Author Archives: jgaval1

Class Week 4

In this weeks class we focused on the different components that have to do with Eucalyptus. The class was divided into different teams that each have to do further exploring of the the different aspects of Eucalyptus and give an overview to the classroom about the overall project. The different parts that had to be researched include but are not limited to: the install, the testing, Euca2ools documentation, what Eutester does, what Eutester tests, where to install it, etc. These are just some of the things that we are working on this week and delivering our findings in the next class.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 3

This is the third week of Object Oriented Design/Analysis class and we are now looking into finding a Free and Open Source Software project to work on in the class. We were told to find two projects that we would be interested to work on for the semester and vote to see which one we would all work on. During last weeks class as we were on the IRC a member from a FOSS project seen the conversations that we were having in the chat and contacted my professor about possibly having interest with working with the project that they were working on.

The woman exchanged multiple emails with my professor and said that if we would work on the project she would add all of the students names in the credits section. Even though many people will not see the names it would be nice to have a name on a software that is released and is a great thing to add to the resume. At the end of the class there were two projects that we were debating on to work on for the semester either the one where the woman contacted my professor or another project. Either way I wouldn’t mind working on either project and I like a challenge so we will see what happens next week.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 2

This is the second week of Object Oriented Design/Analysis class and we are now working with Internet Relay Chat (IRC). I find IRC very interesting because I had no idea these chats existed and people are able to make their own channels and have there own discussions. Although it may seem like a typical AOL instant messenger it is much different and allows the users to do many functions that are not available in typical instant messengers. In today’s class we had to find a partner and edit their blog page but we were not able to communicate with speaking only using the IRC. At first it was very confusing and difficult because of the fact that I have never worked with IRC and also it is not as user friendly as an instant messenger but I got the hang of it after playing around with it for a while.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Class Week 1

This is the first week of Object Oriented Design/Analysis class and so far it seems like its going to be an interesting class. I am not very familiar with Free and Open Source Software so I am hoping to get to know more about it as the course progresses. I don’t have anything in particular that I would like to learn although I know there are FOSS projects where people work on the iPhone and make adjustments and I would find that interesting to learn more about. The reading for the class was pretty straightforward and gave me a good introduction to how Free and Open Source Software work and I look forward to learning and getting involved with new projects.

From the blog jgaval by jgaval1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.