During this week, my team and I got more organized and set up our work environment. First and foremost, all the teams including ours decided to use the program Slack, which is pretty much a chatting software like Skype and discord but allows us to use different channels to talk as well as other beneficial communication features. We got together in our own channel which was named after our team, Zolinq and started to get everyone together on their as well as pinning messages on our channel board.
When we met up in the beginning of the week, we started to use Trello, a program to manage tasks and improve communication and organization throughout our team. After we accessed the Trello board from our course, I created a Trello for our own team and Kyle copied the tasks from the professor’s board onto our. Later on that week, I organized our Trello into 3 categories “Backlog”, “Doing”, and “Done”. I put all of the cards (tasks that we created for our team to maintain) into the appropriate pile and then decided to make another category for the writing aspects that are due more frequently, such as the blogs and daily scrums. I learned how to maintain a Trello board for the team which is really cool.
One assignment that I didn’t expect to do was the Daily Scrums, which each team member have to post about their progress on the project so far in our chat channel. I understand why we must do it and the team didn’t upload their daily scrums the first time around since there really wasn’t much to report on. It was a bit unorganized, but now I learned I should have took the professor’s advice by making another channel for our team, specifically for daily scrums. I did that this week so that should not be a problem.
After getting the management duties settled, I started setting up my work environment to start coding the angular tutorial. I decided to do so on my PC first since its more powerful and I wanted to code on it first, so I installed the Webstorm IDE with the free one year license and also installed Node.JS which came with npm. I downloaded the quick start file and imported the project and then ran npm and it all worked well. It was really interesting setting up that environment.
While doing the tutorial, I had issues with the local host page on my browser compile successfully and refresh automatically. It turns out even the slightest syntax error can cause the application to freak out and I had to revert it a couple of times. I have to be careful of angular when i do JavaScript as it feels less robust than java or C++. The syntax for an app environment is sort of new to me but the web elements that I learned from web development was recognizable so I was able to understand it quicker than i thought.
Afterwards, I installed the environment on my laptop and helped my teammates who were having trouble installing it (its worse with different OS) and now we are all on the same page. The next time we meet, communication with my team will be all set, as we also made a Facebook group to keep us up to date with each other’s work. Communication with your team is important, as it was learned in the QA class, and I think we got that down. Next up is more angular and finding out the features we need to build for openMRS.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Dan's Tech Rant by danbarbara and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.