There are a lot of things that I was hoping to accomplish during this class some were just pipe dreams, some were attempted, and some actually got done. We will get to that at the end, but first the last sprint review. During this sprint, we were hoping to finish and commit our bug fix. Unforchanatly this was not the case. Due to work and other classes projects and assignment we were unable to accomplish this feat. So instead of talking about what could have been, I will detail our thoughts on this issue and some potential ways of accomplishing this.
We ran into a bit of a wall again during this sprint. At my internship, I learned that they use a module for messaging the user that every part of the web app can use. This is what I was looking for in our capstone project but I was thoroughly stumped. I couldn’t figure out how the web app was sending info to the users some were using inline text in the HTML files, but others were calling it from the database I believe. So using what I learned from earlier to ask for help I asked for help. Well, this proved to be a huge waste of time because I received no answer. So I delved into the problem myself. We were looking for a universal module that handled messaging that we could call to display the message. What I came up with was trying to use the display error message module but this only lead to a large red box within the edit contacts page. Then I started to try and implement an observer pattern where the edit contacts page would be the subject and the contacts page would be an observer. So when something changed within the edit contacts module the contacts page would open small HTML box that would supersede the other divs and have a line of text “contacts have been saved”. Unforchantly I could not finish this within the sprint.
Leaving this class I have gained some helpful knowledge. First and most importantly I have gained some knowledge with web development and I would like to look more into this as a possible direction for my future career. Secondly, I had a lot of fun using angular 2 and learning javascript. Lastly but equally important I have learned of some great tools that can aid in development like slack, trello, web pack, and web storm.

From the blog CS@Worcester – Conundrums In Computing by patrickgrahamblog and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.