Author Archives: Petraq Mele

Introduction to Software Quality and Assurance

Author: Petraq Mele

Hello ladies, gentlemen, or whoever has stumbled across my blog and portfolio. This is my first experience creating this sort of thing and so I am hoping to learn how to be proficient in it. My blogs this semester will be mainly about a current class I am taking on Software Quality and Assurance where I hope to learn how to professionally make sure that any software that I am programming, whether myself or with a team, is able to be produced with quality.

A little about myself:
I am currently a Junior at Worcester State University studying a bachelors in Computer Science with a minor in Astronomy. I came to the US when I was around 2 years old from a city in Albania known as Korçë.

From the blog Petraq Mele by Petraq Mele and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.