I really enjoyed reading the introduction and the outlines of the Apprenticeship Patterns Book; it sparked my interest because I could identify myself with a lot of the concept and habits addressed in the book. As I started reading chapter one, there was already so much to learn in the ten values of software craftsmanship they listed and so much that I could start applying to my day-to-day life as of right now. Below are the biggest takeaways I got from each of the intros from chapter 2-6
The patterns in the second chapter are all about getting rid of preconceived ideas and not letting previously acquired knowledge get in the way of your learning. It’s all about how to maintain a beginner’s mindset and stay open minded regardless of your “expertise”.
The patterns in chapter three are about understanding and getting ready for an ever-going learning journey. There is always a way to improve a craft or in our case a project that we’re working on. Sometimes it’s easy to get intimidated by how far along others in the field are but the reality is that we are all on the same long road and we keep on learning.
The biggest takeaway from chapter four is not to linger in your comfort zone. It is very easy to stop making progress because we feel so good about where we’re at or, we feel accomplished when realizing that we’re doing “better than others”. The goal should be to measure our abilities and find ways to be better each day.
The fifth chapter gives away important patterns to start practicing as an apprentice in order to perpetually learn. Some of the patterns mentioned are: Expanding Your Bandwidth to expose yourself to new materials; Practice and keep practicing to get better; Reflect as you work, which leads to Recording and Sharing what you’re learning.
The last part of the book is all about patterns to build an effective curriculum. Knowledge is literally available anywhere in different formats (short text, audios, videos, …) However, it is important to still find actual books and writings from professional and use it. A good reading list will facilitate you in this long road of learnings.
Although I am looking forward to reading the rest of the book, chapter 5 is definitely what I am excited about the most because I think it’s what I need as of right now.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Delice's blog by Delice Ndaie and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.