Author Archives: jgaval1

Closed Issues on Eutester Bug Tracker

Last time I worked on updated the class wiki with the updated open issues and this time I am working on updated the wiki with the current closed issues. In order to get this information I used the github site to find the information that I needed to update the our site. As with the open issues, the closed issues change daily because some of the open issues get resolved and become part of the closed issues. It is important to keep track of both the open issues and the closed issues to get a good idea of how the project progressed and which changes have been made since the issues have been addressed. On this github site it allows people to view the open and closed issues and also allows the user to comment and add issues in case they come across any to help notify other people.

I took the information that I found on the closed issues and compared them to the ones we had on the wiki for the class. I then saw the ones that the wiki was lacking and updated them with the ones that were found on the github site so that the class can be up to date with current information. It is important to always check the site because things change daily and you dont want people working on problems that have already been resolved. Also if the users look on the closed issues they can see if the issue was already addressed and resolved they can find their answer  there. Some closed issues include: Eutester allowing multiple ssh connections, create standardized eutester log/output format, testing capabilities for Jenkins + EC2 plugin. If anyone is trying to get updated information about the current closed issues they can go to the following website:

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Open Issues on Eutester Bug Tracker

During this time I worked on checking the github website to take a look and see what issues were open. Day to day the issues change, there are sometimes new ones, and sometimes they are resolved and turn into closed issues. Currently there are 12 open issues that have submitted to the Eutester bug tracker website. Some of the open issues are not really issues but rather suggestions or modifications to some of the things to make them look better but are not real issues. Our group has the responsibility to take a look on the github site and update our wiki page with any new or removed issues on the site.

I went through the website and compared it to our wiki and updated our wiki to make sure that we have an updated site with accurate information. Some issues include: define licensing, create a test directory wiki, creating a standard set of debug tools that represents test results visually, etc. A list of all the current open issues can be found by following this website

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 12

In this week’s class we focused on making sure everyone is familiar with the things that are due for the end of class. We got together with our group to discuss what we are going to put together for the presentation on the last day of class. We need to figure out the information that we are going to discuss in our presentation and what materials needs to go on the slideshow. Each student is responsible for speaking for a few minutes about the things that we did on the group project, so I am coordinating with my group so we don’t all speak about the same thing. We worked on the bug tracker and putting together documentation about the current issues that people are having. I am going to be working this weekend on updating our section on the page with the new issues and getting rid of the old issues or the ones that have been closed. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 11

In this week’s class we focused on everyone doing their part in the project to make sure everyone is contributing. We met with our groups and discussed all the things that need to be done for the remainder of the weeks and put it all together for everyone else to leave. I myself was working with Git hub to find all the issues that are being tracked, going through both the open and closed ones. It is important to look at the closed issues as well to see how the software has progressed from the beginning of the semester. Our group has been responsible for adding the documentation for the issues that have come up since everyday there are new updates.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 10

In this week’s class we focused on getting everyone on the same page and making sure everyone is up to date on everything. Many people were having issue going through the steps of Github and properly signing up. One of my classmates sitting next to me was confused about it and I walked him through the steps to help him get through it and catch up with the rest of the class. Another issue that many people were having, myself included, is the fact that they were using Python, which is a programming language, and many students in the class have no experience with it what so ever.  So besides the challenges that we were facing for the projects we had to do a little self research and learn basic Python.

Thank god for Google you can find lots of information like I did to help me with this dilemma. After signing up for Github we had to submit our user name to our professor to get approved to get access to Github account our class was in. After I got access to the Github I played around with it to get a sense of how it works and its functions.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 9

In this week’s class we focused on our group projects that we have been working on.  At first each of the groups gave a brief talk about what they have been up to since last class and what issues they were having or anything going on.  As mentioned in my previous blogs, the group that I am in is working on the bug tracker for Eutester. As a group we all sat down and discussed what progress we had each made and what we want to do as far as working with this portion of the project.

We did group research to learn more about the bug tracker because there wasn’t much information to find and we conveyed our findings to the class. As we looked at the bugs that people reported they were not really code related as they were related to problems with the documentation that people had posted.  However it was good to find that there weren’t many issues, so that was a relief. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 8

In this week’s class we had a guest speaker come in from Eucalyptus, the original woman who persuaded us to work on Eucalyptus.  The class as a whole discussed the issues and troubles that they were faced with as they were working on Eucalyptus. One of the issues that had arisen during the discussion was that the Linux distribution that was being used was giving issues and was not being compatible. After the issue was discussed the class came up with the conclusion to use Centos5 as the Linux distribution and also to get new hardware from the IT department at WSU. 

Our guest speaker Mel was able to help us with many issues that we had and answer most of the questions the people in the class had. She was very helpful and  gave us lots of insightful information to continue working on Eucalyptus. It was nice having her come in and talk to us rather than using the IRC channel to ask questions and wait for a reply. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 7

In this week’s class we focused on a brief presentation from each group to share with the class what they did in the previous weeks group assignment. The group that I worked in had to deal with the Eutester bug tracker, but we had issues because we couldn’t really find much information about it. The reason probably being because it was new software and many people haven’t contributed all that much yet, but I am sure in the future there will be much more information about it. There were not many issues but I know in the future there will be more when more people get to use it and will report the faults in it. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 6

In this week’s class we focused on what we would be doing for the next couple of weeks. As a whole the class had a discussion about what each person has done so far and where we were heading next for the remainder of the semester. Next week each of the groups is going to give a little presentation describing what their group did. The professor wanted to make sure we are all caught up and on the same page, we discussed if people signed up on Eucalyptus , installation of Euca200ls, different Linux distributions, etc.

Next we discussed the assignments that were to be divided up into teams to each do a certain task. For example, some are responsible for documentation, bug tracking, writing code, install documentation, etc. We also have to use the guidelines for FOSS field trip to evaluate Eucalyptus software. The professor gave us the option to pick which group we wanted to join and what we wanted to work on. We used Piratepad as a tool to be able to write down all the projects and everyone is able to contribute however they want on the page. I joined the group that was responsible for finding the bugs in the program, better known as the bug tracker. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 5

In this week’s class we focused on Git and the functions of it. This is a free open source software that is intended to be used with projects, very efficient and very useful. The main operating system it was designed for is Linux however, it is compatible with the other operating systems as well. Git is used to copy source code of a project and place it on the local computer hard drive in order to be able to work on offline. Having the ability to work offline is very important and useful because the users are not always available to access a network. Git grabs all the information that is found on the server and saves it on the computer before going offline. It also stores the copy of everyone else’s version so that one doesn’t mess up the entire thing. 

During the class time we familiarized ourselves with some of the functions and features of Git. We had to install Git and there was a tutorial with step by step instructions on how to get a public and private key to connect with the other students in the class. Some of the steps did not work for me at first but after multiple tries I got it to work. 

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.