Author Archives: iharrynguyen

Mutation Testing

In the final exam, there were a few questions on mutation testing which I was very unfamiliar with so I decided to look into posts/blogs about mutation testing. One interesting blog I came across was written by James White – ‘Mutation Testing – Who will test the tests themselves?’.

The very first sentenced stated “this is aimed at people who are not familiar with mutation testing” and it was all over from there; I had been sucked into the article since I had no idea what mutation testing really was.

White starts off by describing what mutation testing really is and his definition was “Very simply mutation testing is a way of testing the quality of your tests by introducing changes into your code and seeing if your test suite detects them”. Very straight forward. He then gives an example written in java and a scenario seen below:

private static final int MARGARINE_WEIGHT = 100;
private static final int COCOA_WEIGHT = 25;
private static final int EGG_COUNT = 2;
private static final int ORANGE_JUICE_VOLUME = 15;

Cake createCake(CakeType cakeType) {
Cake cake = new Cake();
if (CakeType.CHOCOLATE.equals(cakeType)) {
} else {
if (CakeType.ORANGE.equals(cakeType)) {
return cake;

As well as different test cases:

public void canCreateVictoriaSponge() {
Cake actual = testee.createCake(CakeType.VICTORIA_SPONGE);
assertEquals(100, actual.getMargarine());
assertEquals(100, actual.getFlour());
assertEquals(100, actual.getSugar());
assertEquals(2, actual.getEggs());
assertEquals(0, actual.getOrangeJuice());

public void canCreateChocolateCake() {
Cake actual = testee.createCake(CakeType.CHOCOLATE);
assertEquals(100, actual.getMargarine());
assertEquals(25, actual.getCocoa());
assertEquals(100, actual.getSugar());
assertEquals(2, actual.getEggs());
assertEquals(0, actual.getOrangeJuice());

public void canCreateOrangeCake() {
Cake actual = testee.createCake(CakeType.ORANGE);
assertEquals(100, actual.getMargarine());
assertEquals(100, actual.getFlour());
assertEquals(100, actual.getSugar());
assertEquals(2, actual.getEggs());
assertEquals(15, actual.getOrangeJuice());

He then shows us the results of his tests as well as his mutation tests. So I learned that mutation testing works on the principle that since the test code is there to ensure that the code works, if mutating a test, at least one test should fail. Mutation killed means all your tests pass and mutation survived indicates that the mutation survived and there is a potential area where a bug could arise.

As always, subscribe if you are interested in Computer Science ideas/technologies/topics!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Importance of Code Review

Towards the end of the semester we were working more intensively in group settings and even increased the number of individuals in our group which required greater collaboration among peers. I recently came across a post ‘Code Review: The Unit of Work should be a Single Commit’ by Paul Hammant. In this blog Hammant talks about the benefits of Code Review and how the end result is significant change in the way the program was written.

Some of the benefits he listed was:

– Two pairs of eyes catch more bugs (which saves hours of debugging if fixed early)
– Enforce coding standards, style guides (keeps overall readability & code quality high)
– Mentoring of new developers (learning from mistakes without breaking stuff)
– Establish trust relationships
– A good alternative to pair programming.

Our last few classes we as a group came across all of these aspects and more. We worked collectively as a team code reviewing some program and found that we listed many similar mistakes. Another important point he makes is that there is only so many times something is modified in review before it is considered ‘done’.

Although Hammant talks about reviewing code over Git and we did ours as a group in person the idea remains the same. Some steps he talked about were to lock a commit for the duration of each review and also how to move forward with which review change when two individuals have different points of view. I found that this article was relatable to our experience.

As always, subscribe if you are interested in Computer Science ideas/technologies/topics!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

DRY over DAMP?

Ever since I picked up my first Java book and read through it, one thing always stuck in my mind when it came to writing any program and that is to not repeat yourself when you don’t have to. Leonardo Brito wrote an interesting piece, “Don’t obsess over code DRYness”, and he gave a few good points on why we shouldn’t try to make our code as complex as we can. He starts off by saying that we, as humans, are good at pattern recognition but sometimes we over-do it. He uses the example codes below:
# Example 1
class Car
include Checkups

def maintenance_10k

def maintenance_30k

def maintenance_50k
# Example 2
class Car
include Checkups

def maintenance_10k

def maintenance_30k

def maintenance_50k


def basic_maintenance
After DRYing the code we see that it produces a new method called basic_maintenance while the original maintenance method conveys exactly what the method is expected to do. He then added a change such that we no longer need to check the break fluid on the 10 thousand miles checkup, so now we must remove the method check_break_fluid from basic maintenance and only add it to the upper maintenance methods. What he was trying to illustrate is that although one set of code was easier to read and follow, a simple change could have us altering out code in more ways than we’d like.

Brito talks about the trade off between some duplication over the wrong abstraction because overly DRYing your code could result in more confusion than simply repeating SOME code which is where he introduced another concept: DAMP – descriptive and meaningful phrases. The purpose of these two terminologies is to guide is to write better code and not going to any extremes.

I found that the concept of over DRYing your code interesting because I never thought about it that way and that there was a such thing. I’ve heard of DRY but never DAMP so I found that amusing how they’re opposite from each other. Looking back at my projects I feel as though I stand somewhere in between both concepts. I try to not over-do simplifying yet at the same time I make sure I apply DRY when necessary. I agree with what the author said about repeating sometimes to make it easier on yourself in the end.

Thank you for the read!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Reasons to test your code

For every person, there are things they like and things they don’t. One such thing for me is testing my code. Is it laziness? Is it the fact that I’m awful at it? I’m not particularly sure why but in “5 Reasons why you should test your code” by Frank van Wijk, he talks about five important reasons on why we should always test our code.

Reason number one: Regression testing. The example he gives is that your code is fully functional and working but then one feature breaks in your code and now you’re left staring blankly at your code. Given that if you have 100% code coverage, you know there is a fully functional test suite. For example, you run the test suite, then you modify some parts of your code and then you run the test suite again. Now if tests are failing after the modification, there is an assertion done for this case. This is good because after every modification or as your program becomes more dense you could repeat this process each time to get rid of newly formed bugs.

Reason number two: Improve the implementation via new insights. After you finish your writing your program the first thing you might want to do is walk away grab a beer and reward yourself but before doing so you should write start writing tests for your methods. If you find that it is difficult to write tests for your methods then in may be an indication that there is room for improvement in the way you wrote your methods.

Reason number three: It saves you time. Although it takes up a huge chunk of your day writing tests for your code, in the long run it would actually save you time. The reason being, if you refactored your code, your tests should catch most of the bugs and allow you to fix it without having to sift through the entire program searching for what went wrong.

Reason number four: Self-updating documentation. There are many ways to understand code; read comments, read the implementation, or by reading the tests. It serves as a type of documentation that allows the reader to know what is suppose to happen.

And the final reason Wijk gives is because it is fun.

For the most part I found this blog quite fun to read because the author made a few valid points. Writing tests may be a pain but in the end it does make you a better programmer and ensures that there is less room for errors. I know my biggest weakness is testing my code because I never have in the past and moving forward I will start to.

Thank you for the read!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Single Responsibility Principle too much or no?

Have you ever heard of the Single Responsibility Principle? What does it sound like when it comes to mind? To me it kind of sounds like an object is tasked to do one thing.

In Jon Reid’s “Single responsibility Principle: Is it a fundamental mistake?”, he talks about the different problems that arises when applying the SRP. He starts off explaining that in order to apply the principle, we must keep subdividing until the class cannot be subdivided any further. That task sounds like a nightmare right? It gets worse. He goes on talking about classes and an important concept called “Cohesion”. Simply put, cohesion expresses how closely related parts of your code are with one another. For example the more each method uses the same instance variable the more cohesive the class is therefore that class must be narrowed down according to Reid. There is a such thing however as extracting too much from classes but he doesn’t really go into detail describing when you know you’ve narrowed down too far he only states you’ll know when you’re there which doesn’t help much.

I thought this blog was sort of confusing because he didn’t go into detail about how to not make the mistake about breaking down your code too far; I guess he just wants us to learn through trial and error which makes sense over time. I don’t think I will try to change my way of coding because the way he described SRP kind of made me want to sway away from the idea. There just seems to be too much room for error in my opinion. Yes I agree it is good to narrow down your code but you do run into the problems he mentioned.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Behavior-Driven Development

What is Behavior-Driven Development you ask? To know that you must know what Test-Driven Development (TDD for short) is first. Keeping it short, TDD is a software development methodology that states for each unit of software, the developer must:

  • Add a test
  • Run all tests, see if one fails
  • Write code
  • Run test to implement code again
  • Refactor code to past test
  • Repeat

Knowing what TDD is, Behavior-Driven Development is merely an extension of TDD that makes more specific choices; meaning it focuses on specifying behavior and how the user wants the application to behave.

In Clemens Helm’s blog about Behavior Driven Development, he talks about the initial steps of BDD which starts off with the piece of functionality that is most important to the user; in other words we should develop software by centering our users. The purpose of this is so that developers know where to start and are on the same page in the development process of the project.

Some advantages I see from BDD is that it helps shift the focus to the expected end result and functionality of the program between the developers, QA, project managers, and business team. I found this particularly interesting because I always thought that communication was the utmost important part when it comes to creating anything as a team but I guess in a real work environment that is not always the case. I see that is what we’re learning to do in our Software Quality Assurance and Testing class; working as a team with different roles and I believe this is a very good skill to develop. I think that I will most likely try to incorporate this in the way I work with others in the near future.


Share your thoughts in the comments below! ?

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Value of Unit Testing

When you ask a group of developers what is more important, writing adaptable code or writing tests for the code to pass? I believe that both are equally as important as the other. I came across a blog by Tobias Goeschel, “Writing better tests with JUnit”, where he talks about the importance of writing better tests. In order to keep your code as high quality as possible, you must write tests. Poorly written tests as he describes may lead to bugs bypassing your code and having malfunctions in your program. As he lists in his blog, a set of well written tests will tell you (and more):

  • How to access the API
  • What data is supposed to go in/out
  • What possible variations of an expected behavior exist
  • The exceptions that might occur
  • How parts of the system interact with others

Tobias goes on and talks about how good tests should not be underestimated because it not only helps new team members understand what should be done but also reviewing old code that’s to be tampered with.

Reading through this article it all makes sense why we were always so test driven with the projects that we did in Data Structures. Every project we wrote had to pass a certain amount of pre-written tests. The author stressed the importance of unit testing which changes the way I will write in the future. Not only will I focus on written code but also tests. I believe that Unit Testing is equally important as mentioned.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Is your code actually yours?

While sifting through blogs trying to determine which might be a good read, there was one in particular that caught my eye. We all know as developers we love to start new side projects and never see it to completion am I right? Well that’s true in my case anyway. As I read through Joel Spolsky’s article, “Developers’ side projects”, I learned some fascinating news that I shall keep in mind for the near future.

In the opening paragraph Joel talks about some kind of proprietary invention agreement that most developers sign when working for an employer. Basically what this agreement states is that whatever the developer comes up with or invents while employed by said company will belong to said company. Yes that may seem silly but to the company it is very profitable. Say you are the employer and one of your developers create an app that gets 1 billion users over night. You would want the rights to this app to maximize all profits. Smart.

This article was very interesting because it opens your eyes as a young developer waiting to join the real world. Never did I ever think that once I would be employed as a developer that a company MAY have the rights to the work that I do in my spare time. Spolsky talks about legality issues that might come about if you were to create a product while employed under a company and what could happen if you try to branch away to form your own competitive company. He then states that the only way for independence is to be independent.

Many questions come to mind after reading this article. Should I be afraid to create content once employed? Does every employer attempt to own the rights to every employees’ work? For one, I do agree that there is ease of mind working independently but sometimes that’s not always the best case. Moving forward I will make sure to read contracts thoroughly before I sign anything!

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From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Field of Computer Science by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS 343 Goals

Greetings all,

Welcome to my very first blog post ever. I want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read about the few goals I have for my Software Construction, Design and Architecture class here at WSU.

At the top of the list is to be able to design AND build different systems based on desired needs. If I ever get past this stage then developing test cases would be my next goal to achieve. Having working code is important I guess.. And lastly to learn new ways/approaches on how to solve a problem.

Feel free to leave questions, comments or concerns below. And don’t forget to follow!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Life in the Computer Science field by iharrynguyen and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.