were running into, such as connection errors and socket hangups . This issue is a great example of our misuse of issues – while only one issue was listed, it consisted of many hours of work and many changes to files —  Javascript files, the bash scripts responsible for starting the server, and the API itself. While I was ultimately unsuccessful in completing my fix, I was able to gain a more complete understanding of the project and how each file and component fits into the larger picture of the system.

I would consider the sprint and the semester successful overall. Essentially, we have a working and validated API, most backend code, and have linked the two together. The next steps for next semester’s group will be to continue to develop testing, along with incorporating Identity and Access Management and deploy the server on Amazon Web Services. I feel much more comfortable working in an Agile environment and working on smaller pieces of large HFOSS codebases, and I feel far more capable of working as a developer professionally in the coming year.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Nurture Your Passion

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Nurture Your Passion, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance maintaining an interest, curiosity, and passion for computer science despite hostile conditions. They discuss the ways hostile work environments, boring projects, and cynical coworkers can bring down the morale of programmers, especially those in a developer position rather than an engineer position. They discuss the ways in which the developer can resist these negative external conditions to maintain their passion for the subject and continue growing as a developer.

This pattern coincides well with the Breakable Toys pattern, which discusses using interesting personal projects to supplement your development skills to avoid stagnation. Using this pattern would be an excellent way to Nurture Your Passion. Working on fun and interesting projects is an intuitive way to gain appreciation for a skill and spending the extra time working and learning on your own is an excellent way to supplement your knowledge in the subject; a win-win!

The pattern makes a lot of sense – in my non-CS jobs, I often felt uninspired and bored. While the work was not as engaging or creative as development, I was completely devoid of passion for my work. This made the day drag, led to resentment for the company, and caused an overall poor experience working. Working in a field that I am far more interested in will give me the opportunity to have passion for my work, but I must try my best to ensure it does not fizzle out due to stagnation. If I lose passion for coding, my development job will become as unfulfilling as my previous jobs.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but especially so over this coming summer. I am likely most qualified to be a software developer, which is not as exciting a job as an engineer but using this pattern will ensure that my passion for development does not disappear before achieving a more desirable position. Specifically, I plan to rebuild my website in a full-stack capacity to fill in web-dev knowledge gaps, but also just to have fun working on a type of project I have not before.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Perpetual Learning. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Pattern: Expand Your Bandwidth

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Expand Your Bandwidth, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of learning as much new information as possible as a new developer. They talk about how many developers have relatively low understanding of programming concepts when they enter the workforce, and how these new programmers can take advantage of the wealth of knowledge available for consumption. They make the analogy of drinking out of a straw versus out of a firehose – increase the volume of information you consume as much as possible.

This pattern particularly resonated with me. I feel as though I have a very solid low-level understanding of several different concepts in the world of software development and data analytics. I lack that high-level expertise in all the subjects I have studied in the past three years. I have attempted to emulate this pattern before learning about it: I have a shelf stuffed with books about everything from CS basics to networking to Machine Learning, and I do my best to read as much as possible about the subject.

As mentioned in my previous post, I entered the Computer Science world far later than I would have preferred and faced the difficulty of entering a vast industry filled with passionate, lifelong learners as a programmer with absolutely no knowledge of anything related to computer science. I believe I have spent my time wisely, learning lots of information about several different subjects, and managed to build up a solid toolkit before graduating.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but especially so over this coming summer. I will be seeking employment as a software developer or engineer, and I feel as though some gaps in my knowledge should be plugged up as soon as possible. I plan to do a deep dive on full-stack development and connecting the frontend and backend of a system and use my newfound knowledge to do a complete rebuild of my website ( with a proper full stack and domain name. I believe this will require learning lots of new information and applying it immediately in a way that will make me more qualified for any full-stack development jobs I apply for.

Reference: Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Perpetual Learning. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Use the Source

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Use the Source, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of learning from reading code from open-source projects. They start by explaining how young programmers often struggle to self-assess their code, since many have not seen enough professional-grade code to understand how theirs stacks up. Luckily, all the open-source code you could ever want is freely available to any developer. Hoover and Oshineye encourage the reader to use these resources as much as possible to gain a better understanding of code inside its context in a working software system.

This pattern closely resembles the advice I recently received from a software engineer family friend. She was transitioning from test automation to full-stack Python development and offered some insight into her job search process and some strategies to use for myself. Her main piece of advice was to browse GitHub for code written by other engineers – open-source projects, employees from the company at which you are applying, or anything else which could prove useful.

I started my Computer Science journey later in my academic career than I would have liked to, having switched into my school’s CS program toward the end of my freshman year in college not knowing anything about the discipline. I am still learning what good and bad code looks like, and how to take the concepts from classes and implement them to scale in deployed software systems. My time in a traditional classroom setting is quickly coming to an end, and I must transition my focus to self-education

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but especially so in the first few years. Since I started my CS journey, Git has been a good friend of mine, and I have always been interested in getting to know how it works so well. As such, it would be fitting to start by looking at the code for Git, focusing on the use of data structures. I still feel as though my biggest weakness as a developer is understanding how small microservices and programs interact in a much larger environment. Looking at the source code for distributed systems will give me valuable insight into how the puzzle pieces fit together.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Perpetual Learning. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Pattern: Concrete Skills

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Concrete Skills, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of developing discrete, demonstrable skills with specific technologies. This is an important pattern to implement as a young programmer because often in the hiring process, your skills are often more surface-level, and your value lies in your potential. Developing concrete skills makes you a more valuable candidate and thus more likely to receive an offer.

This pattern makes a lot of intuitive sense. My skills (outside of specific languages) are top-level, and I do not have a lot of projects to demonstrate specific skills and value that I can immediately provide to the company/team I am joining. Currently, my appeal as a candidate lies primarily in my successful academic career and ability to quickly learn, and secondarily in the skills I already possess. In order to successfully find a job, supplementing my portfolio is necessary.

This pattern coincides well with the Breakable Toys pattern in that building those personal, low-stakes projects will allow the developer to demonstrate their skills in a discrete, specific, and demonstrable environment. The toy can then be used in the hiring process, or to develop a demonstration for the hiring process. Having that project available to demonstrate during the interview process will reassure employers that not only does the candidate have potential to contribute greatly as time passes but can also contribute immediately.

I hope to use this pattern throughout the next several months while trying to secure my first career position. I have identified the biggest weakness in my resume to be my lack of full projects to display my skills. I have worked on multiple programming projects that I can use, but they all seem too simple to truly impress a hiring manager. I have a great academic record, but little to concretely prove my development skills. In conjunction with the Breakable Toys pattern, I will look to develop a full-stack project over the coming months that I can add to my portfolio and increase my chances of being hired.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Emptying the Cup. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Retrospective: Sprint 2

Christian Shadis

This past week, my development team in my Software Development capstone completed our second of three Scrum sprints for the semester and recently had our Sprint Retrospective meeting. This was my (and the team’s) second cycle in an Agile environment, so we were more comfortable with the process.

The most notable improvement from our first sprint to the second was the development workflow in respect to version control. Our largest difficulty was previously with the branching and merging process; team members were pushing code with conflicts, were pushing new code before fetching updates, and were having numerous failed merges. After having several weeks to acclimate, we were able to execute the workflow smoothly for the second sprint. After implementing a new policy allowing merges to occur outside of class, we were also able to better utilize class time to address problems team members were having instead of reviewing pre-written code.

Perhaps the largest roadblock in this sprint was a large block of time in the middle of it during which little work was done. We were off for a week for Spring Break, before having both classes the following week cancelled – no members were available to work on the project during this time. Thus, a significant portion of the sprint was spent completely idle. However, we were able to recover as a team and complete enough work before the sprint concluded.

There are some improvements the team can make for the next sprint to increase our effectiveness. First, the team should improve the naming of epics and issues and do a better job of linking the two. We have epics but have been failing to link issues to them. Additionally, the approval of merge requests needs to be done more continuously and quickly after the request is created.

However, there were several areas in which our team excelled. As in the last sprint, our team successfully divided tasks amongst all members to prevent any member over- or under-producing. Any problem a developer had was brought to the group and resolved in a timely manner, which was made easier by our improved merging workflow and increased available class time. We communicated much more in Gitlab than in the previous sprint, allowing conversation to be kept for posterity. It is also noteworthy that we completed most of the planned work despite a time gap

I contributed to the project in several ways. Perhaps my most significant contribution was the revision of the API repository to produce a valid API that passes the npm test. This consisted of fixing naming errors and references in fifteen different files ( I also added a few necessary files to the backend repository (, ). Previously to validating the API I renamed several files in the repository to ensure all files were capitalized consistently in camelCase ( Finally, I contributed by opening a dialogue with the IAM and AWS teams to inquire about incorporating access management into our API, and about deployment on AWS (, ).

Though I performed better than in the first sprint, there are some areas in which I can improve for the final sprint. First, I would like to be more consistent in my work. In the previous sprints, I have been taking multiple days between work sessions and doing work in bulk. This increased the amount of time needed to orient myself with the task at hand and catch up with other work done in the span. Working more continuously would prevent that. Furthermore, I would like to write more code for the next sprint – while I completed several issues, I wrote very little code this sprint. I believe my backend development skills could use the boost of writing more of the code. I will choose different types of issues to assign to myself for the following sprint.

I would consider the sprint successful overall. Essentially, we have a working and validated API, most backend code, and are working on integrating the two together, leaving testing for the third sprint, which is in line with our pre-semester goals. We have worked well as a team, I have worked well as an individual, and we are well on our way to a (near) finished product at the end of Sprint 3.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Stay in the Trenches

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Stay in the Trenches, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of maintaining a development position in the face of success and the opportunity to progress into management. This is a very important topic, since many developers (and employees of other types too) have their careers reach stagnation once they make the leap into management due to their misconceptions about career progression.

This pattern is counterintuitive to me, as historically I have considered management positions to be the goal of any employee, and the thought of turning down a promotion would not seem to propel a career forward. Upon further reflection, the benefits of the pattern are more apparent. If a developer commits to remaining a developer throughout their career, they remove limitations on their potential growth as a developer and employee. They will continue to grow and evolve with the industry and become masters of their craft. Conversely, a developer who accepts a promotion into management may stagnate quickly. Management is a completely different occupation than development, and the recently promoted manager may find their skill set does not transfer. Similarly, the organization may not have much room for progression beyond middle management.

Remaining in a development position instead allows the programmer to spend their entire career mastering their development skills, increasing their capabilities and qualifications for more intense, higher-paid, senior-level programming positions. The programmer can advance and progress with development-based promotions, but staying out of management lends a significant advantage for attaining more prestigious programming jobs in the future.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career. Once I had aspirations of progressing through management positions until I am high up at a large company, but progressing through management positions won’t be possible by virtue of programming skills – instead, a more attractive plan is to progress through the levels of development and engineering to finally land at a senior position. Not only will this maximize my potential as a coder, but remaining in a position interesting to me instead of stagnating in a more boring occupation will maximize my job satisfaction.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Walking the Long Road. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Breakable Toys

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Breakable Toys, Hoover and Oshineye explore the effectiveness of learning through failure, and the dynamics of doing so in a workplace where failure may not be embraced. Essentially, they advise the developer to work on projects on their own time with the important distinction that they can safely develop without harming any other developers with breaking changes. They refer to these projects as ‘Toys’ because the developer should work on projects they find interesting or fun, which will make them more motivated to continue working on it.

This pattern, unlike some others in the book, is perfectly intuitive. “Practice makes perfect” is one of the more well-known clichés we echo, and this pattern is based on constant practice. In fact, much of the information I’ve learned about programming thus far has come from troubleshooting code I’ve written and figuring out why it doesn’t work. The only problem with constantly practicing a trade menially is a blurring of the lines between work and free time; however, developing projects of personal interest to the developer would make the practice far more engaging and feel less like work.

This pattern is not a particularly difficult one to implement, as developers are likely to build personal projects simply because they enjoy development. Yet if a developer uses their skills to build something they don’t care about, it only feels like work – instead, working on building ‘Toys’ feels more recreational and sustainable to implement in free time. To effectively use this strategy, the developer must emphasize the breakability of what they build and focus on using failures to improve both the project and their underlying development skills.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but more specifically I plan to implement this pattern throughout my first development job. I will be exposed to many new technologies and frameworks in my new position. Using these technologies only at work would limit my comprehension of them. Instead, utilizing these new technologies in the failure-friendly environment of personal development projects will maximize my improvement as a developer.

Reference: Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Perpetual Learning. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: Be the Worst

Christian Shadis

In the apprenticeship pattern Be the Worst, Hoover and Oshineye explore the dynamics of skill level on a team as a software apprentice. They assert that while it may seem counterintuitive, it is a better plan to not be the strongest developer on a team, for that situation yields less opportunity for growth and learning. However, if you are surrounded by accomplished developers who are more skilled, there is far more to learn from them, and far greater space to grow.

Be the Worst, like The White Belt, seems to go against the average worker’s intuition, and are somewhat related to each other. One might think that being the ‘big fish in a little pond’ is a surefire way to distinguish yourself from your colleagues and get promoted, or maybe compete for more prestigious jobs. However, being that big fish increases your chances of stagnation. If you are already at the top, there is nowhere to go, and you may find yourself plateauing as a developer. It is more beneficial to contribute to a big pond and be a little fish, because the little fish can learn and grow more, and eventually start to grow larger than the fish around it, and eventually may become the biggest fish. Combining this pattern with The White Belt by accepting new methods and techniques unfamiliar to you will maximize learning potential at any position.

This pattern is likely to be rather difficult to me, having gone to a small high school and university, and finding myself as one of the “big fish” in both. It would be very unnatural for me to be the worst member of a team, but it would catalyze the learning process and motivate me to become a better teammate (or even the best). In turn, that growth and learning will open opportunities for more interesting and lucrative positions in the future.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but more specifically I plan to implement this pattern at my first development job. I plan to work at a large tech company, and that company likely would hire largely candidates from more prestigious computer science backgrounds, with more dense portfolios and extensive experience. I could perceive this as a disadvantage in the job market but utilizing this apprenticeship pattern instead would motivate me to improve my contributions and prove myself as a competent and evolving developer.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Accurate Self-Assessment. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns: The White Belt

Christian Shadis


In the apprenticeship pattern The White Belt, Hoover and Oshineye explore the importance of maintaining a beginner’s mindset even when already a subject matter expert. They attribute this largely to creativity and open mindedness in problem solving: a programmer who is an expert in Language A should act as though they are a complete beginner in Language B to avoid their prior knowledge restricting them from learning all techniques and conventions of the new language.

The whole pattern seems counterintuitive at first, but a small example illustrates the concept more clearly. If a Java programmer wanted to join two lists together in Python, but by only using their Java knowledge, their solution would undoubtedly be far more complicated than a simple list comprehension that Python allows. Putting aside prior knowledge in favor of re-learning problem solving methods would allow that same programmer to utilize Python’s list comprehensions. In a more general sense, by ‘taking off the black belt’ and ‘putting on the white belt’, a developer can learn best practices and technically efficient problem-solving techniques in any language, which will further bolster their overall programming skills and employability.

This pattern also shifted my perspective toward my education so far at Worcester State. Over the past few years, I had found myself frustrated with the methodology of the Computer Science department, which I believe is rooted in giving students exposure to as many elements in the software development world as possible. My frustration lied in the fact that we, for the most part, didn’t do very deep dives on any language or technology. After reading this pattern though, I realize this approach was about showing us as many different things as possible to prepare us to do just what this pattern teaches: learn new technologies and languages as your career develops, rather than becoming a subject matter expert and looking at the rest of your development career through the lens of that subject.

I hope to use this pattern throughout my career, but more specifically I plan to implement this pattern while I continue to learn Object-Oriented Programming languages, especially Python. Most of my OOP code has been written in Java, yet I consider myself fluent in Python. This is a clear example of letting my knowledge in Java prevent me from re-learning object-oriented programming in Python, which would harm my performance in a Python assessment or interview. In this case, and throughout my career, I will make the decision to set aside my knowledge to re-learn the fundamentals through a separate lens to enrich my understanding of the subject.


Hoover, D. H., & Oshineye, A. (2010). Emptying the Cup. In Apprenticeship patterns: Guidance for the aspiring software craftsman. O’Reilly.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Christian Shadis' Blog by ctshadis and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.