Author Archives: joshuafife

Apprenticeship Patterns Chapter 1 and Chapter 2-6 Introductions

After reading the first chapter and the introductions of chapters 2-6 of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, I really enjoyed the message it had to offer. I often find myself stuck in a rut almost, feeling like I’m so far behind yet feeling like I can’t move forward. This is mainly in reference to my software skills and capabilities, but reading how one utilizes an apprentice-esque role and transitions into a journeyman and then a master was quite helpful.

I found Dave’s story to be quite interesting. It details him attempting to learn a programming language on his own early on, and then growing frustrated and quitting. It wasn’t until he gained mentors who recommended him specific books on programming that kick-started his brain into gear, and working with these new languages really stuck. Another large piece of his journey was creating and working with a breakable toy in the new language, so being able to play with and experiment on a project using a new language is very important to the learning process.

The reading has definitely made me change the way I approach the learning process and becoming a better programmer. It can be tough to stay focused, as the goalposts seem to always be moving. But knowing that you’re making progress and continuing to advance your learning is what can help keep you going. A lot of the chapters introductions provided great insight on how to improve oneself. Being willing to “empty your cup” a little by getting rid of bad habits in order to learn something new, understanding that the mountain you’re climbing keeps getting higher and higher as learning never stops, and more. 

I don’t disagree with much in the reading. It did emphasize the importance that books have to learning despite the vastness of information on the internet, and while I agree, I find that good, physical books can be difficult to find in some ways. Either it is too expensive, or it is not at your local library, etc. Sometimes these books that you do find can be very outdated as well (which tend to be most books I find at the library), however that is not to say there isn’t outdated or misguided information on the internet today. Although I haven’t had much luck or experience with software development related books, this reading has inspired me to continue to search for the one that fits my need.

The chapters most relevant to me are chapters 3 and 5, “Walking the Long Road” and “Perpetual Learning”, respectively. With chapter 3, I often find myself stagnant in my learning, but when I see the rate at which others are learning and growing, it inspires me to take charge again. As for chapter 5, it’s all about me finding the learning method best suited for me, and finding and experimenting with my strengths and weaknesses.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Exploring LibreFoodPantry and Thea’s Food Pantry

After reading about LibreFoodPantry, I found the 16 FOSSisms on the Values page quite useful. A few of them stood out to me, such as “Ask Forgiveness, Not Permission”, which helps encourage students to make changes even if they might be incorrect. These changes, along with their feedback, can provide valuable lessons and experience to the students, and any mistakes can be easily undone. Another FOSS value that stood out was “Begin with the Finishing Touches”, which essentially means that students should start their contributions off with small bug fixes and the like to give them a sense of productive contribution. If they start off too grand, then they might become discouraged and unlikely to be productive. I chose to write about these FOSSisms because they’re helpful and encouraging “rules” for a open-source newcomer to follow, as it can help introduce someone to the space and give them an idea on how to navigate the ethics of open-source.

One thing from Thea’s Pantry I found very useful was the User Stories in the Documentation. These are stories of how the user would interact with the software, which gives a guide to how the software might be designed. I chose to write about this because having step-by-step instructions on how a user or administrator would interact with the software makes it less complicated for developers to understand how the software should work. Figuring out the user interface and design flow first is much easier than trying to code and create the design flow as you go.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

What is Vue and Why is it Popular?

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It’s the end of the semester, and the last thing we covered in class was a bit of front-end structure and how things work. Of course, there’s your HTML and CSS, and I understood that. But we were using Vue in our examples, and I got curious. I’ve heard of Vue before but never used it, so I was interested in its purpose. Such curiosity led me to Fotis Adamakis’ blog post How is Vue.js making the Javascript world a better place. We’ll be discussing the contents of this article today.

Adamakis’ blog post is quite in-depth compared to past articles we have covered. He believes Vue is quite beginner-friendly, as learning how it works and beginning to write code could only take a couple of days to a week (as long as you have some knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS). Adamakis dives into some interesting parts about Javascript frameworks and how Vue approaches them.

Routing can be a potential challenge when it comes to tasks such as custom scroll behavior, nested route view mapping, and more. Vue has its own Router, and it configures the routes before any components are rendered. 

Vue’s approach to the architecture of a site supports component-building. To be more efficient, it includes single-file components. This is a beneficial feature of Vue, as it can contain HTML, CSS, and Javascript all in a single file. Adamakis also mentions Vue’s high satisfaction rating, with the majority of developers wanting to use it again! 

Adamakis mentions that Vue is great for testing too, as it has built-in support for Mocha and Jest unit testing or end-to-end testing with Cypress or Nightwatch. 

Adamakis concludes by stating that he feels Vue has combined all great parts of other Javascript frameworks into one, being easy to use with great documentation.

I selected this resource because it educates me more on why Vue is so popular and what it does well. It also has example videos to highlight the reasons and is well-written and easy to understand.

I found this to be a solid article for learning more about Vue and why it’s preferred. I also learned how Vue’s state management works. It’s interesting that with Vue, you can incorporate HTML, CSS, and Javascript into a single file. Perhaps it’s beneficial for the simplicity or organization of different web pages/parts of a page? Having all of the pieces of a component on one file is probably quite helpful. I hope to apply this to new web pages I might try and build (I would like to get more into building websites!).

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Pros and Cons of Java REST API Frameworks

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In class, we’ve been covering REST APIs and how to use certain call methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. Before class, I had heard of REST APIs but never had any understanding of what they were, or how to interact with them. I figured I would dive deeper into other Java REST APIs. The article Java REST API Frameworks by Farith Jose Heras García lists some REST APIs along with their advantages and disadvantages.

García begins with a simple introduction to Java REST APIs and what they do, specifically how they enable communication between applications and other software, and make the passing of data easier. Each API on the list includes pros and cons, and then a CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) example using the API. 

First on the list is the wildly popular Spring Boot. According to García, some of the benefits of Spring Boot are that it is easy to use and set up, has a lot of built-in support, and has a large library of plugins and modules. The cons are that beginners might struggle to understand it, and it might be too much for smaller projects and better for larger projects instead.

Second on the list is Jersey. Jersey is simple, ideal for microservices, and also has a decent-sized library. However, García considers it slow and difficult to debug.

Third on the list is Play Framework. It’s lightweight and flexible, high performance, and also offers a library of plugins. It’s updated and designed for modern Java applications, as it works with Java 8 and Scala. Unfortunately, it has a tough learning curve and debugging can be a challenge.

The final on the list is Vert.x. It is lightweight, flexible, and has high-performance, and also supports JavaScript. The cons are that it is difficult to debug and might be hard to understand for a first-time user.

I selected this resource because it is an article that is a good reference for an updated list of Java REST APIs currently in use. It gets the point across for each item, whilst being a short enough read to be a good refresher for those unfamiliar with the information. It’s mainly beneficial for choosing which REST API to use with your project or application.

I found this to be a solid article for learning a little bit about Java REST APIs and how to choose them. For example, I did not know that Spring Boot is too heavy for smaller applications. The formatting was simple, and it’s pretty interesting to see the frameworks in action with the CRUD code examples García provided. Choosing the right REST API framework for your project’s needs is very important since many factors can go into such a decision (size, libraries, and easy learning curve). I hope to apply this to projects of my own and perhaps jobs where REST APIs are needed.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Uncovering Other Types of Software Architecture

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Recently, we have covered a few different types of software architecture, namely Monolith, Client-Server, and Microservices. While these each have their respective use-cases, I wanted to explore more possibilities for the architecture of a software. Because of this, I have found the Top 10 Software Architecture Patterns to Follow in 2024 by Lucas Lagone. 

Lagone establishes a format to his top ten list by describing the overview, benefits, and use-case for each item. His number 1 software architecture pattern is layered architecture. According to Lagone, layered architecture (or the N-tier architecture), divides the software into several layers each responsible for their own functionalities (Lagone). This type of architecture encourages modularity, allowing for independent development of different layers of the software,  and can be utilized for a variety of types of applications (Lagone).

Lagone continues his list, discussing the rest of the architectures below:

  • Serverless Architecture
  • Hexagonal Architecture
  • Event Sourcing
  • Model-View-Controller
  • Microservices Architecture (covered!)
  • Service-Oriented Architecture
  • Event-Driven Architecture
  • Repository Pattern
  • Reactive Architecture

Lastly, Lagone writes about how one can choose the right architecture for their needs, and what factors come into play. Some of these factors include the complexity of the problem domain, the project’s requirements and goals, the scalability of the project, security, team expertise, etc. (Lagone). 

I selected this resource because it is a recently written (November 2023) article that is a good reference for an updated list of software architectures currently in use. It’s a great resource that clearly gets the point across for each item in the top 10, whilst being a short enough read to be a good refresher for those unfamiliar with the information. 

Personally, I found this to be the perfect article for me to quickly learn more software architecture patterns. It doesn’t go too deep into the software jargon and terminology that only an experienced professional would know, yet it still talks to you in a way that assumes you are an educated yet learning individual. I really liked the formatting of the top 10 list, as it gave organization, purpose, and distinction to each of the items. I learned many other types of architecture, and specifically what to consider when selecting a software architecture pattern for your project/team. This is probably the most important part, as choosing an incompatible pattern for your needs could set you back even further than you were before. I hope to apply this to future jobs where I can contribute to the selection of an architecture based on this knowledge.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

UML Diagrams: Use-Case, Activity, and Deployment

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To start off the new semester and new course, we’ve been learning, discussing, and practicing with UML diagrams, or Unified Modeling Language diagrams. These diagrams are great ways for software developers and companies to visualize the structure of programs, large or small. There are many different types of diagrams, and we’ve mainly covered Class Diagrams and Sequence diagrams. 

Although I am unsure about the popularity and usage of UML diagrams in professional environments, I believe they can be beneficial to the organization and cleanliness of a team’s code, for it is to be written after it has already been structured and designed. The article I chose today is one by Donald Bell on IBM, and it discusses a few types of UML diagrams with some background information on each.

Bell introduces a new topic to the audience as well as anyone should: with some background information. He states the creation of UML was to model computer applications and ensure that anyone who understands UML diagrams can efficiently, accurately, and productively contribute to the project. 

The first UML diagram covered is the Use-Case diagram. Such diagrams are utilized to help readers understand the interaction between the program and its users. There can be many Use-Case diagrams for one program, but they are more so used to highlight the essentials. Bell describes how to create this type of diagram so that it is easy to understand.

The second UML diagram covered is the Activity Diagram, which shows “the procedural flow of control between two or more class objects while processing an activity” (Bell). Bell believes the best-case scenario for this type of diagram is for more business-oriented visualizations, such as how a company wants to operate at a higher level. These types of diagrams are not as technical as other diagrams which makes it easier to understand for non-programmers (Bell).

The last UML diagram Bell covers is the Deployment Diagram, which shows the physical representation of a software system. This would mean user computers, databases, websites, etc.

I selected this article because it covers a few UML diagrams that we haven’t discussed in class, and it is important for software developers to have some UML proficiency.  This would be a beneficial skill to have at a new job, so you might understand the codebase faster. IBM is also a very credible company in the software industry which is why I chose an article from their website.

The content of the resource was presented in an understandable way for someone with a little bit of software knowledge. I enjoyed learning about the background of UML and its creation, along with the three types of UML diagrams that were listed and described. I hope to use such knowledge at a new job that may use UML diagrams so I could provide more productivity in a shorter time rather than taking too much time trying to understand the codebase.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

CS-343 Introduction

Welcome back to my blog for this semester! My name is Josh, and I will be discussing Software Development topics related to the construction, design, and other elements of software. Hope you enjoy!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

The Importance of Security Testing

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The whole semester we have been exploring various ways of testing code, namely styles that ensure the code works as it should. However, there is another aspect of testing we have not discussed yet; security testing. 

It is of the utmost importance to ensure that your software, database, website, etc. is safe from hackers and leaks. Security testing would help just that: making sure your system is unbreakable, or at the very least mostly protected from vulnerabilities and flaws. I think it is important to learn about this aspect of testing, which is how I came across Adam Stead’s article What is Security Testing? How to Check The Security Strength of Your Application.

Stead stresses the importance of security in software and also lists some important security testing techniques, such as vulnerability testing, black box testing, penetration testing, and more. There are many benefits of security testing besides identifying vulnerabilities. Some examples listed by Stead include protecting sensitive data, enhancing customer trust, and cost-effectiveness. Data leaks have been pretty common as of the past several years and it is a huge deal for those companies to lose their customers’ trust and their own reputation. With increased security comes increased trust, which is beneficial to both the business and the customer. 

Stead mentions some security testing best practices, and reinforces the idea of starting early and prioritizing risks. Security testing early on in development can help prevent flaws in your code, and you should continue to test throughout production. Prioritizing risks ensures that your important flaws don’t go unnoticed, and you fix your biggest holes before fixing the smaller ones.

Stead ends the article by discussing some attributes of effective security testing (thoroughness, continuity, scalability, etc.) and stresses the importance of checking the security strength of your software regularly.

I selected this article because this is a topic we have not discussed much in class even though it is still a very important part of software testing. This article emphasizes the key elements of security testing and how important it is to include it as a part of your testing regime.

The content of the resource was very informative and understandable for someone who already has a bit of understanding of software testing. An interesting thing I learned was about fax online, which is a method that businesses use to securely send documents. I did somewhat enjoy the article, it was informative, however I wish it included some examples of certain testing types. I expect to apply my newfound security knowledge to future jobs and software practices.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Beginning JavaScript Testing with Mocha

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For the next (and last) couple weeks of class, we are required to create our own in-class activity as if other students were going to use it. We were tasked with choosing something different than we have done already, so my group decided on testing JavaScript programs with the Mocha framework. I personally have no experience with Mocha, but I do have a tiny bit of experience with JavaScript, so I was interested to learn more about how different testing looked compared to what I was currently experiencing. This is how I found Valerie Foster’s blog post Into to JavaScript Testing with Mocha. Here’s what I found. 

Foster does give a few instructions on how to install the Mocha framework to your project, but I’ll mainly focus on the pros and cons of testing within the framework. They include a codeblock of a simple test, however it was not 100% clear to me at first what each line meant. Here are a few things included in the codeblock, and what they do:

  • describe(string, function)
    • According to, the describe function groups tests together and uses the first parameter, the string, to explain that group. The second parameter, the function, is a callback function which has ‘it’ tests (I’ll get to that in a moment)
  • it(string, function)
    • The it function is similar to the describe function, as its parameters are the same. However, the string it accepts is instead used to explain what the test itself is checking for. So, for example it(‘should //do something when //condition’, function(){})

Foster then discusses some customization options for Mocha, but then specifies their favorite assertion library in Mocha, called chai. One of the key benefits of this library is that it might make the test functions easier to read (e.g., going from assert.equal(a, b) to expect(a).to.equal(b), according to Foster). 

I selected this article because I wanted to have more of a background on Mocha and testing with Javascript since it is going to be our project. Also, Foster seems capable and comfortable with Mocha and JS, and makes it easy to understand what is going on in tests with a framework I’ve never seen before. A good beginner’s guide is always helpful to a fresh start.

I liked this blog because it felt informative and informal; like I was being taught something new but not in a super serious tone (Foster shared their favorite terminal customization was a Nyan Cat reporter). I learned a bit more about how testing is done in JavaScript, including describe and it functions. This affected me by boosting my confidence in my ability to assist my group with our assignment and it encouraged me to learn more JS and Mocha as a whole. I expect to apply such learned knowledge to future web applications and perhaps even past projects.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Potential Mistakes when Working with Test-Driven Development

Based on this article by Denis Kranjcec: How I failed at Test-Driven Development and what it took to get it right

For the past couple weeks, Test-Driven Development has been the focus of our learning. We’ve done a small project in class creating a simple rover instruction program, which built our confidence and knowledge on how TDD works. Then, we used what we learned to individually create a unique word counter with string input. Since then, I have taken a slight liking to TDD, although it may just be a honeymoon phase. Well, my last blog post was about why Test Driven development is so good. This time, I sought out to find peoples’ personal failures with TDD, and why it failed. This is how I found How I failed at Test-Driven Development and what it took to get it right by Denis Kranjcec. 

Kranjcec begins his article by summarizing that he took a shot with TDD, and missed. But why did he miss? He dives into the reasons, and after a quick discussion on what TDD is and how it is supposed to improve code, he came to the conclusion that it wasn’t TDD’s fault, it was his

To start off, Kranjcec was using DDD (Domain-Driven Design), which led to his code being easy to comprehend, but his tests were more complex and difficult to maintain. After trying TDD again, he eventually realized that his biggest mistake was “starting with the simplest use cases and building up to the more complex ones” (Kranjcec). This seems to be a common problem with TDD users, as they tend to stick to more complicated tests than easier ones in exchange for fewer tests total. 

His solution was to change the way he wrote code and designed. This was done by breaking his work down into many smaller steps and lots of commits each day, in addition to refactoring his code. In short, he noticed his code was much simpler to understand and shorter, with other benefits as well.

I selected this article because after only seeing the benefits of TDD, I wanted to see the struggles people had with it. Although this article wasn’t about the faults of TDD, it shows the personal mishaps or mistakes that one can make when working with TDD, which can lead to a greater understanding of it in the end. 

I did like this article because it was an alternate perspective on how TDD can go. I learned to be patient with my code, and to try and stick with simpler tests and design in order to make TDD more effective. I think this article is a good reminder for self reflection on your own work, as it may not always be another’s fault if it doesn’t work. I hope to apply such knowledge in future projects using TDD, keeping in mind that simplicity is key.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.