Author Archives: justcodeit94

Mutation Testing

What is mutation testing? According to STH team member Swati S,

Mutation testing is a fault based testing technique where variations of a software program are subjected to the test data-set. This is done to determine the effectiveness of the test set in isolating the deviations.

Examples of mutation operators

  • Arithmetic operator replacement
  • Logical connector replacement
  • Statement removal
  • Relational operator replacement
  • Absolute value insertion

How Do You Know If Your Data Set Is Effective?

You know that your data set is effective if it kills all mutants. This means that when you plug in a data set value into your program, you should expect the output to give you an error.

 Mutants To Avoid

Incorrect Syntax: Mutants need to be syntactically correct.

Ex. If age%%14 (incorrect syntax)

Equivalent mutants

Ex.  If age> 14 & age>14 ‘means the same thing as age>14’

Trivial Mutant

Ex. ‘remove the doctor assignment statement’

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From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


Michael Larsen wrote an interesting piece about a new feature from the LoseIt iPhone app called SnapIt. During the weekend of October 7th, he hosted a testing Americas session where he and Anna Royzman had tested the new feature in the app. The new feature allows you to take a picture of the food item, displays what the app thinks it is, and gets the macronutrient breakdown.

When it came down to testing, there were a few bugs with the feature. The feature did not do well when it came down to taking pictures of complex and packaged foods. When they took a picture of a walnut, the suggested food items that came up were Gnocchi, Chicken, and Ravioli all of which are not related to any kind of nuts. There was another interesting bug discovered when they were doing their testing. When the user takes two pictures and then discard them, on the 3rd try of picture taking, the bottom of the camera button disappears only showing the top half of the camera button. In order to fix this, they had to close the app and open it back up again.

I think this feature is brilliant if they fixed all of the bugs found and had a more accurate reading on the food item, because I know a lot of gym goers that track their macros on a daily basis. Instead of having to go through the hassle of looking it up online or having to read the very small print on the back, users of the app can just take a picture of it.

Read more about it here

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

System Failure: Importance of Software Testing

You’re a meticulous software developer (or so you thought) who created one of the most useful applications for your country. It’s called the missile detector 1.0 and it’s main function is to alert the appropriate authorities of incoming missiles and the location of where it was shot from. One day, your application detected three missiles incoming from Narnia. Alarmed by such danger, the military shoots 20 missiles to counter attack Narnia. BOOM, a direct hit and now all there is left of Narnia is the memory of it existing one time.

The “three missiles” that was apparently shot from Narnia never made it to your country  so you begin to ponder and ask yourself “what happened?”. Turns out, that there was a bug in your missile detector system that failed to filter out false missile detections caused by sunlight reflecting off cloud tops.

Hakan Kayis wrote an interesting piece on the  Importance of Software Testing. In his article he wrote about many interesting/agreeable reasons as to why software testing is imperative

Here are the highlights

  • Loss of Money
  • Loss of time
  • Damage to business reputation
  • Injury or death

It’s important to test software to work as expected in order to avoid the highlights mentioned above.

Here are some main testing activities that Hakan pointed out:

Testing is not just running tests, but also:

  • Planning and control
  • Choosing test conditions
  • Designing and executing test cases
  • Checking results
  • Evaluating exit criteria
  • Reporting on the testing process and system under test
  • Finalizing or completing closure activities


From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Testing??

What is software testing?

Vimal Singh, an entrepreneur, strategist & mentor gives us two definitions of software testing

Standard Defenition:

Software Testing is the process of verification & validation of a software product to ensure all the expected functionalities are working as per customer’s requirement.

Redefined Definition:

Software Testing is the process of verification & validation of a software product to certify all the expected functionalities are working as per the Business requirement to ensure an accurate, effective and efficient Business operation

I feel as though Vimal redefined the term software testing, because as we all mature, the art of software testing mature’s as well. It goes hand in hand in the testing industry. Also, testing goes beyond the conventional finding of  bugs & checking performance of the applications. Customers now a days are expecting testers and developers to be confident in the quality of their product. The focus broadens out to being a value partner to the customer by ensuring an accurate, effective and efficient business operation.

Testing is important because it will give you an overview on the quality of the product. Testing helps keep healthy relations with the other team members because it spreads confidence to everyone that their product is working as expected or not working.



Source: What is Software Testing

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

A review to practicing safe Linkedin

When I was 17, I walked into a CVS, a Walgreens, and a Wendy’s to try and kickstart my working career. At the time I didn’t care  of what job I wanted to get – I just wanted a job!

However, when I walked in to ask for an application, all three stores gave me the same response, “We don’t have anymore paper applications, you can fill one out online”. I went home later on that day, opened up my laptop, and applied to the three stores that I had visited. One thing that stood out was on one of the applications, they had ask me if I had a LinkedIn. Being oblivious of such a website, I dug deeper into that question, and went on LinkedIn myself where I had to educate myself on the importance of networking, new ways to job hunt, and how I can make myself presentable not only in person, but online as well.

Now, introducing LinkedIn, one of the worlds largest professional networking sites. If you are oblivious like 17 year old me, just think of Facebook, but in a more professional environment. I never thought about ever losing access to my LinkedIn, but Marc Halpert, Author of Safe Linkedin made me aware of such matters. After reading his article, he gave me a really good tip about how I can ask LinkedIn to send me an Archive of my account.linkedin-notifies-data-breach-alerts-400-million-members-to-stay-safe

Now you may ask, “Why would you want to do that ? ”

Here are a list of reasons

  • How many endorsements you have
  • Learn more about yourself
  • How many and what kind of ads you clicked on to see what you are interested in
  • How many posts you shared
  • Great for marketing


Remember, the more you know, the smarter you grow.

// Blog im reviewing about Safe Linkedin


* Blogs I’ve Looked at this week


Gojo Adzic

Android Back Arrow Icon

Roles and Boxes

Reporting a Novel Approach


From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.


My name is Hung Huynh and this is my Computer Science Blog. I am currently a senior studying Computer Science at Worcester State University. The content that will be produce on this blog will showcase what I’ve learned from my CS 443 (Software Quality and Assurance Testing) class and comments about articles that I found useful/interesting.

From the blog CS@Worcester – My Blog by justcodeit94 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.