Author Archives: rwilliams5262 rwilliams5

This is it…

This semester went by so fast! It is crazy to see how our progress has made over the entire length of the semester from Day 1 to now. I know for my group the puzzle, we have made a lot of progress and learned a lot. Getting a better understanding in HTML5, JavaScript, & CSS has been very helpful. Especially how my job has me doing some work at times with theses languages which make it easier now to understanding the code. The last bit of work left to do is the powerpoint presentation for next’s week final block.

This class has been a fun and a learning experience with new tools that will help us all in our future careers in Computer Science. Working with the Worcester Art Museum was just like working for a company or in my case it felt like I was reporting to my boss. I think the class definitely gave everyone a feel of what the future will be like in our paths and how it will be to meet deadlines for future managers (Tim in our case) to see for approval. Communication is key and this class really got us into that aspect of working as part of a team to complete tasks compared to any other college class.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

This is it…

This semester went by so fast! It is crazy to see how our progress has made over the entire length of the semester from Day 1 to now. I know for my group the puzzle, we have made a lot of progress and learned a lot. Getting a better understanding in HTML5, JavaScript, & CSS has been very helpful. Especially how my job has me doing some work at times with theses languages which make it easier now to understanding the code. The last bit of work left to do is the powerpoint presentation for next’s week final block.

This class has been a fun and a learning experience with new tools that will help us all in our future careers in Computer Science. Working with the Worcester Art Museum was just like working for a company or in my case it felt like I was reporting to my boss. I think the class definitely gave everyone a feel of what the future will be like in our paths and how it will be to meet deadlines for future managers (Tim in our case) to see for approval. Communication is key and this class really got us into that aspect of working as part of a team to complete tasks compared to any other college class.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

1 more class to go

So today was our 2nd to last class meeting and it was the day that we had a working framework of everything everyone has worked on this semester. I thought things are starting to come to a good point all working together. For the puzzle application, I had to adjust the css settings for the buttons due to testing on an iPad web browser to Kiosk Pro was different. I made that change and everything seemed to go good. Tim will be sending a couple new images to change out and other than that I think the puzzle is good to go! Its awesome to see all of our hard work this semester coming to a closing point. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

1 more class to go

So today was our 2nd to last class meeting and it was the day that we had a working framework of everything everyone has worked on this semester. I thought things are starting to come to a good point all working together. For the puzzle application, I had to adjust the css settings for the buttons due to testing on an iPad web browser to Kiosk Pro was different. I made that change and everything seemed to go good. Tim will be sending a couple new images to change out and other than that I think the puzzle is good to go! Its awesome to see all of our hard work this semester coming to a closing point. 

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quick Post

I figured I would do a quick status update since I have done 2 other post this week detailing on the puzzle application status. Overall I think the puzzle application is working great and looks good! This morning I have pushed the latest version to the development branch and I am excited to see how it looks in KiosPro compared to just the web browser on the iPad.

Hopefully Tim and his boss tomorrow like the progress that our class has made this semester.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Quick Post

I figured I would do a quick status update since I have done 2 other post this week detailing on the puzzle application status. Overall I think the puzzle application is working great and looks good! This morning I have pushed the latest version to the development branch and I am excited to see how it looks in KiosPro compared to just the web browser on the iPad.

Hopefully Tim and his boss tomorrow like the progress that our class has made this semester.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle will support vertical or horizontal position on iPad!

After Mondays class and from my previous blog I put some time into the app on getting the images from Tim into it and the whole UI all set. The only issue of mine when i finished coding it on Monday night was if the iPad was turned to vertical position the buttons for the sculptures to do the puzzle for would move off the page because they were positioned for the horizontal location. I found a way to fix this with CSS. All you need to do is define @media only screen and (orientation: (either portrait or landscape)) { //Then all of your CSS code }.

So all I had to do was put this into the CSS file for both orientations and set the correct settings and when to display certain images and now the puzzle application can work both ways. Here are 2 screen shots:




Overall I think the puzzle application is pretty much finished. Hopefully on Monday Tim and his boss like all the changes that have went in. It is exciting to see the final application coming to an end from all of our hard work this semester!

Btw… if testing this on safari web browser the buttons for the sculptures will be not aligned correctly because it is coded to fit the iPad resolution for vertical and horizontal use.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle will support vertical or horizontal position on iPad!

After Mondays class and from my previous blog I put some time into the app on getting the images from Tim into it and the whole UI all set. The only issue of mine when i finished coding it on Monday night was if the iPad was turned to vertical position the buttons for the sculptures to do the puzzle for would move off the page because they were positioned for the horizontal location. I found a way to fix this with CSS. All you need to do is define @media only screen and (orientation: (either portrait or landscape)) { //Then all of your CSS code }.

So all I had to do was put this into the CSS file for both orientations and set the correct settings and when to display certain images and now the puzzle application can work both ways. Here are 2 screen shots:




Overall I think the puzzle application is pretty much finished. Hopefully on Monday Tim and his boss like all the changes that have went in. It is exciting to see the final application coming to an end from all of our hard work this semester!

Btw… if testing this on safari web browser the buttons for the sculptures will be not aligned correctly because it is coded to fit the iPad resolution for vertical and horizontal use.

From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle has new layout

Work on the puzzle has been kind of slow over the past week with not having class and we still where waiting from images from Tim. We meet as a group in class together also with having a reporter come in and ask all of the groups questions and someone to take pictures of our work. My group spoke with team and he told us he would send the files we needed to get this puzzle into a final state. Luckily Tim got back to us quick before tonight and we had our hands with the images and files we needed. I implemented Tim’s background image and buttons for the back and forth throughout the application. The application also has the ability to do 3 images. We still have been looking for a way to have it do multiple images with this open source code. But the easiest and quickest fix was just to create 3 html files that are very small not even 50 lines of code and those are the images it calls. I think that the look of the puzzle application looks awesome! Here are some screen shots on an iPad 2.

(Main Screen)



(Puzzle Screen)



Overall the main page that Tim designed allows the user to see the 3 sculpture images that you can put back together. Then the user and just click onto one of the images and it will allow them to put that sculpture back together. Then they can either restart the puzzle they are on or they can go back and select another. I think it finally is coming to a good state and looks good!

If you test this in my home directory on the server, right now the images are set to absolute settings on an iPad for how it will be displayed in the gallery. So if this is viewed on Safari browser the images will be out of place compared to the screen shot above.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.

Puzzle has new layout

Work on the puzzle has been kind of slow over the past week with not having class and we still where waiting from images from Tim. We meet as a group in class together also with having a reporter come in and ask all of the groups questions and someone to take pictures of our work. My group spoke with team and he told us he would send the files we needed to get this puzzle into a final state. Luckily Tim got back to us quick before tonight and we had our hands with the images and files we needed. I implemented Tim’s background image and buttons for the back and forth throughout the application. The application also has the ability to do 3 images. We still have been looking for a way to have it do multiple images with this open source code. But the easiest and quickest fix was just to create 3 html files that are very small not even 50 lines of code and those are the images it calls. I think that the look of the puzzle application looks awesome! Here are some screen shots on an iPad 2.

(Main Screen)



(Puzzle Screen)



Overall the main page that Tim designed allows the user to see the 3 sculpture images that you can put back together. Then the user and just click onto one of the images and it will allow them to put that sculpture back together. Then they can either restart the puzzle they are on or they can go back and select another. I think it finally is coming to a good state and looks good!

If you test this in my home directory on the server, right now the images are set to absolute settings on an iPad for how it will be displayed in the gallery. So if this is viewed on Safari browser the images will be out of place compared to the screen shot above.


From the blog rwilliams5262 » cs-wsu by rwilliams5262 rwilliams5 and used with permission of the author. All other rights reserved by the author.