This week i read chapters 13 and 14 in The Clean Coder by Robert C. Martin.
Chapter 13 is titled teams and projects, and like every other chapter in this book it is full of extremely valuable information. Although it is a short chapter it expresses the importance of working on a team and how valuable what he refers to as a “gelled” team actually is. Robert discusses the stupidity of assigning developers to work on more than one team and how important it is to work on one project as a unit and to make up for each others shortfalls. This is probably one of the most important things that we can take from this book because chances are that the majority of our time as software developers will be spent working with other developers on teams. My hope is that i will be able to work on a team that works as well as the ones that he describes in this chapter, a team that knows each others strengths and weaknesses and can make up for those.
Chapter 14 is titled Mentoring, Apprenticeship, and Craftsmanship. This chapter discusses how the majority of CS degrees do not actually prepare us for the real world of development. He discusses how the real world is often much different than what we are taught at university and many students are unprepared. He then goes on to talk about the idea of mentoring and how important that is to truly learning how to be a good developer. This is something that i agree with, nothing can beat one on one mentoring when it comes to learning how to develop good software. The author in this chapter discusses how doctors dont come straight out of college and start being a doctor. They first do a one year internship followed by a three year residency in which they are closely monitored and mentored. This is something that the CS community should definitely do, imagine how much better young developers such as myself could be if we were to get this much attention and help in learning our craft.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Computer Science Journal by jtassone93 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.