Author Archives: Eric Nguyen

Docker in a nutshell

The blog post starts by identifying what are the different teams in software development and what each team does or is responsible for. It also talks about how what the development team does might be counterintuitive to what the DevOps team does and create problems for the two teams. An example of such a case would be when the development team adds a new feature because the new feature might affect the stability of the code by breaking the code which leads to problems for the DevOps team. The blog post also talks about what is Docker and containerization. It defines both terms and lists the benefits and features of both. It also talks about how Docker and containerization can solve problems that arose when we use virtual machines. For example, Docker can have faster build and testing times. Then, the blog identifies and talks about the different parts of the Docker architecture. In the post, it identified that Docker is composed of four components: images, containers, registries, and the Docker engine. The post defines each term and what each one does. The rest of the post talks about the components of the Docker Engine (such as the daemon, how to submit requests to said daemon…etc.) and why we should use docker, what are its benefits and what are its alternatives.

I personally really like this blog post made by the BNC Software company because the article is not too long or difficult to read. Personally, I have always had a terrible memory and been the kind of person where if I read something I can form some sort of an understanding about something, but I won’t completely understand or remember the topic until I get a formal definition. So, I chose this blog post to look at because I think this post does just that for me. The post explains the terminology in almost layman terms which makes it easier for me to remember and understand the material. Another reason why I chose this particular post is because I think this blog post explains the basics of Docker very well and is a great resource for us to have as we start moving on to more advanced topics in Docker. While reading this post, I think it brought up an interesting point about how the development team can interfere with the work of the people on the DevOps team. This was a question that I had before but never really thought about or put in the time to research this topic. It reminds me of what we learned in Software Process Management and LeBlanc’s Law. Starting up a Docker container takes a lot of initial effort and time commitment, but it would save us time in the long run because we would run into fewer problems of incompatible code and run less of a risk disrupting the stability of the code.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

To New Beginnings; CS-343 Introduction

Hello all,

My name is Eric Nguyen and this is going to be the blog where I will be making posts for the CS-343 class. I am a Senior at Worcester State. I am pretty excited for the upcoming school year. It feels like forever since I have been in class and programming. I hope everyone had a fun and restful summer and hope to see you all soon. ?

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Static Analysis Tools

For my final blog post for the class, I decided to look at a blog post from Codacy. In this blog post, they talk about how only about 15% of developers use static analysis tools and that more people should. The blog post starts by talking about in the past a lot of developers manually look for errors and bugs within their program and how this method of code analysis is very error-prone because humans are prone to making errors and are likely to miss a bug or two. I hate to admit it but I agree with them on this point. Human beings are flawed and will inevitably make a couple of mistakes. We don’t know when or how but we will. This is just a part of human nature. Computers can run many more tests than we can and very quickly find errors and save a lot of time and money in development. Even though static analysis tools are powerful, we still need to pair with some dynamic testing because static analysis cannot account for every thing that could happen or go wrong.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mocking is good but not always the best…

In this blog post, I decided to look at when it might be better to use fakes than mocks.

In this blog post by Yegor Bugayenko,

Mr. Bugayenko talks about the structure of a simple Java project and return values of various methods. In the article, it shows how much work it would take to mock a program that has multiple levels of abstraction and if we did mock everything, it would obscure the meaning of our tests because our tests will would have multiple levels of abstraction and makes it that much harder to see what exactly we are testing. In the end, it would also make the test file much longer than our main file. In situations like this, it would be easier to use fakes.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Power of Decision Table Testing

In POGIL activity 8, we worked with decision table-based testing and applied it to applied this concept to the ongoing graduation problem. Unlike the previous activities, we did not go over the advantages of using a decision table opposed to using any of the other testing frameworks. So for this blog post, I want to look more at the pros of using decision table-based testing.

In this article, it gives a complete step-by-step rundown of what is a decision table, why we use it for testing and how to conduct decision table-based tests.

It is basically a review of what we covered in class with pictures/diagrams at each step.

In this second article, it talks about the characteristics of decision tables and why some of these characteristics may make decision table-based testing more preferable to the other testing frameworks.

Decision table-based testing is similar to Equivalence Class testing in the sense that it divides the tests into cases and complete test coverage. Unlike Equivalence Class testing, decision tables are more versatile. One aspect that I really liked about this second article was the fact the author completed multiple action rows into just one rule by defining a key. This made the table smaller and easier to read while not obscuring the meaning within the table.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A quick but necessary recap on Boundary and Equivalence Class Testing

This week in class we covered what is Boundary Value Testing/Analysis and what is Equivalence Class Testing/Partitions and what are each of its subclasses.

After finishing the activities in class, I feel like the assignment really did a good job teaching us how to do each type of testing but it does not really explain why we should use each of these testing techniques.

While I think knowing how to conduct each of these testing techniques is important, the essentialist within me cannot stop thinking about the logic or the origin of these techniques. In this blog post, Mr. Eriksson gives a recap of the topics we covered in class and gives a couple short and easy to understand examples to work through. Also in this post, he gives a short explanation of the main ideas of each technique. The reason why I chose this specific blog post wasn’t because I wanted to introduce new information about the topic but because I wanted the topic a quick once-over and really nail down the topic. This blog post gives a really nice summary about what we covered in class and serves really nicely in filling the blanks in our understanding of the topic.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Getting my feet wet with the JUnit 4 Runner Architecture

Recently as part of a homework assignment, I learned that in JUnit 4, you were only allowed to use one test runner. This aspect of Junit 4 intrigued me so I decided to do a little more research into the architecture of the JUnit 4 Runner Class.

In this blog by Michael Scharhag, he explains generally what are Runners, how they work and the class hierarchy. Throughout the post, he walks us through the class hierarchy by using a series of tree diagrams and code snippets. He also explains some of the more easily missed details such as what happens when we don’t pass a Runner to the @Runwith annotation. He also talks a little bit about possible pitfalls such extending the wrong class and some neat tricks you can do with the JUnit 4 Runner such as creating custom runners. Overall, I feel like this post was more on the technical side and I used the following video to look at more of the application side.

In this video, it talks more specifically about what each of the classes in the hierarchy do and what annotations to include and when.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A Start to Something Different

Hello. I don’t really know how you got here but welcome to my blog. I don’t really blog but I guess I will have to start somewhere, so I might as well start here. I started this blog for a class I was taking in my Senior Year of college, so at least initially, most of my posts will be responses to assignments from that class. At the moment, I don’t know what direction I want to take this blog but I hope you will consider coming back to this page one day to see how far I have gotten.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Just a Guy Passing By by Eric Nguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.