Author Archives: jasonhintlian

The Html, Css, and Javascript Crunch

Hello again,

This week was moderately exciting, I have made some major head way on the road to developing apps via Phone Gap as well as website design.  I’ve come to the conclusion that I must find the time to start my own webpage.  I have a few side projects for android that are all still in the making admittedly, but the trend seems to be that if you want to publish apps you need a website.  So, it has been a pleasure to learn HTML5 and CSS this past week, even if it was a lot of time spent hammering away at simple syntax.

As luck would have it, I found a great website via mozilla’s website design page called code academy; which had a great web fundamentals learning track.   It was not only exciting to learn the new material but code academy makes it rewarding as well with a series of badges you can earn across several learning tracks.  I have just begun to work through javascript which seems to be going very smoothly due to its vast similarities to java languages.  Its almost frustrating that code academy’s site forces you to work through so many  examples but I suppose practice makes progress and helps to memorize the syntax.

I am hoping to complete the javascript track mid week a begin working on the actual project as soon as tomorrow.  We are expecting to get the display information for our html based app soon,  so our class should have some page layouts ideas to discuss and decide on.  I imagine after doing code academy‘s web fundamentals track that the informative pages of this app will be the smaller challenge of the year.  With any luck we will push through simple informative pages quickly and begin designing more interactive features like games and possibly a reusable framework that can easily update new content without extensive programming knowledge.

Til next time.


From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

My First Blog.

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jason Hintlian and I am an aspiring app developer at Worcester State University.  This blog will chronicle my involvement in developing several interactive iPad apps for the Worcester Art Museum using Phone Gap.  I was born and raised in Worcester, now 29, I can remember an early childhood field trip to the Worcester Art Museum. We were going to see Walt Disney’s early work; back when Mickey Mouse smoked and drank.  Needless to say, I am very excited to get started on Monday the 28th and meet with my classmates as well as the Worcester Art Museum Staff.

I expect this class will be exciting and interesting as I have never worked with Phone Gap before.  Hopefully, It will provide the perfect atmosphere for expanding my knowledge in mobile development.  I am looking forward to seeing the versatility Phone Gap can offer in a market where developers are constantly looking for an edge.  One of my top reasons for going back to school in the summer of 2010 was my interest in mobile development.  I have finally reached the point where my ambitions might become reality, it will be an amazing experience being able to contribute to the development of these apps.

I have never blogged before today, I am so happy my experience will be made really easy thanks to


From the blog jasonhintlian » cs-wsu by jasonhintlian and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.