Author Archives: elekdushi

Week 14: Last week of the class

This is the last blog for the class CS 401.  This semester has being a good one because of what I have done and of what I have learned.  I have learned a lot from research about FOSS Field Trip 1 and FOSS Field Trip 2. I was not familiar with Open Source projects but [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 13: Finally I did install EuTester

After so many unsuccessful tries to install EuTester on same operating system but on two different kind versions “Ubuntu 10.04” and “Ubuntu 11.10”. At one point I did think that might be some kind of issue from an update of the EuTester code. I did think this way because some of my classmates had EuTester [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 12: Watching the EuTester bug tracker

This week I thought to get deeper on EuTester bug tracker. There have being some new issues added to the EuTester bug tracker, and I did spend some times looking at all the issues that are there. In software industry it is very important to learn to understand how bug tracer issues works because it [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 11: Working on Eutester documentations

This week I did something different than before. I did start to work o documentation of EuTester code. We got the access to EuTester repository thru or instructor Mr. Wurst who is our master. The way in which we work on documentations is very simple.  We will submit every change to our instructor Mr. Wurst [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 10: Trying to run EuTester

This week I have tried to put to work EuTester. I have follow different ways how to make work the EuTester but no success toward this problem. I am trying to work with it because I need too for my work on EuTester bug tracker. I need to run a test for my self that [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 9 : Code documentation on GitHub

This week we did talked about different things for example signup at GitHub and working on documentation for the coding on Eucalyptus project like Eucaops, Eucaweb, Eutester, and Testcases. The challenging thing about all these projects is that they all are writing in Python programming language, and will be very difficult for some people in [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 8: EuTester bug tracker

Like very other week this week the group that is working to installing our cluster did report about the progress of their work. Also other think we did this week in class e did discuss in class about group projects. My group project is the EuTester bug tracker. We did get together as group in [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 7: What licensing about our doc

On class this week we did had a guest from Open Source World and Eucalyptus. The guest was Mel Chua. This day we did talked about many issues. One of the issues it was hardware of our cluster. The team that is working of setting up our cluster had a big problem. The hardware that [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 6: Updates on new assignments

This week mostly we did it was like little presentation from all the groups on the new assignment from week 5. My group has the EuTester bugging part. On EuTester we couldn’t find many of the information because it is new software. We can find the bug report for the EuTester on The total [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5: Evaluation on what we have done and what we will do next

In this week meeting we did discussed a lot of the things like what will be the plan for the future assignments about the class CS 401, presentation about the progress of setting up our cluster network, the way how to rate the Eucalyptus, to trying the EuTester software, and using new tool about team [&hellip

From the blog E. Lekdushi CS401 by elekdushi and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.