Chapter 5 in the book mainly talks about TDD otherwise known as test driven development. This is when you first have to write the tests for your code before you write the code itself. By doing this is allows for a more organized way of coding that gets your mind set around the fact that you know what you need to test for. I personally have not had to do this much in the past because I am not actually a developer but instead am working in a quality assurance environment, which means that I have to write test plans and automation code to test the code that has already been written by the developers. How ever it would be interesting to look at these tests that the developer have written because it would give me a little bit more insight into how there mind was when they were coding and might give me a better idea of how to write my test plans and maybe even expose some bugs in the code.
From the blog CS@Worcester – dperry2blog by dperry777 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.