To start, this was my first real team project where I felt like all of the team members were highly capable of putting something of value together. It’s been a great experience to learn and collaborate with such a good group.
We started this project basically from scratch, learning just how difficult that actually is. Over time we worked out our goals and expectations along the way. Through some facet of peer pressure and blind faith I got elected to lead the team, though each member has done something to guide all of us in one way or another.
This leads to the topic of what worked well with our team. First, we all tried to get to know each other a little better. Aside from having the same major and concentration, a friendly connection has absolutely benefited us when it comes to communicating and holding each other accountable. It also fostered an environment of being able to ask questions and for help when it was needed. It quickly became a good time coming to class and being on time just to see each other and show our work in person. Due to instinct or pure luck, the best move we made was breaking our group up into pairs, otherwise known as pair programming. This allowed us to have 2 people focusing on each aspect of our project making progress in all areas simultaneously.
For myself, one part I would like us to improve is being more on top of explaining the finer details of what each pair is working on. Being the leader I am seeing the big picture of the project but I do feel at times the others get a little lost in their own portions. During the sprint reviews I think we did a good job showing each other what that meant, but we could certainly get better when it comes to the day to day aspect.
All of this culminates into one of the things that really stuck out to me in the second chapter of the book Apprenticeship Patterns referenced in a previous blog. This chapter was about “emptying the cup”. This phrase is an amazing metaphor for not allowing yourself to think you know too much to be able to learn from others. Too often have I myself fallen victim to my own thinking of already understanding all there is to know about a given subject. Sometimes it’s really beneficial to go into something with a fresh and open mind.
For example, while developing the inventory back-end there were at least 5 times where I had to start completely over. While this sounds like it would be extremely frustrating I was noticing that every time this happened, I was learning something new along the way. After having worked with the guest info back-end I thought I was going to breeze through replicating it. It wasn’t until doing it over and over that I realized just how much I was missing under the surface.
Nearing the deadline I was actually becoming a little worried that it wasn’t going to work out in time. We would have to move it into the next sprint. However due to having so much practice and my partners assistance making a mock version of what i was creating. We were able to very quickly and easily put together a working prototype of the true vision we had. This prototype is also proving to be fundamental to how we continue into the next sprint.
In the end my team came together and had 3 portions of this project ready to demo for the customer and our professor. It all worked exactly how we planned and it was so refreshing to witness. We all did a great job and should feel proud for how far we managed to come in just one month working on this and knowing each other.
Here are all 3 portions
- This is a 2 for one.
- The mock database itself was created by me and my pair partner Prince.
- The script to fetch data from an API we are utilizing was done by our teammate Anairdo
- This directory is the front end our other teammates have been working on to pair up with our backend. Credit to Adam and Donna
From the blog CS@Worcester – Mike St G – 448 by Michael St. Germain and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.