The blog post, “Decision Table Testing: Everything You Need to Know”, discusses the concept of decision table testing in the software quality assurance field. Decision table testing is a systematic technique used to test the behavior of software systems against various input conditions. The blog post provided a comprehensive overview of decision tables, their components, advantages, and how they can be effectively utilized in software testing processes. In addition, the blog post offered practical insights into creating decision tables and implementing them effectively in test creation. It discussed the best practices for defining conditions, actions, and rules within decision tables, emphasizing the importance of clarity and consistency. Additionally, it provided tips for managing decision tables in a structured manner, facilitating easier maintenance and updates as the software evolves.
I chose this blog post because we have covered this topic extensively as well as incorporating a homework assignment on the topic. Due to this, I wanted to have further instruction on how this method of testing can be put to use and gain further knowledge on the method of testing. After reading the blog, I was able to gain a clearer understanding of decision table testing and its significance within software testing. Decision table testing is a very important testing method that will be a very useful tool to know and understand in use when testing for software quality assurance.
The blog highlighted the benefits of decision table testing, such as its ability to identify redundant test cases and minimize duplication efforts which are great to learn as it will help increase functionality of my tests as well as efficiency. From the blog post I was able to gain a greater understanding of Decision table testing and with that deeper understanding of decision table testing, I hope to be able to have real world scenarios that I would be able to apply the theory to. In conclusion, the resource not only expanded my knowledge of decision table testing but also equipped me with practical insights that I hope to be able to apply in my academic as well as my professional career in the future. As I continue to write and develop code for class and hopefully for career opportunities the more knowledge I have when it comes to software testing the better as it will help improve my level of design. Understanding one of the fundamental testing methods is just a step in the right direction for my career.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Giovanni Casiano – Software Development by Giovanni Casiano and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.