Author Archives: Derek Odame

Sprint – Retrospective – 6

this last sprint. we the team covered a lot on the project. Proceeding from the last sprint that we were figuring how to integrate all other teams project to make a whole application, we had some issues. things were not going as planned. we were able to make some of the stuff work but some were not working appropriately and even the testing was kind of not working rightly also. with time pass by, we thought of upgrading our previous project since we were not able to complete the integration of all the sup projects of other teams.
Our previous project was the search bar. which was very easy to do. Because of that we offered to take a bigger problem to solve which is the integration of sub projects of other teams. I specifically handled the search bar and let other handle how to make the integration work.
As I said we were able to integrate some of the other teams sub projects. So we were able to get a web page where the search bar page can be found. So from there I tried to see if I can add more features to it. But seem to have some little issues. When I add a tag or a line of code. all the things on the web page disappear. Not all the tag but when they do not disappear, they do not function properly. But with that, we the team figured it out. We notice we needed to download or install some materials for the tag or line of code to work. Some line of code needed to be added to the module.ts before some of the code can work. while making sure the search area is being upgraded. The rest of the team members figured how to make the integration work perfectly.

Now that everything is working perfectly, we are dealing with all our final project will be handled in the right proportion. This has been fun, working with the team has given me a little comfy, preparing me to the real work

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective – 5

On sprint 5, our team was still working on the search bar project. I was having a little problem figuring things out. But come to understand how and what i should have done. First there were a lot of error while compiling. The errors were not there before but when i tried run the app, it did not work. It took me some days to figure out what the problem was. Not knowing one of the file was missing (main.ts). So when i realized that i probably thought i might have touched some of the files or anything. So i rather clone another one. Started that whole process from scratch.

Another day as we meet as usually, one of out team member was finding little difficulty merging or pushing his project to github. So he talked about it to the professor also as the manager of the team. Our manager was to help him or let me say us through the merging or pushing our project to github. I guess we were the first team in the class working on the “amrs-simple-app” to push our project to the github. So as things were going through. i decided to pull the things or any update made in our project from github. I tried several times but to no avail. I asked a member of the team and he notice was not added to the github or did not receive the invite. Knowing that, i decided to clone again and see if what he said was true. With time going by, i decided to it the next meeting. We tried fixing it, and we found out that our manager did invite me but i did not accept the invite all along. We finally fixed it and i was able to get things to work.

On another day doing out spring, we decided to changed the project because the search bar was too simple and we need something very challenging.   And also we found out that if we will have to emerge out search bar project to others, we needed them to push their project to the github. But seems things were going slow. So we asked the manager if we can integrate all other team members and also add our search bar to it. So we kind of being the team that joins other part of an application together making it a whole.

While on the change of project, we are still waiting for all the team members to finish their project, push it to the github and from there will be doing the putting together parts. As we wait, i am seeking help on how we will be doing the integration and how we will be testing of all the code.  I have been doing a lot of research on our change of project. We are also dividing an additional task on who will be doing this or that part of the project. For now i will say we are getting closer to the end. Kind of wrapping everything up and also preparing for our presentation.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint retrospective – 4

On sprint 4, we the team started some with the project. That’s the search project. We were all able to install the angular materials including all other stuff attached to it.  At first, getting things started was very coming a big problem. Implementing the angular materials was not working on my computer. after installing it, it brings up a lot of warning. But with times i have to install most of the stuff manually. After all the manually works on the angular material, it started working perfectly. Now that we are all got things started and working, we have to study the angular material on how to implement the text field, button and any other things that we will need in the project especially the google’s material.  During the sprint, while working on the search field, i decided to learn more about the google material and a little more about the angular material. I notice learning all these, the angular material has made it very simple for any one using angular project to create a web site or to create an application in angular. There is not need to start from scratch as the angular material has everything made ready to use compared to the old way of creating an web application or a website. I also did some practice on most of the angular materials. They were very interesting. Before ending the last day of the sprint, we decided to work on who will be doing this or that. as in dividing the work according to the group members. We also started preparing for the final presentation of the project. How it should be presented, things that will be needed and who is going to say this or that. We talked about it but never brought up and a conclusion to it. So probably, next sprint or during class meetings, we will be discussing about it. So far things are going well will the project, everyone in the team is putting much effort for the progress of the project. Which is very a good things. This whole project has made me learned a lot about how team work is doing in the real world job. I have gotten some understanding on how  consistency, and keeping up has much contribution to the team. All these bring up a good productivity. We the team member make sure or ensure that deadlines are met and that there is high quality work. When one team member falls behind, there is another to pick up the pieces. When work is divided up among members of a team, it gets done faster, making the overall business operate more efficiently. During this sprint, i notice the collaboration of the us make work go faster, which is very a good thing making us also focus on other sections of the work. hope next sprint we accomplish everything or be done with the project and start fully working on the final presentation.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – Breakable Toys

This week on apprenticeship patterns, i read on breakable toys. From the readings i learned, experience is built upon failure as much as (if not more than ) success. From the readings, i got some importance of failure and the reasons why we should allow ourselves to fail. And also, at the same time what if you are working on a real job. And the real world job, you are not allowed to fail. But yet you will eventually will fail one way or the other. So in this case, you will need a special space to practice on your work. That will be playing with your toys. For examples, you are working on computer tools or you are on a real job working on how to fix computers. Since you will always want to put up with good production without no mistakes. I will be advisable to get computer devices either good or spoil device and be practicing on it. with much practice and also with a lot of failure, you will get all the tricks of fixing on the device. Also be very good at it. I also learned apart from all these, you must love your toys. That is to say, you should love what you do. In that case through your many failures, you just don’t give up easy. All because you love what you do. In the other way, if you do not love it. You will just give up on your toy(what you are working on).  With the pattern solution with the breakable toys, give us some ways on how to use our breakable toys in order for a team to grow or as individual growth.  from the readings, i got the understanding of the important lesson gained from failure is experience.What happens when we fail? When we go through something and can walk away with firsthand experience, it helps us to develop a deeper understanding for life. The experience of failing at something is truly invaluable. It completely changes our frame of mind through the induction of pain. It makes us reflect on the real nature of things and their importance in our lives, transforming and improving our future selves.



From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint retrospective – 3

On sprint 3, as i said on sprint 2. which i was working on getting my angular to work and also getting more understanding on the angular. I finally made it worked with the help of a team member. During our sprint 3, a lot of things needed to be changed. New kind of a project had to be done. The project called simple app.

doing the process of figuring how to start the new project called the simple app, we were getting all the prerequisite for the new project. we needed to install or create an account on Zeplin. That is were all what we have to do, and the design made. which include the type of programming we need like CSS, HTML, JavaScript and so more.

During our meeting, we discussed more about the Zeplin. We check whether we all on point as to see if we were all on point with the Zeplin. It was a little bit strange for me. But with time i got the understanding and it is very very helpful for our project. So upon all the split tasks, we the team chose the search button. As I look through, i thought it will be very simple to do. Because all we need to do it to get a text field and a small button after that we label them as a search field and that will be all. If my thought is right, then we probably we should be done within a hour if we get it started. If not and my second guess is, we might need a back end to work with. Something like getting an information from a database, a file and any source of data or information. So at least the search field can be useful by playing the role as a search engine pulling out info from any data source. Either ways, we will go through all the step by step, dealing with the issues on github and wait for what the prof will have to say to us. Whether to add or changed something.

i also notice our styling of the project will be from google. It is good for us in the case of fast project be done. the only problem with that is i have no idea of were to start or begin with.  So the plan is to learn or search on tutorial on it so i can get more understanding on it. And if anything, hope the team up me get through.

For as we the team, we are planning necessary stuff/tools as in the type of IDE we will all agree to be working with so in case a team member has a coding problem or wants help with the use of the IDE, we will be able to help him or her. Also getting the understand of the whole project. Getting to know the main types of languages that will be needed. We are also checking who will be working on a particular part of the project. The reason is so we all can get something to contribute and also make the work more faster rather than leaving it for one person or a few people in the group.  We hope the next sprint which is sprint 4, we should be able to be half way or almost done with project.


From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – Sweep the Floor

For this week, i read on “sweep the floor”. I found it very interesting. As a programmer, there are a whole lot of unfinished project you eventually will not complete on time or not will not complete it at all and will abandon it. As  i was reading i saw some of the things why developers forget, why they decide not to complete a project or why they think this particular project is not a that necessary.

From the readings to my understanding, having finished projects demonstrates to potential employers or employers that you can deliver what you set out to deliver, but it depends on what you mean by “project”.

If you are doing the project with a view to having a complete product that showcases all of your skills and may be something you want to make money out of eventually then yes you should finish it, or at least show that it is actively being worked on.

If you are doing the project to learn specific things (how to stream video, password encryption, what ever) then once you have that aspect working it’s less vital to have a fully functional product as you have effectively completed the project. What you should have is something that can you can show prospective employers to demonstrate your skills.

For example, this might just be a web site that says “Welcome back, Derek odam” after successfully logging in and nothing else – but that’s fine as you are showing off the code behind the website that demonstrates you understand password encryption and secure connections etc.

Sometimes because of a code statement or situation that can not be solved, a project is left unsolved. Which most of the time from the beginning of the project all the information given were to make the project a successful one or even sometimes the better one of the new project. In my small knowledge or opinion i think checking for all unsolved situation will be very helpful in a very long run.

I actually enjoyed reading this part of the pattern because, it makes my know that without the love for the work you are doing, you will always be procrastinating leading to unsolved issues. Which is very bad. Sometimes not very  bad since maybe you are a deadline to which a project has to be completed. In that case skipping a small problem will be a wise decision to take.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship patterns – Record What You Learn

This week, i read on “record what you learn”. On the reading, i got the importance of recording what you have learned. As it is generally said, it is good to keep notes. During your craftsmanship or the process leading you to the real word job. You will need to jot what ever you learn, whether from your master, from colleagues or from your own researches. By doing this you are able to learn more skill faster.

For instance, you have learned a new computer language just because you want to create a new project. But in order for you to complete the project, you will have to learn an additional language. Since it is a new language, it is likely you will forget a whole lot of stuff. And at the same time you will need to learned this new second language as well. So in this case, while learning the computer language for the project. It is required for you to jot up some notes just in case you are learning the second language and its time to join both languages together to complete the project, you will be able to recall all what you have learned or what actually you might have forgotten.

if you want to become the best in your field, taking notes is your ticket to making it happen. As you build your career and keep track of what you’re learning, you’ll have easy access to your very own refresher courses.

Quality notes not only help you build a strong arsenal of knowledge, but they can help make a difference in the lives of those you care about. If a new co-worker needs to get caught up on a project they’re working with you on, they can refer to your notes to catch up without feeling overwhelmed. If a friend misses class due to a family emergency, your notes can help them get back on track. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Taking records is a nice action that reveals much about a person’s  patience, determination, and attention to details. It also shows you’re efficient and don’t allow what’s important to fall away. From the this pattern, i have come to realized, the reasons for all the blog pages and a whole lot most instructors guide us through.


From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint Retrospective – 2

Hi readers, on my sprint 2, we planned making sure everyone’s was ready to start with the testing. some team members were able to start with the angular and get the sever up and running. Some were stuck, like me. With me, i was able to get most of the things to work, like installing the latest java, nodejs/npm, the karma and the angular itself. Everything felt alright till i tried building the up the project given to us. When i did run the build command, it gives a lot of warning and also many errors. Did not no where i went wrong, so i consulted one of my team member who has finished with his set up and was able to build and also run the server command. He went through, noticed my @angular-devkit/architect was not installed. And also many many of the angular packages were not installed. So he decided for me to uninstall it and reinstall it back.

So i tried uninstalling it but to no avail. So i decided to use the vmware application to install linux OS since i was not able to uninstall the angular. I also learned, linux is pretty very cool when it comes to these kind of stuff. So after installing the linux OS, i did the same process as i did on the windows. Installing the latest java, nodejs/npm, protector, karma and angular. Everything worked fined and when i test for the angular as in the version. I noticed maybe all the packages were installed. That was great till i tried building on the project. when I run the build command, it game me a whole lot of warnings. But this time, it did not give me errors unlike the windows.

For now I am just stuck with making my angular work. Hoping will get help from a team member to see if that will help. If not, i will have to share with someone who’s program is working fine.

While i was also trying to fix my “angular problem” , i was also learning a whole lot of things on angular. Did a whole lot of search, searching on what could be the problem why my angular is not setting up. This made me start learning from scratch. It was really annoying. But i had no choice if i wanted to make this work. I followed most examples and also practiced most of them on my own. I notice when i tried creating a new angular application, it works fine but when i tried running an old project or building on an old project, it give me all kinds of warnings.

Through the week on my angular project and finding ways to make my angular project work. I got to find out that javascript has been upgraded. Which is not called ES6. ES6 is a major update to JavaScript that includes dozens of new features. With a focus on simplicity and readability, this course is an efficient way to find out what is new in JavaScript and most importantly when and how you should use it.

I went through this new updates on javascript. I notice a lot of differences and was almost like typescript. It wa very easy to understand and work with. Has less codding comparing it to the old javascript style of coding.

The second sprint, made me learned a lot on angular, learned new things i did not know and also got to know about the new upgrade of javascript. I like working on web development stuff. so i was really excited i got to know about this new update on javascript. I hope the next sprint, things became very smooth and easy.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship patterns – Your First Language

This week i picked the pattern, “your first language”. I was very interesting reading it. I got to know more about why you should learned your first language to perfection. At least master it well before learning another language. From the reading, get a language you like and very easy to use, is the best way to be a better programmer by mastering it. The reason is because all the programming languages follow the say pattern. Only different statement but the same principle. So by mastering one and feeling very comfy about it, make it very easy for you to learn new programming language with ease.

From the readings, to my understanding. I got to know by becoming very good at your first language, you need to ;

  • Use the language all day, every day. Usually this means being full-time employed in the language.
  • Read all you can about the language. Especially, “best practices” and idioms.
  • Join a users group to talk with others about the language and what they do with it.
  • Work with other people’s code! There is no faster way to learn what not to do in a language than to have to clean up after someone who did something awful.
  • Support the code you write – every bug becomes a tour of your worst decisions!
  • Study computer science and languages in general
  • Learn a very different language. A great compliment to C would be a functional language like Lisp. This will turn the way you think about your procedural language inside out.
  • Learn to use the frameworks and APIs available for that language.
  • Take the time to do your own experiments with the language. SICP is not applicable to C, but the attitude of learning a language by testing its limits is a very productive one.
  • Read the history of the language to learn why it was made the way it is.
  • Attend conferences to hear the language authors speak, or to hear what industry leaders are doing with the language.
  • Take a class in the language.
  • Teach the language to others

As I said, reading this pattern made my understanding broadened. I really know by following the pattern given from the book will be a great fit for anyone who want to have a better and easy life at work in the future as a computer software or programmer.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Apprenticeship Patterns – Share What You Learn (week-4)

On my readings on the patterns, “share what you learn”. By teaching what you already know about your profession, you’ll learn more, make new connections with people, and find new opportunities. And by doing that you will may find it very fun.

From the reading, to my understanding, another reason you shouldn’t wait to start sharing with others is that it will help you learn. Research has shown that when we explain something to other people, we come to understand it better ourselves. The process of teaching or sharing what we have learned to others, helps us recognize gaps in our own understanding and better organize information in our minds.

Also one thing i notice about sharing what you learn with others will give your talents more exposure, thus giving the people you interact with the opportunity to identify you as a valuable expert. Helping others can help you build your reputation. Also sharing what you learn can be a great tool for everyone. All you need to do is to be permanently connected to the hot business topics and offer your expertise every time you can. When people are open to prove their value through their competence, it’s easier to notice the ones likely to organize people and to take initiative.

Let’s take for instance, you are in the team, by sharing  what you learn or known and talking about certain decisions and procedures, the new guys or juniors could easily acquire new sets of skills. Create an environment where everybody is encouraged to ask questions, and help professionals in all your locations and job positions stay updated with the latest information in their field. Also by sharing what you learn, increases the productivity of your team. You can work faster and smarter, as you get easier access to the internal resources and expertise within your organization. Projects don’t get delayed, people swimmingly get the information they need in order to do their jobs and your business fills the bill.

I really enjoyed reading the pattern because i got the some main importance of sharing, strategic ways of sharing and things that i do not have to do.

From the blog CS@worcester – Site Title by Derek Odame and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.