This phase in our project is to put together all the pieces we have been implementing for weeks. It is the best part of our project because we have been working on something for months and finally we can see what it looks like after all. However, this realization would not come without many different adjustments to the program. Several pieces have played a role in the process, and all the teams have contributed to the final point. For my part, I have worked on more environment setups. For example, Learn how to use commitlint/conventional commits for the Application source codeEditcommitlintng: Issue worcester/cs/naturalization-interview-confidence-environment/General#13. is one of the resources that I have used to set up the files in a way in case it gets to push the files to the main branch and has a bad commit message it will fail the pipeline but if it gets to push to any branch other than main it won’t fail the pipeline but it will give you a warning. Since we were working on a collaboration that was essential to maintain a good environment for all. The syntax for the file code is echo “module.exports = {extends: [‘@commitlint/config-conventional’]}” > commitlint.config.js this will set the configuration. On top of commit messages, the Conventional Commits specification is a lightweight convention. It provides a simple set of rules for generating an explicit commit history, making it easier to build automated tools on top of it. Second, Learn how to add and remove VS Code Dependencies to a Docker imageEdit, Issue: worcester/cs/naturalization-interview-confidence-environment/demo-react#22. We wanted to know how to add or remove NPM dependencies in a Docker container used by React Native projects in this issue. Using VS Code to add dependencies:
Look in package.json for the extension ID and paste it alongside the required version. I have pulled the join working file from gitlab to run to test on the docker environment. After many tries, eventually, all dependencies were installed and the program worked properly.
In issue worcester/cs/naturalization-interview-confidence-environment/demo-react#45: Prompter Question pageEdit, in this issue I followed my opposition team member, which was assigned for that task. The goal for this issue was to create a page that will contain a list of questions that the prompter can choose from and read to the test taker. It should show all of the options in a card format. The full text of a card should be displayed on a new page once it has been selected. Find out what base image criteria isEdit issue: worcester/cs/naturalization-interview-confidence-environment/demo-react#52. As you can imagine, many people find it difficult to choose the right container base image. A base image is available for every major Linux distribution. For programming languages such as Python, Ruby, and Node.js, open-source projects provide their own base images. For services like MariaDB, Redis, Elastic, and MySQL, many open-source projects and vendors provide their own images. While programming languages and services aren’t technically base images, most people consider them to be so and factor them into their decision-making process when selecting standardized base images. This is why the container base image matters when we want to set the environment.
Overall, we had a better sprint due to modification from the previous ones. We have learned how to write issues properly. We had a more detailed plan for every issue. Communication, in general, became absolutely a cornerstone for our success. We have improved on planning. We have selected the topics based on the needs of the previous discussion. As we struggled in the past to break issues into small pieces, we were able to correct that and made a better reading board for everyone. I personally went over the issues on the board where if something is not cleared or detailed then I would ask questions related to that issue.
For the future we wish that we had time to make all the functionalities of the program work. Such as to be able to navigate in the app page by page. To be able to filter question by question from the main page without any difficulty. Finally, set all the functionalities on the app for user friendly. This project has been nothing but learning curve for all of us. Giving the fact that we did not have a blue print from previous example, we now leave a working project for the upcoming team that will be working to improve this application.
From the blog CS@Worcester – Site Title by proctech21 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.