Recently in my Cs-443 class, Software Quality Assurance and Testing, we have been talking about unit testing using stubs. Honestly, I didn’t understand what stubs were during the classes themselves, but a blog called Why Stubs in Unit Testing Improve Integration Testing helped me understand what a stub is, as well as where and when it is used. In this blog written by Miroslaw Zielinski, he states ” Unit testing is more about isolating the function, method, or procedure, otherwise referred to as a unit. This isolation is done by stubbing out dependencies and forcing specific paths of execution. Stubs take the place of the code in the unit that is dependent on code outside the unit.” Stubs allow the person testing the code to test specific paths of execution within the code, allowing them to view different things such as if different parts of the code work and are reliable. I think that Zielinski gives a great example of why these stubs are used in his article. He states, “Once the stub is added, it will be consistently applied to the tested code. A user working on the “allocation failure” test case will have an easy way to install a special callback function into the stub, which will simulate the desired effect: allocation failure or do nothing since by default the stub returns a null pointer, which is expected for the test case.” This helped me understand why stubs are used, and the rest of the article helped me understand when they are used.
After reading more of the article, Zielinski began to explain why stubs are used. Although his explanation confused me a bit, I believe I got the jist of what he was trying to say. I believe that they are being used when you are trying to test lower-level modules while the upper-level modules have not been developed yet. Therefore you can use a stub, which acts like an upper-level module, in order to see how it will be treated. Zielinski also gives examples of when stubs aren’t good to use and what the limitations are “In instances where there’s not an original definition available for a stubbed function, what happens? How does the stub behave without a callback that defines the alternative behavior? The beauty of C/C++test is that it automatically detects this kind of situation. The stub will reconfigure itself during the test harness build time. It won’t call the original definition when no callback is installed and will return a safe default value.” I’m not really sure what he means by this, but I hope to learn more in the future.
From the blog CS@Worcester – One pixel at a time by gizmo10203 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.