Author Archives: mfelipe98

Sprint 3 Retrospective

Implementing the frontend for guest registration was the overarching goal of mine during the sprint; this encompassed all of the smaller individual parts.

This was fulfilling the specifications for the guest registration page, including collecting a new guest’s information and displaying/changing an already registered guest’s information.

This was in order to allow ID input from a card scanner swipe (within a text entry of the frontend page)

This was collecting a guest ID for lookup; employed the getGuest method, which made a backend request for a guest with the specific ID.

This was connecting frontend to backend methods, which was completed with the use of Axios.

This was creating the HTML structuring for the guest info page.

This was applying CSS styling for the guest info page; not much was completed here except for button styling and putting individual borders around each entry for the age of a member of the household.

This was changing the backend getGuest method in order to return an empty object in the case of no guest found instead of a 404 status. Also, not totally included in this but involved is the refactoring of the guest object in the backend openapi.yaml file to match what was best for frontend functionality.

Overall, I feel I was able to get a substantial amount of work done during this sprint. Actually, I felt this was the most I got done in any sprint. I think part of this was feeling totally settled into the sprint cycle but also because I was undertaking something I had never done before in building the frontend for the system, which was a very large part of the system and had a limited number of examples to work off of (at least, examples that were applicable). Not only was I having to learn on the fly, but I also had to then apply this knowledge to HTML and CSS (totally new to me, only having lightly dabbled in HTML) and JS (very limited experience as well). Getting through this was difficult, and I definitely should have asked for more help earlier on.

This was actually my main downfall during the sprint; I was trying to figure things out on my own for so long that later on, when help was needed the most, I felt there was not a good way to delineate the work, especially because it would take a great deal of time to explain the functionality of everything up to that point. More communication was definitely necessary. I felt during this sprint, our team was the most divided amongst their own work, with limited crossover, so communication suffered and sometimes it seemed work might be stagnating.

As a team, I still think we worked well. Although there were rough patches and points where I wasn’t sure how we would get to our respective endpoints, I think we did fairly well. Had we teamed up on more work, I think we could have gotten through cards/tasks faster. I also think there could have been a better division of labor. I felt the frontend was too large a task for me to be completing on my own, but there were other circumstances. I was the one who studied Vue.js, so I don’t know how much knowledge others had. Also, I should have been more vocal in asking for help once I realized the size of the task I was taking on. Better communication on a more consistent basis would have solved this, I believe.

Personally, I was happy with the work I completed. I went from feeling lost on most parts of the frontend to having some solid understanding of each part. This was good for my sake, but not optimal for delivering working products, since dividing responsibility might have limited the amount of hands-on work I had but would have brought results faster. Working mostly alone was not something we did much in past sprints, so I should have spoken up more in order to help coordinate our work.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Record What You Learn

            The learning pattern “Record What You Learn” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is mostly self-explanatory from the title. The main concern of someone who gains a lot of knowledge quickly, such as a new software developer, or, in my case, a software development student, is retaining that knowledge. The chapter describes some good ways to track this learning, like with a wiki or a blog (hey!). Having to relearn or continuously practice concepts or bits of skill is time consuming and wasteful, especially if you don’t have something to quickly reference. This is a solution to that problem.

            Recording and retaining my learning has definitely been a problem in the past, although I’m trying to get better at it. At the start of my sophomore year, I realized I had forgotten a solid chunk of the programming skills that I had learned at the end of my freshman year. I had to work a lot over that summer, so I didn’t have a ton of time to practice these skills through personal projects or places like LeetCode. Getting back into the swing of things, especially as difficulty was ramping up, was a struggle. Luckily, I haven’t hit a patch like that since, but there have been plenty of times that I found smaller, but still useful concepts, escaping me.

            Some things in this department might be like remembering some concepts, but forgetting the implementation, or even just one key part of implementation. This is exactly where a wiki/blog would be super useful. I find I usually follow my own train of thought best, as I assume is the same for everyone, so having something to reference in my own writing, in a way that I find is useful in understanding a topic, is best as well. Just in recent memory, I had some trouble trying to remember how to create a custom comparator for two objects. I had just done it last week, at which point I had to look it up. It was excusable the first time, but just a pain the second time. So, even after a week, I still face these troubles. I definitely need to get better as recording my learning, so this learning pattern is a great point of emphasis for me.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Mockito – Using Spies

Seeing as we are continuing our learning with Mockito, specifically going into spies in Mockito, figured it would be worthwhile to do some research into them. I found this article ( from Baeldung by Eugen Paraschiv detailing spy usage and complexities which I found very useful. It begins with a description of spies and then goes into examples of usage.

The first example is used on a real object – a list – which a method is then called upon twice, and then Mockito’s verify is called twice with the same method. This allows for “spying” upon an object, hence the name spies. There is then some detail about the @Spy annotation, stubbing a spy, and then the actual differences between a Mock and a Spy. Chiefly, this difference is that a mock uses the Class of a Type, like a “base-bones shell instance,” while a spy “will wrap an existing instance” and can track it in various ways. This is also followed by a blurb about the NotAMockException from Mockito, which wasn’t immediately necessary for my purposes I don’t think.

Overall, I thought this was a great, useful article. It prepped me for continued learning within Mockito and I felt comfortable understanding it. I think I have a good basic understanding of spies and would be ready to begin using them in testing. They’re a good way to analyze object/method behavior and have useful applications for when a project is only partially written. I look forward to using spies in the future. Most of what I’ve learned within the world of Mockito has been super interesting thus far.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Craft over Art

            The learning pattern “Craft over Art” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is one that cuts out a lot of the fluff. Essentially, this pattern boils down to solving problems as a utilitarian rather than an artist. Concerning a customer’s problem, the pattern says there may be the draw towards making something beautiful and letting the craftsmanship creativity flow, but not if it hinders progress. At the end of the day, the customer is asking for a solution, not a bunch of new ideas. This isn’t to say that artistry in software development should be scorned at all, but moreso that it should not be the focus of one’s work. Utility is key.

            Luckily, I couldn’t agree more with this learning pattern. Although I’m definitely not the most attracted to fancy/beautiful code (I don’t really feel compelled to write code in a way that does anything besides work and fulfill good code standards), I definitely fall into the pit of overcomplication. I see this learning pattern tying in with the YAGNI (you ain’t gonna need it) principle. When fun and complications can come in making a good product or customer solution, then great, but if it gets in the way, it should be cut down. Typically, I think I follow this in that my code is more minimal (really saves time and space when you aren’t attentive in commenting/documenting code lol), but I am still prone to veering off.

            Just recently, I was working on a personal project. It wasn’t anything big or special; it was mostly just to run some simulations and get some example results for a separate but much larger and more important project. In doing this, I thought I could try some new programming concepts and I tried to complicate things on every level. This led to janky, barely useable code which I wasn’t sure why it worked or why it didn’t work. I was having trouble telling up from down and left from right after a good 2 hours spent writing the code. So, I switched things up. I got rid of all the complicated stuff and wrote the code for the program as I had initially thought of it, the same way I could’ve completed it with my level of knowledge freshman year. In 15 minutes, I had completely re-written the code, but it was working and completely understandable. Unfortunately (and sometimes, fortunately), artistry is not what sells in the software development industry.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sprint 2 Retrospective

(Read over/review UpdateGuestInfo for frontend): In the comments, there is detail on how to frontend will function for a guest info update. In case of a new guest or old guest, the ID will be entered first and then the guest will be accessed if they exist.

(Implement components/schemas to be used in backend endpoints): Updates were made to the OpenAPI.yaml file. These included new responses, corrections to schemas, and corrections to endpoints.

(Implement API for backend endpoints in Node): The title is self-explanatory here; I implemented the GET route while David implemented the PUT route, as well as updating all the example files to fit GuestInfoSystem rather than items for InventorySystem. My chages occurred in endpoints.js and guest.js

As far as our timing within the sprint, we did much better this time than last time. We made use of due dates and stuck to them, even if refactoring was necessary afterwards. Our goal was getting working backend code up and shared with the group. From here, everyone was able to be on the same page in a timely manner. We also made better use of communication within GitLab, mainly in the cards and via merge requests. This way, even if Alex, Tim, or Cam was not working on the backend, they would still be able to see the code and understand how it functioned.

            We still have some significant improvements to be made as a team, though. Even though everything was made more public through cards and merges during this sprint, getting everyone on the same page insofar as how the project as a whole was functioning seemed to be lacking at times. This definitely slows down progress as there was separation between the backend development (what I was mainly contributing to with a great, great deal of contributions from David) and EventSystem and KeyCloak development. I’m still not sure if everyone is grasping how deployment of the system is working with Docker. We still need to be communicating and collaborating more than we are currently, as well as asking more questions if everyone is not in synch. This leads to some ambiguity on division of labor as well. We tend to be working linearly (with some people waiting to work on their part) instead of in parallel. This is where communication needs to be better, as well as planning.

            As a team, we should be communicating better during our time in class. I think I had the assumption that everyone was on the same page when no questions were being asked, which I don’t think was necessarily the case. This would help the pace at which we worked for sure. There is little progress to be made without a thorough understanding of the system. Coming up on our last sprint, there is no time to waste. I would hope no one feels uncomfortable asking questions though; as Apprenticeship Patterns states, expose your ignorance. And perhaps it’s just a lack of articulation in our cards. We have been better in using our cards, but I’m sure they could still benefit from more detail.

            I think I should be better in organizing with members from other teams, especially for the frontend. I wasn’t sure how the backend would be working, so I put off frontend development in favor of the backend. I definitely feel comfortable with that now, but I also feel kind of behind on the frontend. I expect this upcoming sprint to be exactly that: a somewhat hectic sprint. We have our work cut out for us, so focus is the name of the game. Organizing with members of other teams should be greatly beneficial, especially with my beginners Vue.js status. 3 minds are greater than one!

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Study the Classics

            In the “Study the Classics” learning pattern of the Apprenticeship Patterns book, the focus is on catching up with the well-known literature or practices in the field when your knowledge of theory is more limited. Luckily, I feel as though Worcester State has prepared me well with a mix of theory and practical, technical skill, but this pattern stood out to me, nonetheless. Sometimes, when talking with peers or reading online from people more experienced than I am, I find I can get bogged down in references to things I have no knowledge of. This usually detracts from what I was initially trying to find out about. There’s more than enough “good” material out there for many, many lifetimes worth of learning. What concerns me is finding the right material and learning about it in the best path. Even if I can find all the proper materials for my learning goals, working through it can be difficult or impossible if I don’t go about it in the correct way.

            As the pattern mentions, exposing your ignorance is as essential part of opening yourself up to learning. This is something I don’t think I really have a problem with, as I usually try to put my ego to the side when taking on new tasks. What I really need to start doing is also mentioned in the pattern: keep a reading list and read constantly. I’m not great on this front. Perhaps these are particularly difficult tasks for college students because most of our work comes outside of our courses anyways, but I could definitely stand to try more, especially once I’m out of college.

            I also find difficulty in using the classics to inspire more current learning. I do feel confident applying my knowledge to new topics (I feel confident that my knowledge is translatable) but discerning the relevant material from the outdated in the first place can be difficult. This is a very handy skill and I think it probably comes with an expanded knowledge base anyways. As long as I get on the road of continued learning and studying the classics, I think this skill should develop.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Stubs vs. Mocks

            Having started to learn about stubs with relation to testing in class, I went to do some further research on the functionality and usefulness of this testing strategy. I found a great deal of articles comparing stubs with mocks and evaluating their differences. I haven’t heard of mock testing before, so this was interesting to look into. Turns out, it’s pretty similar to some work we did in class. I found this great article detailing the differences which also gives a simple, understandable example.

            The main difference in stubs vs mocks is that stubs are looking to see a certain behavior, while mocks are also setting an expectation and then verifying that expectation. This is demonstrated with the use of a couple examples. Stub methods are created in the example by not doing anything but printing out “_____ is working fine.” This is to check that the correct method is being called and in the proper context. On the other hand, a mock uses a third party library (Mockito) which creates a mock Mathematics object in a test setup. Then, still in setup, the expectation is set: when(maths.sub(2,1).thenReturn(1); This is just saying 2 – 1 = 1. And finally, this expectation is verified in the test with Assert.assertEquals(1, s.subNumbers(2,1)); If this explanation seems choppy, sorry, I tried to condense 44 lines of code down to just this. Anyways, the idea is that a mock object is made, expectations are set, and then they’re verified. So both stubs and mocks are useful kind of white-box-ish testing styles, but mocks seem to have a higher level of testability. This doesn’t mean they’re necessarily better or more useful, but they have their purpose too.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Sweep the Floor

            In the “Sweep the Floor” learning pattern of the Apprenticeship Patterns book focuses on the transition when joining a team. Being the newbie is not an easy task, especially when unsure of your skills, so finding your place and claiming suitable work can be a struggle at times. Since I will hopefully be joining a software development team in the coming years, or even next year as an intern, getting accustomed to working on a team and proving my value while not finding myself in too deep on work that I am not ready for will be a somewhat tricky line to toe. This pattern focuses just on that.

            The idea of sweeping the floor, while not meant to be taken literally, can be a literal task. It means to take the tasks that need to be done but no one wants to do. This can either be menial tasks or simply tasks that are painfully boring or something. Although not attractive, this can be a way to start making progress on a team and pay your dues. It can help gain the trust of the team if the tasks are done well, oftentimes because they can be important sub-tasks which free up the way for higher-level developers to make more meaningful progress, so they’re still quite important.

            Having the humility to take on tasks like this is not something I’m worried about; I do not come into the field with a large ego. I knew nothing about computer science before I started my major. I’m not afraid of having to build from the ground up. I’m actually quite eager to. Others’ evaluation of my work will be the most valuable to me, a concept which is alluded to in many other learning patterns within the book. I think this is a great idea and helps carve out a position on a team which can only stand to grow.

            It’s also important to consider the downsides that the pattern mentions as well. Becoming the one that other developers dump the meaningless/annoying tasks on is clearly not the goal, so making sure to not get complacent and expressing an eagerness without overstepping bounds is essential. Nevertheless, I love this idea and plan on going through with it once I join a software development team.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Scrum Quality Assurance

            Given that we are working in a Scrum team in our Software Development capstone and that we got ample practice with the Scrum in our Software Project Management course, I thought it would be interesting to see the crossover between quality assurance and the Scrum workflow. Scrum is also widely used, so this should be important to know for the future as well. I found this article: which talks about the role of quality assurance on a Scrum team.

            It’s important to remember that the members of a development team do not have pre-defined roles. It’s assumed each member of the team can collaborate with any part of a project, even if certain members have more specialization in certain areas, like product testing in this case. With that in mind, it makes the Definition of Done all the more important. Requirements for testing should be documented and understood by the development team and the product owner. This prevents conflicts during the sprint review if the development team thinks something like compatibility testing needs more work and the product owner is ready to deploy. If there is a more comprehensive Definition of Done, these conflicts are avoided since they would have been discussed ahead of time.

            Quality assurance on a Scrum team is a large part of the process and requirements are developed during sprint planning. It’s important that there is close collaboration during the sprint between the development team and the product owner though, even though the development team is delegated most of the decision-making responsibility for how work will be completed. This keeps the whole team in tune and avoids conflict. It also provides for a closer, more efficient work environment as understanding is enhanced throughout the team and the owner.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Software Testing Life Cycle

            I was interested in learning more about how software testing works in the professional world on a software development team. Since we are learning about the crafting of software tests in our class, I thought it would be interesting to learn how the pieces are put together, like how developing requirements goes into crafting tests and then executing them. It’s an essential part of a software development team, of course, and I’m sure I’ll be doing plenty of it in my future. I found this resource: from Tutorials Point that gave an overview of the “Software Testing Life Cycle” (STLC) which help put the pieces together for me.

            First, what is the STLC? It deals strictly with testing and “starts as soon as requirements are defined… by stakeholders.” Sidenote, this reminds me of test-driven development, which, by my understanding, is a common practice in software development these days. The STLC consists of 7 parts. The first is requirement analysis, at which point the team analyzes the application under test (AUT) at a high level. Then comes test planning where a strategy for testing is devised. Then is test case designing which is applying the requirements and making tests according to the planning. Then is the test environment setup for integrated testing. This is the last step before actual testing. Next is test execution which yields defect reporting. This either validates tests or finds bugs. Last is test closure, where testing is finished and matrix, reports, and results are completed.

            This was great to see the pieces come together. This very basic overview helps me see what working on software testing in the professional world would be like. Seeing a timeline also provides context for some of the things we’ve been learning in class.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Marcos Felipe's CS Blog by mfelipe98 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.