Author Archives: Dnjoroge

Week 2:

Week 2

The second meeting of the class was very interesting. We Installed the IRC, which is used as communication tool in OSS development. In addition, we used it to communicate between the group members and the entire class.

From the blog Dnjoroge by Dnjoroge and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 1:

CS401: This course will definitely be very interesting. Having to develop software that is suitable to the real world I think is an impressive experience to attain. Further, working with other programmers in one project is a learning experience for everyone and a great way of improving teamwork skills.

Day 1: We went through the syllabus, and touched OSS development basis. In addition, the programming groups were randomly assigned.

My goals:  (not limited to more goals as the semester progresses)

  • Improve teamwork skills in software-development  environment
  • Be able to implement attained programming skills effectively
  • Learn how to contribute to OSS
  • Learn how to develop web based applications

Reading: The first three chapters introduce the OSS in an intriguing manner, this demonstrates how great and effective the book will be in developing OSS. I really look forward on using it effectively following the great topics to better my software development skills….

From the blog Dnjoroge by Dnjoroge and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.