During this sprint, I worked on three issues that were assigned to me. As a group, we all did well in our first and second sprints and felt we had much to improve on during both of those sprints as well as this one. There was mainly one area where we could improve as a team. The first issue that I worked on this issue was issue #99 “Investigate InventoryFrontend to ensure hot-reloading the backend doesn’t affect functionality”(3).
When looking into this repository’s script files I was initially very concerned with the possibility of nodemon being able to be implemented without causing functionality issues. Within the script files there was code that would need to be refactored, and code that connected the backend to the frontend was also outdated and would need to be refactored, they were both using an outdated way of classifying inventory weight. They were using individual item objects instead of a weight integer. I met with Dr. Wurst to discuss what would need to be done in order to progress, thankfully I was mistaken in thinking that both repositories would need to be refactored before nodemon could be implemented, I was told to look into the inventoryFrontEnd to see how I should implement nodemon. The next issue I started working on was “Research nodemon as a way to run backend in ‘development mode’ “(1).
I spent a very long time on this issue looking through nodemon documentation, articles discussing implementing nodemon on pre-existing repositories, blog posts discussing the best ways to implement nodemon into pre-existing projects and only after all of that, I decided to look at the inventoryFrontEnd which had already implemented it. After looking at where it was implemented I was very confused as the solution seemed to be deceptively simple. The implementation of nodemon falls under issue #98 “Edit script files to accommodate hot-reloading for InventoryBackend”(2).
Only one line of code was needed to properly implement it. I was both relieved and very upset by this. I had spent hours researching and reading what needed to be done being very confused by conflicting information from different articles and blog posts only for one line of code to be written. While I did not need to do as much research as I had done, I did learn a lot about nodemon and how it works. The last thing that I will discuss in this blog post is how our group worked together and what we could improve upon for future sprints.
Our group learned a lot from the previous two sprints and this sprint we were able to improve upon our performance significantly. However, we definitely could improve with checking the calendar for when the meetings with Dr. Wurst are. When the sprint review came up I had completely forgotten that it was that day, thankfully we were able to reschedule for the next class to have the review. We got very lucky this sprint, but in future sprints we would have to be far more careful with deadlines and important dates.
(1) Issue 97 : https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/inventorybackend/-/issues/97
(2) Issue 98 : https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/inventorybackend/-/issues/98
(3) Issue 99 : https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/inventorysystem/inventorybackend/-/issues/99
From the blog CS@Worcester – P. McManus Worcester State CS Blog by patrickmcmanus1 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.