For my first blog post of the semester (Yeah, it’s a little late), I browsed over the various patterns and right away, the Breakable Toys pattern stuck out to me. Mainly, because the name was very intriguing but also straight forward. I had a feeling that it was the idea of creating projects or things that will allow you to step out of your comfort zone, and more importantly, allow you to mess up without repercussions, and I was just about right!
From my other interest, most notably in gaming, I have also come to a similar conclusion, that is is very important to learn from error and mistakes! Even before reading about the pattern, I had use my observations from gaming and applied it to programming and coding.
Specifically, I had made my own breakable toy! My project was rather simple, but it allowed me to work on things I have never worked on before. In pursuit of developing a web based rock, paper, scissor-like game, I created a safe space for me to expand my horizons, and though I could have easily done it during a different school project, I was much more capable of learning since I had no fear of negative consequences for going out of my comfort zone. I learned about HTML/CSS, node.js, and sockets, and since it was my own area, I had no fear about breaking things or taking the time to figure things out. I think I learned a lot from the experience, and the pattern is very very true.
If I had never taken the chance to make a breakable toy, I think my understanding would still be very limited to the things I learned in school, and though that is not a bad thing, the process of making a breakable toy taught me things that would never be normally taught. Or at least, I don’t think I was really taught it. The biggest thing I learned, on top of more familiarity with JavaScript, was the importance of documentation. During the project, I couldn’t just ask an instructor for how to do something, so I was forced to learn how to sift through documentation, which is invaluable.
Overall, though this is the first pattern I have dived deep into, I think that the breakable toy is something essential. Sometimes, you really do you have to mess up to learn, and I believe this to be true with not just coding, but everything in life!
From the blog CS@Worcester – Bored Coding by iisbor and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.