Comparing software development to an apprenticeship like blacksmithing makes a lot of sense. The analogy can work for other professions but I think it works especially well with software development. The reason being that software development compared to other fields offers a lot of freedom and different ways of doing things. In other fields, you often only have a few ways of doing things. For programming there are often many ways to solve problems. Not every solution is good, but it can be used. I think it is a lot black smithing in that way. Many techniques are capable of getting the job done. You can go your whole life without knowing about them, but still be component enough to do good work. In the beginning, you are capable of doing very little or bare bones work. But as you increase your knowledge and experience you become more capable of doing much more. And maybe most importantly create work that can last in the most efficient way. Smithing a sword and building good software are not so different.
One of the most profound patterns to me was the “Exposing Your Ignorance”. Accepting that you are not perfect and there is no way to know everything. Especially, as a beginner it feels like a need to master so many things in such a small time. I feel like I never know enough. I often feel like “how can I get a job like this, I know so little”. Everyone seems to know more than me so it can get discouraging. But I like what this pattern is trying to instill. Accept that you are a beginner and that you will need help. This also goes into the finding mentors pattern. Having someone who can guide or help out of a tight spot.
I think I like all the patterns about finding your own way. Like the long road pattern. Accepting that maybe you learn in a different way or approach something in a way that best suits you. No one person floors the same path. The software field is so diverse with some many different areas of specialization. There’s no one path that suits the goals you have in mind. Overall the biggest lesson I took away was not criticizing myself for not being a master. Accept that proficiency comes with time and no road is without bumps.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Code Craft by Kyle Tucker and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.