In another podcast from Stack Overflow again by Ben Popper with special guest Johnathan Schneider, discusses the nature of technical debt surrounding open-source projects. The main example used throughout the podcast is refactoring code, switching from java 7 to java 8. And in later examples sometimes java 8 to like java 17. As they explain the difficulty when switching, especially when more manual work is needed, talk about the ways technical debt is created. After more discussion around the software he made to help refactoring, goes into more detail about the nature of technical debt. We think of technical debt as something that we impose on ourselves. Like taking shortcuts or code that needs to be updated. One of the main points of this podcast is to think about technical debt more as maintenance. Obviously sometimes it is self-inflicted, but often it just comes with the territory. As new things come out, things will need to be updated. It’s easier to think of it as something that needs to be done for the sake of the health of the program. Rather than as something I did that I need to fix because of my own short sightedness.
I chose this podcast because it is related to our discussions of technical debt and refactoring code. In class, we talked about the nature of technical debt and how often it is a code structure thing or maybe a breaking change. It is more thought of as something that comes as a result of not thinking ahead. While I think that is true in many cases. I think a lot of the time it can’t be avoided, like in the case of code versions. Thus it’s better to think of it as maintenance rather than something that could have been avoided. For me, mentally saying that this problem is something that couldn’t have been avoided is better. If I think it’s my fault then I feel like an idiot and get down on myself. Maybe it is just a mental thing, but it goes a long way for the mentality of a person or team. Another aspect of the podcast I think it is important to think about is how the open-source nature plays a part in this. Code is being worked on at all times, different people. So when the code is updated and your code no longer works. It’s important to realize that this isn’t your fault and just is the nature of things. The code not working is not your fault and just needs to be maintained so it works again.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Code Craft by Kyle Tucker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.