Author Archives: lynnnsubuga

Week 12

This week we talked about development environments and what they are used for. A development environment is the space where developers can work, experiment, and test without worrying they’ll interfere with the experience of real users. One important environment commonly used in the developing world is Visual studio code. We looked at some of the extensions needed in VS code to run a program successfully. Visual studio code also has a dev container. Containerization has helped developers install particular operating systems and dependencies with particular version numbers with tools like docker. This has solved the problem of developers running different operating systems and having different versions of dependencies installed. Another development environment we looked at is Gitpod. It is a cloud development environment that lets you develop in pre-built development containers, running on their cloud infrastructure, and use a variety of IDEs in your browser. Therefore, you don’t need to install docker or any IDE, and your development doesn’t depend on your local machine’s resources.

Gitpod enables developers to immediately start coding, debugging, and testing their code. We also looked at command scrips mainly a build script and a lint script. Build scripts are used to create artifacts or packages for later development. They do this by getting code from a source code repository like git, then running tools like MSbuild or Gradle to compile and test the code. Build scripts are used for projects that are complicated to build because we don’t have to remember all the details in which to run multiple commands. A lint script is a tool that scans your code with the goal of finding issues that can lead to bugs or inconsistencies. For the blog I chose, it talks about what development environments are and how to get started with them. Development environments allows software developers to create, run, and test their application code in a way that’s adequately realistic and safe. It is important for development environments to offer isolation to developers. This means that they can do whatever they need in their environment without concern that they are breaking someone else’s work.

I chose this resource because it goes more into detail about development environments and why they are important to developers in the real world. These different environments help developers be able to do their work without interfering with the user experience. Developers also must keep the environments as close to each other as possible and containers are a great technology for enabling that.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 7

In this blog, we are going to learn about Scrum development framework and why its important. Scrum is a lightweight framework that helps people, teams and organizations generate value through adaptive solutions for complex problems. The Scrum team consists of one scrum master, one product owner and developers and there are no sub-teams or hierarchies. The good thing about a scum team is that it is cross-functional meaning all the members have all the skills necessary to create value each sprint. Usually, the scrum team has 10 or fewer people and this helps teams communicate better and be more productive. The scrum team is responsible for all product related activities from stakeholder collaboration, verification, maintenance and more.

The blog I chose talks about the getting started as a scrum master and some of the steps to getting started. Some of the steps in the blog to getting started are getting to know your new team and this is important to understand who’s in the team and building healthy relationships. It is also important to understand your new team’s purpose and goals because sometimes action is confused with progress and it’s crucial to know what’s driving them. Mapping out the stakeholders is important because as a scrum master, you’re responsible for ensuring the team can run as efficiently as they can. When you’ve identified a tricky stakeholder, you can work with them to ensure they interface with the product owner rather than the team. Another important aspect as a scrum master is asking your team if the Agile framework like scrum is working for them. This is to make sure the team is aligned on different things like sprint planning. Looking after yourself and development as a scrum master is one of the most important steps when starting with a new team. This is because the role of a scrum master requires you to think differently a lot of the time which can be tiring therefore you need other people to get advice from or to bounce your ideas off.

I think this blog post gives an insight of the role of a scrum master in more detail. It explains some important aspects involved with being a scrum master and what the role looks like. The scrum team consists of other members like developers who keep the database working and product owner who is responsible for commuting the product goal and what it should do. This goes to show that this isn’t a one man’s job, and several people are required for completion of a successful task.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 5

In week 5, we talked about the steps involved in the developing software. We mainly looked at 6 steps and when listed in order they are Requirements analysis, design, implementation, verification, deployment and maintenance. By definition, Requirements analysis in developing software could be determining languages a project is developed in, any hardware requirements needed, and what the project will be doing. Design includes the planning of how features are going to be created, implementation is the creation of the project, verification is the process of making sure the project is working as intended as well as making sure it’s what the customer wants, deployment is releasing the completed project to the consumer or the user, and finally maintenance could involve working on bug fixes and regularly updating the software as needed. For the blog post, it goes deeper into explaining the different steps involved in software developing. As a result of following these steps, your team is able to share a common goal, targets are set and tracked by the developers and everyone is able to cooperate effectively.

The blog includes a process called SLDC(Software Development Life Cycle). SLDC is a structured process used for designing, developing, testing and maintaining software. SDLC provides an organized methodology for the software development process, and supports the development team in identifying risks, establishing quality standards and monitoring performance. Knowing the requirements for the software development process is important for the developers because it makes them better understand the user and hence provide the best quality software for them. Some questions to ask the client before the launch of any new project are who are you? What software do you want? What is this software for? What is your budget? and more. I chose this particular resource because it talks about the same steps we discussed during class but goes more into depth. I think knowing the steps involved in developing software is important because as a future software developer, it is good to have an idea of what the work life as a developer is. I want to be a developer after graduation and Week 5’s topic gave me a little insight of what developers do and the cycle’s in which they work in.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 3

In week 3, we talked about staying synchronized with the upstream by using pull requests that are merged into the main branch by the maintainer. Synchronizing with the upstream ensures that your local and origin copies of the main branch have the same commits as the upstream main branch. One key thing I took from this week is when pull requests are merged into the upstream main, the main branches in the local and origin repos will get out of synch with the upstream. To start pulling from the upstream, the git remote -v command is first used to connect your local repository to the remote server. It lists the names and URLs of all the remote repositories that the local repo knows about. One other important git command used when synchronizing is git pull. To pull changes from the upstream, the main branch needs to be the active branch in the local repo. After this, git pull upstream main will pull and add commits from the main branch of the upstream repo to the main branch. After merging with the upstream, there’s no need to keep the feature branch and can therefore be deleted. Usually, developers will delete them to avoid having their repos becoming cluttered with old feature branches.

The blog for this week that I chose speaks about how to synch with the upstream and some of the git commands used. To start, you need to have an origin and upstream repo that are active. The command git remote -v helps verify that you have already setup a remote for the upstream repository. When you want to share some work with the upstream maintainers you branch off main and create a feature branch. When you’re done, you can push it to your remote repository and delete the feature branch after. Another important command is git status because it shows you how many commits you have of the synched remote branch. I chose this blog because it further broadens my knowledge on the git commands that are normally used with synchronizing with the upstream. I think it’s important to do research on the material your covering in class in order to improve on the knowledge you already have. This blog has a lot of the commands I used in the git homework 3 and it helped me be more familiar with the git commands. I really liked reading this blog and seeing how some of the things am studying in class are commonly used by developers in their day-to-day jobs.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Week 2

This week we learnt about how to use different git commands and their purpose. We worked on using branches and commits and using pull request to upstream your changes. One of the important things I learnt is how branches work. Basically, you get to work in a separate environment and once you’re finished, you make a pull request asking to combine your work with another person’s work. If they approve, your able to merge your branches. Forking is another important git command. A developer can see your repository and has an idea to add something to it, this is where forking comes into play. They can fork or make their own copy of your repository and add their own new features to it. If approved, they then submit a pull request to the owner and the changes are added. I think it’s crucial to know that anyone can fork a public repository, but it’s up to the repository owners to accept or reject pull requests.

            For the blog I chose, I wanted to research more into what is GitHub and what it’s used for, why is it one of the main platforms that developers use. I chose this blog because I wanted to read more about the basics of GitHub and why it was created. I think it’s important to know why it is one of the most used platforms used by developers. GitHub is one of the most popular resources for developers to share code and work on projects together. GitHub is used for storing, tracking, and collaborating on projects. It is also a social networking site where developers work openly and pitch their work. The blog talks about the biggest selling point of GitHub which is it’s set of project collaboration features, which includes version control and access control. One of the benefits of git is its cloud-based infrastructure which makes it more accessible. A user can access their repository from any location on any device, download the repository and push their changes.

            Based on my resource, I do like it because it has given me a deeper insight of GitHub and how it works. It resonates with me because the material from week 2 is like my blog and I now understand better what am doing in class and why am doing it. I think knowing the different commands used when working in GitHub is a huge part in successfully understanding how to use the platform.


From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Tech Perspectives

Welcome to my blog. I will be sharing all things tech related and this can range from industry insights, to the latest gadgets and more. Join me on this tech adventure and let’s learn together.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by lynnnsubuga and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.