After reading the first chapter and the introductions of chapters 2-6 of Apprenticeship Patterns: Guidance for the Aspiring Software Craftsman by Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye, I really enjoyed the message it had to offer. I often find myself stuck in a rut almost, feeling like I’m so far behind yet feeling like I can’t move forward. This is mainly in reference to my software skills and capabilities, but reading how one utilizes an apprentice-esque role and transitions into a journeyman and then a master was quite helpful.
I found Dave’s story to be quite interesting. It details him attempting to learn a programming language on his own early on, and then growing frustrated and quitting. It wasn’t until he gained mentors who recommended him specific books on programming that kick-started his brain into gear, and working with these new languages really stuck. Another large piece of his journey was creating and working with a breakable toy in the new language, so being able to play with and experiment on a project using a new language is very important to the learning process.
The reading has definitely made me change the way I approach the learning process and becoming a better programmer. It can be tough to stay focused, as the goalposts seem to always be moving. But knowing that you’re making progress and continuing to advance your learning is what can help keep you going. A lot of the chapters introductions provided great insight on how to improve oneself. Being willing to “empty your cup” a little by getting rid of bad habits in order to learn something new, understanding that the mountain you’re climbing keeps getting higher and higher as learning never stops, and more.
I don’t disagree with much in the reading. It did emphasize the importance that books have to learning despite the vastness of information on the internet, and while I agree, I find that good, physical books can be difficult to find in some ways. Either it is too expensive, or it is not at your local library, etc. Sometimes these books that you do find can be very outdated as well (which tend to be most books I find at the library), however that is not to say there isn’t outdated or misguided information on the internet today. Although I haven’t had much luck or experience with software development related books, this reading has inspired me to continue to search for the one that fits my need.
The chapters most relevant to me are chapters 3 and 5, “Walking the Long Road” and “Perpetual Learning”, respectively. With chapter 3, I often find myself stagnant in my learning, but when I see the rate at which others are learning and growing, it inspires me to take charge again. As for chapter 5, it’s all about me finding the learning method best suited for me, and finding and experimenting with my strengths and weaknesses.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Josh's Coding Journey by joshuafife and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.