Author Archives: dzona1

Inheritance Problems

As the first blog post, and naturally occurring when at the start of my CS-343 class, I had a hard time picking a topic. In class we haven’t gone over many new concepts, but my professor did mention during a topic review that there are other options from inheritance that are able to do very similar functions. Piquing my interest, I wanted to look into inheritance itself and what other people thought of it and compare it to my experience coding programs using inheritance.

The blog post I chose started with an introduction about how inheritance is taught in a way that doesn’t give students the best grasp at how to implement some of the more niche situations or real-world cases where inheritance would be the most efficient method. Something that the blog mentioned that has been something that as a student I have never really come across, is deciding when a certain method, in this case inheritance, is the best way to solve a problem. Usually with assignments, the method is already predetermined, and the implementation is what you are graded on, or because of the limited subjects covered, the intended method is easy to figure out.

The author then goes into the two main problems that inheritance has, the complex syntax and the complexity of the problem inheritance is best suited to. Inheritance has it’s own syntax that is new and you have to learn but it also gets difficult because the new context of the code now has new rules to it that need to be considered such as precedence, overriding, and variable types. The other problem is that cases where inheritance would be the best implementation are problems that have a reasonable amount of complexity. There needs to be two classes of objects that have a good deal of similarity between them but also be different enough and have a good amount of shared code to where you would not want them to be two separate classes. 

Reading this blog as well as reviewing inheritance in class has shown me that while I know the concepts and am able to write a program that utilizes inheritance, my experience with all of the special cases and interactions is not complete. The blog was more catered to teachers but as a student I also found it to be helpful. The blog doesn’t offer much in terms of a deeper look into the topic or language specific examples, but having learned more about it’s complexity I will be sure to look at other resources that more thoroughly and meticulously go over the nuances of inheritance so that I can feel confident in implementing it in any program where it would be a proper fit. I think it’s always good to try and fully understand a topic especially when you think you know everything about a topic and you run into a roadblock. 

Teaching Inheritance – Ada Developers Academy

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by dzona1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

New Blog Introduction

I’m starting this blog as a collection of writings on the current state of the Computer Science field. Most posts will be focused on blog posts for CS-343, where I will be finding and writing my thoughts on new developments to myself or in the field in general. I also look forwards to improving my ability of communicating technical aspects of my major and gaining a deeper understanding of how Computer Science is progressing.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Blog by dzona1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.